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How quickly BM forgets

hbell0428's picture

I find it funny that when SD15 lived with BM - we paid support monthly, had her 40% of the time, paid for her sports, and whatever else came along. Now that we have SD full time......BM gives us a whopping 30 whole bucks a month!!

Do any of you deal with this!!

buterfly_2011's picture

That sounds like a situation that we thought we were going to be in IF SD16 came to live with us. We figured out that if she came with us that would take $300 away from the $1000 he pays BM, AND she would have to pay us $300. She refuses to work. She has had a boyfriend for four years they LIVE together. She lies to the state about things. So she lives off of BD and collects from the state. AND of course lives in a 5 bedroom home with her BF. My whole point is if we were to get SD16. She would loose $600 and oh my gosh hold on to your pants she MIGHT have to get a damn job! It amazes me. BD are ATM'S and somebody to blame for every single thing.

bearcub25's picture

Ours is supposed to pay $50. Well in 17 months, she has paid 5 months worth. But when she gets that big fat disability check, she'll make it up.

didn't realize disability covers stupidity.

3Libras06's picture

Shoot... My SO is offering to take his son from BM and pay for EVERYTHING, not expect a dime from her in child support.. She only has to pay for transportation to see him (we live in different states).. And she won't do it. She'd rather medicate the kid and get child support. Oh, did I mention that he's basically doubling his pay as of this month and she'll be expecting MORE child support? Child support that'll go towards her new baby with her new husband, I'm sure. UGh. :O

hbell0428's picture

It's weird DH wont take her to court for some reason......they never went through court.....he always paid - in the end I think he forked over more then would have been required. I think DH is scared that once the PFA expires against BM'S husband; SD will want to move back w/ her then BM will take us for every penny we have......she's such a freak!! BM works P.T. and has 3 other children.

Thanks for the responses