How did they ever end up married?
I am only posting this as an observation.
Last night my DH's ex phoned because she needed to drop by and have DH sign some insurance forms for SD's braces. I prepared myself for the usual - but was optimistic that the meeting could happen with no fireworks. Oy.
BM comes in the door. DH starts asking her questions about the paperwork. BM is immediately defensive and instead of answering questions, she gets flustered and starts making alot of unrelated statements.
My DH gets confused on the paperwork and asks more questions. Again, she doesn't answer and instead goes on and on about how confusing it all is. DH doesn't listen to what she's saying and starts making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.
Basically, she thought he was accusing her of being sneaky with the insurance and/or money. He was confused and thought that she didn't understand that he was concerned the insurance company had made mistakes.
From my seat on the couch I had to interject twice into their conversation to tell each one of them what the other person was trying to say. Total failure to communicate!
After BM left I asked my husband how they ever managed to get married, let alone have children together! I can't imagine it. They can't even have one simple conversation without jumping to conclusions and making asssumptions. Silly!
I told him "you didn't listen to a word she said". He says "well she didn't answer my questions". I told him that he could have avoided it all if he had just repeated himself and tried to understand her point of view.
It was madness. My DH can communicate with me very well. Sometimes I can communicate with his EX (sometimes). They don't even try with each other - they just assume the other person is a total jerk. I feel bad for their kids when they have to watch their parents try to discuss anything.
And this wasn't even one of the "hard" issues that they have to discuss sometimes. (sigh) It's been 10 years since they split. I still cannot imagine how they managed to get along long enough to marry!
I ask myself that, too!
My DH and his ex absolutely cannot communicate with each other. I've been able to talk to her about some routine stuff - insurance claims, paperwork, boring stuff - and my hubby can talk to her DH about plans for picking up and dropping off, but they just cannot talk to each other. She hates him with a deep purple passion. He just hates being reminded that she even exists. There's just no hope for any kind of rational communication between them. I always wondered how they managed to get married, go through break-ups and reconcile, to the point of actually staying married for like nine years. So one day, I asked him. He said this and I quote, "Well, I was really young and I drank a lot." 'Nuff said!
Incidentally, he doesn't drink at all since he divorced her.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
They are like oil and water... what were they thinking when they married???
I have to say that in the beginning, my DH and BM was sorta like that too... However, as the years went by, and BM started to calm down, and FINALLY got a life of her own, they now can 'communicate'... short and sweet, to the point. But now I'm finding that DH isn't listening to me... Hmmm? :?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...