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someday stepmom's picture

We will be going back to court shortly and one of the things we are addressing is the holidays and how the time is split up between parents. How do you all do the holidays with custody to make things equal for each parent?

Thank you in advance Smile

Cover1W's picture

DP and BM worked out which holidays they wanted.

DP gets spring break week and BM gets winter break week.
DP gets Xmas week, BM gets Thanksgiving & New Year.
Easter is split; DP in morning & BM in afternoon.
DP usually gets 4th of July b/c the SDs love our neighborhood for it.

Summers are split 50/50 with varying schedules and DP/BM work it out each May.

There's little conflict over holidays since the Thanksgiving/Xmas split took place 2 yrs ago.

DrowningAnchor11's picture

We follow the holiday split in our county's standard parenting agreement. I would look at your county's and use that as a baseline. You can change that to fit what's more important or works better for you. Ours county divides everything except for birthdays and halloween. If you celebrate something other than Christmas, you'll probably want to account for that holiday too. This is how ours is divided:

Easter, July 4, Labor day Christmas break (24th @ 9p - New Years Day)

President's Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (21-24), Spring Break

They alternate every year. The long weekends are for the whole weekend through Monday (no matter who's weekend it normally is), everything else except Christmas is just the day of. Mothers/Fathers day is spent with that parent. Our CO also sets aside extended time that's meant for summer vacations (it can be used whenever though). CP gets 2 weeks, NCP gets 4 with no more than 2 consecutive.

someday stepmom's picture

Thank you all that helps. Right now for every major holiday they go to their moms the night before until 2:30p. Then we get until 7:30pm then if it's her day we return them back. It's just crazy with xmas and xmas eve and not fair for the kids to be shuffled so much.

We will have to look at our county plan and see what they have. Thank you all very much.