Hello! New to site and need advice :-)
Hello everyone!
I am 35 and a mother to 3 children. I am a step mom to my partner's child and we are expecting our own child in October.
I am having a really hard time doing this step mom thing, more than anything I find his daughter very annoying,disrespectful and very manipulative.
BM has never been consistent, she has gone a whole year without even a phone call. Recently after not being in SD's life for months she showed up at her school, picked her up and filed court papers. Of course she didn't win but now finally has to pay child support. (she really screwed herself on that one lol) BM is not very smart. Has history of drug abuse and suicide attempts.
Anyhoo, SD thinks her mother is a saint( when she does show up) and this weekend she is spending the night.
What happens is SD comes back acting even more bratty and disgusting than normal and says we are mean for making her mom now pay child support. BTW, SD is 8. Mom has never payed child support, still waiting on her first court ordered payment.
Sorry this is long, More than anything my question is....Am I horrible for feeling this way about my SD? I even get the heebie jeebies when I tuck her into bed at night. I feel awful that I feel so adverse towards her. :?
Ive been around for 2 years.
Ive been around for 2 years. I don't treat her bad at all as I am her primary care giver but because I find myself so disgusted and irritated with her I keep backing off on having a relationship with her. I let her dad and BM do all that. Her BM is also a big issue and SD8 is just a spitting image of her. Perhaps that is why I feel such adversity, I don't know