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go screwed to reduce my cs -so depressed

pat's picture

My girlfriend just called me and told me I was denided to have my cs lowered. She makes twice as much as me , and I barely have money for food and gas. How can I build a future with my girlfriend if I can't even help her with any bills ?

pat's picture

How do they expect others to live? I am going to apply again with a stronger case maybe in 6 months or ealier. I will keep you posted...

Synaesthete's picture

What was the reason for denial? How many kids and how old? Does BM work at all?

CS overall needs some heavy duty revamping, IMO.

pat's picture

Bm makes 72k, Kids are 8 and 10 , denial said that I did not have enough evidence to warrant a reduction.

Rags's picture

Don't go through the CSE office. Go to court and present your case to a judge.

I am married to the CP in our blended family situation and I firmly believe that NCP BioDads tend to get hosed by the CS system. That said ...... my wife did not file for an ammendment of CS for 8yrs. My Skids BioDad got away with paying $130/mo that whole time. By the time my wife filed for an ammendment of CS BioDad had spawned 3 more out-of-wedlock kids with 2 more moms. He thought his CS would be reduced due to his increased brood when my wife filed for ammendment of CS.

CS went from $130 to $380 plus $50/mo for child care and they made it retroactive by more than a year because he had ran away from the process server. He ended up paying $580 for 5yrs to cover the new CS amount and back CS. In his case it could not have happened to a nicer guy. :sick:

He has filed for a reduction twice since then and both times his CS for my Skid went up. Which I have to say puts a big old shit eating grin on my face. Biggrin

The courts/CSE are not interested in fair CS or the ability of the NCP to survive on what is left after CS is garnished. They are only interested in perpetuating their jobs since most who work in the Family Law field (Judges, Lawyers, Clerks, CSE enforcement officers, etc ......) can't get employement anywhere else doing something usful.

I am convinced that those who have anything to do with family law at any level come from the bottom 10% of the legal profession.

I really have no use for the bottom 10%ers.

Best regards.