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FSD (11) has issues with us closing our bedroom door at night!

MichelleA's picture

She hates it! She goes into a little 'sulk' about it every single time! I have no idea to tackle this! Do I get 'firm' with her and tell her to get over it? Or do I ignore it? I have ignored this for nearly 3 months now and it's really bugging me! We will NOT keep the door open at night just because she can't see into the room and 'control the situation!

Willow2010's picture

How do you know she goes into a sulk? what kind of sulk? Is this a new thing?

I would say she will just have to get used to it.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I agree with Willow. She will have to deal with it...that is how things are at Dad's house.

ashleysexymama1's picture

That is so true. My problem is that both of my sd need to always have the light on at night and on top of that they have to have the door opened. I just dont get it if they sleep with the light on it is so they wont be scared, but they also want the door opend?

Disneyfan's picture

You're moving into their home. You want to change that they have always done.

You can't make changes on your own. You're BF has to get his girls in line.

MichelleA's picture

Thanks Disneyfan - you are right. She won't say anything to her daddy about it now as he just says things like 'we have talked about this and I have told you it's for privacy. Something you will want in a few years time too'! - then walks off!

MichelleA's picture

Well when we are at his house (her own territory) she is fine. She knocks on the door if she wants to come in etc and it's never an issue. But when we go and stay at BF's parents house she goes after the sympathy vote and sits there with a right face on her just before bedtime then goes crying to nanny asking 'why does daddy and *** have to close the bedroom door' - it bloody annoys me! then nanny thinks that we are doing it just to be horrible!

Disneyfan's picture

If it only happens at grandma's house, and grandma agrees with SD(my house my rules type of thing), stop spending the night at grandma's.

When you visit, let the girls stay over with the grandparents and you and BF stay in a hotel.

MichelleA's picture

Nanny and Grandad have been together for 40 odd years..... their 'sex life' dissappeared about 20 years ago... they don't even kiss anymore.

Daddy has been on his own for 2 1/2 years and the girls have never really been around anyone that has had an 'intimate' relationship...... hugging, kisses...... looks of love etc. They haven't experienced adults being 'nice' to each other.

We obviously keep the 'bedroom' stuff away from them but as FSD (11) is growing up she realises that there is more to life than just kisses..... she is jealous basically of the relationship I have with her daddy. She wants to sleep cuddled up to daddy at night and wants me gone..... she is fine during the daytime with me it's always at bedtime there is an issue! Sad

MichelleA's picture

mommabird you have hit the nail on the head! That' exactly what's she like! Daddy is slightly 'disney' about it all too. I don't want to upset anyone but she is too old for all that rubbish. She tries to sit on his lap for cuddles too, and finds an excuse to go into the bathroom when he is in the shower..... how can we stop her... it's starting to creep me out now! I know she has been through a lot with losing her real mummy a few years ago but that does not excuse her behaviour now. it's not acceptable is it? or am I just being over sensitive? x

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I hear you describing how things were with SD 7 and her daddddddy when I came in their lives.Look, I know it is hard to give up the old habits because her father is in a relationship now .However let's face it, the adult status and inflated ego about decision making that SD had before you came along was not healthy or beneficial for her to start with.Things at my huse didn't change over night either, but I stood my ground really firmly and insisted SO to teach SD some limits and make her understand that she is not me and vice versa.It really sucked- eg when he gave me a hug she would run between us and tell him that she needs a much bigger hug since she is his "daughter!!!!!!" (alias mini-wife).It is not acceptable unless your SO wants to stay single and put his princess first in line for good, my suggestion is to sit down with him and talk about new rules in your house.Life is about change and it takes adjustments, his daughter can't be treated like his wife if he decides to be with you- that never works.He will be hesitant and guilty but if the rs means something to him he will listen.These men need to learn that with consistency and lots of love their children will accept things much easier without feeling less loved.Rules can help to create stability and security in a childs life instead of supplying them with an inflated ego from pretending they are somebody that they are not(wife).I love my kids from here to the moon but it wouldnt come in my mind to let them be the decision makers or treat them like my spouse.After all I am their parent and not their friend, though I love them so much!

luchay's picture

Love it!!!! Yes, it's what we were all thinking - WTF is wrong with Grandma that she even has to think about it!!! Grandma should be telling the kid Daddy and *** want their privacy and you need to deal with it!

MichelleA's picture

Nice idea - but I know her cleverclogs answer to that will be 'well you and daddy aren't going to the toilet in the bedroom so I don't see why you need privacy'..... she is always coming out with stupid remarks like that! Sad

MichelleA's picture

Thanks - I am trying so hard not to let it upset me, but it does. I know they (nanny, grandad and kids) feel it's me that is doing all this.... but it's not. BF and I have both agreed we need to shut the bedroom door. Not just for sex but for 'us' time. They have been told if they knock and we say 'come in' then they can come in, it's fine........ and usually in the mornings when they are in their own home they are fine with this arrangement. It's only really when we go to visit nanny and grandad that she plays the sympathy vote and goes crying to Nanny! Sad

MichelleA's picture

Nope it's not fear....... its a 'control' thing. She can't see what we are doing.... she can't get 'in the middle' of us and dominate her daddy.... that's her real issue Sad

oncechoosetosmile's picture

there is a difference between real fear and controlling....the firmer SO explains to her that she can't come between the two of you, the better she will accept.

janeyc's picture

I had to put up with this and her door is kept open, I have to hear her snoring, coughing and singing at 4 or 5 in the morning, he still treats her like shes a baby, shes 6, my parents kept their door closed and ours, still what princess wants princess gets, dos'nt matter what I want.

MichelleA's picture

I feel your pain! It's upsetting and annoying at the same time! I don't want to sound like I am nagging him or criticising his parenting skills but it really is becoming silly now.......'s picture

Actually, my BD8 does this and sit's outside our door at times. She's extremely jealous of my FDH (she's in therapy), she saw us having sex one time (could be more) through the key hole in the door!!!! We have a huge bed, not sure how much she saw but she started freaking out and banging on the door. We spoke with her and were honest and told her thats what adults do when they love eachother and we need privacy.
She continues to freak out and wait by our door sometimes, I think she likes to listen to see if she can hear anything.

I HATE it, she's ruining our sex life bc no matter what time it is we are afraid she's creeping outside our door. She starts freaking out, crying and banging on the door if she thinks we are doing anything. If I go upstairs and he's upstairs she races up there to plant herself in our room and if either one of us has to change and we kick her out she throws a fit. She see's my car pull up and will go right by him so I can't be with him alone. It's SO ANNOYING and it's MY CHILD!!!!! and FYI I spend plenty of time with her she's well taken care of, she's just super jealous and doesn't want to "share" me.

Like I said she's in therapy and we have a long way to go but I just thought I would share that her therapist told me:

to always leave the door unlocked unless we are having "private time" and if the door is locked when she tries to open it she needs to go play..........HA!!!!!! WHAT A JOKE.
She does not follow that at all. We tried keeping the door unlocked bc it was giving her anxiety and she stayed up all night coming into our room multiple times. That was the end of that. We are still having this issue.
My daughter has some anxiety and one suggestion I heard that I may try to keep her away from my room is setting up a baby monitor in her room, not kidding. That way if it is an emergency and she's having a nightmare or something I can hear it but she wont be aware of it and take advantage by talking on it.......idk, I'm trying to figure this out too!!!! It's so frustrating!!!'s picture

YES!!! This is what my BD does, if I get up she will hurry up and run to the spot so I can't sit by FDH. If we r laying in bed talking or sitting up fully clothed she starts throwing a fit bc she thinks we are doing something, it's crazy, I have no patience or tolerance for it anymore! She gets sent right to her room and that obviously doesn't solve the problem but I can;t stand being around her when she does this. It gets so old.

MichelleA's picture

Yep, my FSD (11) does that too! If BF and I are sat together she will wait until I go to the toilet or something and the second I have moved she sits next to him! She has also tried cutting in the middle of us if we are walking down the street holding hands - instead of grabbing his 'free' hand she tries to get the hand that I am holding!

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

OMG, goingcrazy--- you just described my life to a T!!! Except in my life its my SS10 who does this to us!!!! Wow the similarites are almost identical. I just posted a blog about how my DH gives my SS too much power in our relationship!!! Your not alone!!'s picture

Ugh!!!!! It's so weird!!!! I never hovered around my parents door!!!! I think they are curious about sex or something and "like" to listen to see if they can hear anything????? It's creepy and makes me sooo mad!!! God, I just want some privacy!!!!!!

unbelieveable's picture


"actually, SD, our favorite thing to do is urinate on each other in the bedroom." (totally deadpan) I am DYING! That was SO funny! And caught me off guard.

I am so confused about why she is in the bathroom while her dad is showering? Uh...I was never in the bathroom when anyone was showering...other than DH. We were taught that the bathroom is a private place? Doesn't anyone teach that anymore?

MichelleA's picture

Exactly! He tried making a joke out of it the other day to get her to realise it's not on! I think somehow she needs to remember she is his daughter not his girlfriend and there are things that she shouldn't be doing..... we both try to give her attention and make sure she knows she is loved by both of us but I think it's a jealous issue and I have no idea how to get around this Sad

MichelleA's picture

I would also like to add that her sister (5 nearly 6) is fine with it all...... unless the eldest sister makes a fuss and then she follows suit...... I feel I can't do anything right sometimes. Am I wrong to want a bit of 'us' time at night?

LizzieA's picture

NO, and don't back down. This is ludicrous. They need to be punished, it is pure and utter devilment to do this. There is not an issue here and SD doesn't need to control the adults and what they do.

staying calm's picture

DH used to allow SD7 to come into our room and the bathroom if he was in either one at either time. I was able to stop it by explaining to him that if SD7 saw something, Anything really and told her mom, or someone at school, or a friend and they thought something was odd about it he could get into a lot of trouble, and maybe lose custody. Now I didn't do this because I think that he really would, but it is something to think about and it worried him enough that he made those areas off limits to her if the door was shut. I worked at a daycare when I was younger and a school aged child said something about her dad being naked, and her being in the room with him , and we had to report it because it was such an odd thing for a kid to say. If I heard a kid say that now I would ask are your parents divorced? Cause my guess is they were! Anyway just a thought, worked for me, but DH had to lay down the law about it and she didn't like it one bit.

anafiodorova's picture

Lucky you that your DH wants to work on it and change things. I left my fiancée because among many other issues he would sleep in one room with his 12 year old daughter( behind my back, not telling me but making the arrangements with his mother) . Yes, we were visiting in his mother`s house for Christmas day and as respectable person I did not sleep in one room with him although we were to get married next year and we were engaged for almost 2 years.His room and the room of his daughter were on the first floor ( next door) and I was put on the second floor opposite to his son`s room and his parent`s bedroom.I respected the arrangements and assumed that everybody sleeps in their room. his mother is very Christian and religious and I respected that until I accidentally knocked on his door to get my laptop back and found his daughter sleeping on a mattress next to his bed.

I was not even allowed to watch the news in his room because his daughter will report that to his mother and I will get into trouble for even discussing the evening news with him ?? And, yes the door was open while we were watching the news and his daughter will sit around with us. I did not have a TV in my room. As if I was the child- weird when I think about it now. My ex was so scared of his mother and daughter that he would keep me away from his room and will start acting strange about it.His son has his own room and never ever did he sleep with his father.

My ex`s mother never apologized or said or acknowledged that there was something wrong with the sleeping situation. I never heard an apology from my ex - rather a lame excuse that it might be kind of not right and that he will work on it. That came 6 months after the sleeping incident as I call it.So I gave him one year to straighten things up and work on the sleeping issue. Mind you his daughter is quite developed for her age and looks like she is 16 but is only 12 going close to 13 now. In another 8 months I stumble upon skype messages from his daughter where she begs him to sleep in his room - real nagging ones - daddyyy please type of messages around 50. I have no idea whether he surrendered and let her in . My guess knowing him is he probably did allow her in. Not clear from the messages.

During all this time I am thinking that he is working on the issues. I disengaged immediately after the sleeping incident and did not go see his daughter or son and made sure that I donot influence the process so I donot call text , or skype unless he seeks contact with me.

Fast forward to a year after the sleeping incident. He has not changed a thing- has lied to me that he is working on things and taking a stand.I was disengaged to give him the space to work on things.Little did I know that he was turned completely against me by his daughter. I was called my him : jealous, not caring about his children. When confronted about not making changes and exposed he said that nothing will change and will be as it is. His mother also confirmed it along with him. A week later he also assured me that nothing will change and will be as it is.

Currently , from what I hear - nothing has changed and as it is . Almost 2 years since I stepped my foot down , addressed the issues, made a big fuss and tried to facilitate change. I was patient, I was kind and understanding only to be emotionally traumatized by his dysfunctional family.The dysfunctional comes from his brother who has a Masters in psychology.

There were red flags along the way. I believed he will change and make the necessary changes.So it seemed at that time that he was genuine in wanting to change his life for the better. Now it looks like it was fake and I was manipulated to help him get to his goal to get an education.There were also other factors that weight in my situation but this was one of the big ones.

Not every situation is like mine but the sleeping arrangements are symptoms about bigger issues around the emotional health of the relationship between a father and a daughter. If they do not get resolved early on the mini- wife syndrome and the emotional damage on the daughters in their future relationships will cause them a lot of grief.

The excuse my ex gave was - I am a single dad and hence it is allowed for me to spend alone time to movies, sleep in one room with my daughter, go bike riding and swimming with her etc. Then I asked - well where is your son? His son was left at home alone...many times neglected with no one to take care of his emotional health and well - being.

One of the respondents said that some single fathers really have no boundaries. It was strange that he had perfect boundaries with his son and none with his daughter.Is it guilt? I donot know.

MichelleA's picture

I am sorry you have had to put up with this.... but I am glad I am not the only one.

She too stands outside the door, or knocks and comes in (can be 6.30am sometimes at weekends)! She will 'hover' around asking things like 'is it time to get up yet' and stuff like that.... which in turn makes her younger sister start too! We NEVER get a lie-in past 7.30am - I am totally shattered and need to stay in bed a little longer than that! For goodness sake what's wrong with these kids?! They just can't seem to entertain themselves!

stepmisery's picture

You should not have to get up. Let Dad get up with them if he can't figure out how to teach them to occupy themselves on a quiet weekend morning.

What was his response when you suggested to him that the girls could manage on their own for a few hours on weekend mornings?