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Former SD and current SM

clenettec's picture

I have been (or I should say tried being) the bratty SD after moving in with my BF and SM. But my BF laid down the law! He proved to me through his words and actions that under no circumstance was I ever to disrespect his wife or his house. My BF set rules, boundaries, limitations, and structure. Luckily, for my SM she had my BF full support. Luckily for me, my SM truly wanted to include me as part of her family. (Probably, because she had my BF's full support. I'm sure if she didn't - she would have been on this site too! LOL)

I know that if done correctly, step-parenting doesn't have to be a nightmare. This is why I am here on this site. Unlike my SM, I don't have full support of my DH when dealing with my SD. This is so frustrating. Because like my SM, I (initially) truly wanted to include my SD as part of my family. But after a year and a half of no support from DH in dealing with SD - I have given up. No, I don't resent my SD. I resent the situation and my DH for not doing enough to make the situation more pleasant.

clenettec's picture

I have and his advice has been helpful. I guess I'm just a bit impatient and wants results now. So I will learn to be a little more patient.