Hello all, im on the verge of imploding and this is going to be VERY VERY long and messy
I have been lurking here for years and i guess it is time for me to finally create an acct and vent my frustration and my living hell.
I am just one step closer to leaving every time i realise what I have to deal with (and believe me it is a lot)....I went through hell with BM1 and SS18 and SD19....They treated me awfully and I watched my husband side with them....I will blog about this in the future and give some tips to ppl experiencing abuse from children (hint: there arent many)
Now i am dealing with SS15 and SS12 from BM2 and they are somewhat ok although we didnt used to get them regularly because of PAS but now BM2 has found out that is more beneficial to have visitation so she can get drunk and sloppy on the weekends while the kids are over here which is great for my husband and works out for everyone including the kids
Today i went to work and came home around 5.30pm. They were gone with their dad and i was quite happy. The house, of course, was a mess but I didnt mind as I have disengaged completely from asking to clean up after themselves or for my husband to do his part. Whenever I do, i get angry looks and arguments and told that im crazy for being upset about the house....Needless to say that I gave up, so I came home and went upstairs, changed into my "maid outfit" (leggings and a shirt) and tidied up the upstairs a bit but i left the kids restroom and bedroom alone (i wait until they leave to clean those like a good servant mule), then i went downstairs to find everyone had come home and the house was in an even bigger disarray with tools and stupid shit all over the place and my husbands hobby caused a mini flooding in the laundry room....Meanwhile, MR is outside talking to friends and his kids are laid up in the living room in shambles....
Of course, I waited until he came back and I had a go at him and he told me to shut up and that i was dumb and crazy for being upset that he flooded parts of the house....I thought i was in the 5th dimension....
Thats not the worst part, as we are arguing about the stupid shit, he told me not to argue with him in front of his kids! Every single time I bring up a problem with him, he hides behind his kids and makes excuses. I told him that the argument has nothing to do with his kids and everything to do with him being irresponsible. The kicker is when he started to clean up the water, he mumbled "bitch" under his breath
I stopped dead in my tracks.....Right then and there, I put the chicken up in the fridge and I told him to work on cleaning the flood and make sure to handle that sink full of dishes
He asked why should he do the dishes and I told him that "YOUR KIDS USED THOSE AND ITS YOUR JOB SINCE I AM A BITCH" and he said you are a bitch and you act like one (second time calling me a bitch in front of his kids but thats ok because apparently I am the problem for confronting him on the cleaning issue)....
His kids were laughing in the background when he was calling me a bitch....They love it because they dislike me due to their mothers and siblings trashing me for no apparent reason....all I ever did was help everyone and take care of my home....
I am pretending that everything is cool and im not bothered but if i could, i would cry right now....
So much pain and hurt that no one seems to care about....
Why did I get into this stupid relationship....I dont even remember what made me fall in love with my husband in the first place.....
Sorry for the long post....I guess I have no one to talk to so I came on here
8 years of servitude....the chains are heavy
Can you just leave for the rest of the weekend?
Can you just leave for the rest of the weekend? Do you have anything keeping you home, except the fear that your DH will flood the house and not realize it? I think your DH calling you a "bitch" in front of his kids is a "hill to die on" situation that demands a quick and tough response, thus my advice to leave for the weekend.
Since you are a long time lurker, you are familiar with disengagement - which is what you need to start doing if you are going to survive this situation.
Have you considered some sort of therapy? Either for the two of you, or for you alone so you can get some help figuring out why you think you deserve to be treated so poorly. Your DH sounds like a jerk and you deserve so much more!
Hang in there and come back and give us more details when you can. We care...
I dont have anything keeping
I dont have anything keeping me home except my dog....I have no one here tbh....I made a huge mistake when I married my husband and uprooted myself completely from my life/job/family/etc. I am now here and had to build everything from 0 including my career...I am so stupid...I was "open minded" when I met my husband and he told me he had kids, little did i know how many....i didnt know it would turn this way
I have gotten therapy before and was told that I have poor self esteem. Another therapist said that children are right no matter what....
Most ppl dont understand step issues and most single parents are selfish users imo
I am in bed in the dark thinking how my life is miserable and why did i.make these stupid choices....this isnt the first time that things like these happen, so I used to.moving on and waking up like nothing happened
Thank you for your kind words and excuse my stupidity
What's keeping you there?
What's keeping you there? Life with the skids sounds miserable, and your husband sounds like a jerk. Is there a reason you want to continue the servitude and abuse? Is there a reason you don't want to cut your losses at 8 years and improve your life going forward?
I wish I could tell u....I
I wish I could tell u....I dont even think its love anymore
I am afraid of having to start over a second time in my life and idk where to go or what to do...
I wasted majority of my 20s serving a man and his children, now im in my 30s and have fertility issues and cant ever see myself with a man traumatised of dealing with the monsters and their dad
The thing is
You don't have to waste more time on your DuH and his skids.
I was married to my ex (no kids involved on either side) for 17 years. The vast majority of them miserable. Like you, I got married in my early 20s and due to a conservative religious upbringing, thought my misery was what I deserved, even though I left the religion years earlier, old thought patterns can be hard to break especially when you have family pressure to stay.
Let me tell you how freeing it was when my ex's sh11t hit the proverbial fan. I had to start over in my 40s, with a new job in a state we'd not lived in long.
But after I picked myself up? So much better than being in a miserable marriage. Yes there were days that were tough and I felt lonely. But as others have said, it's better to be alone and lonely than lonely in a marriage.
You can do this. Make a plan. Look for apartments online, start moving your important paperwork out of the house.
Take it one step at a time. Make a goal that next year this time you will be in your own, clean, just the way you like it home.
Your comment gives me hope
Your comment gives me hope that I will be able to get out of this. I need to act quickly and try to secure a life after this predicament
I have no love or feelings left for this man...i just view him as a stranger now....I dont even think i have ever known him
Just pack a bag and leave.
Just pack a bag and leave. Let he and the progeny of his failed family shallow and polluted gene pool. starve and wallow in their shit hole.
Just get on with your life. No husband should do what this POS has done to you.
Enjoy your new life adventure.
Thanks, rags....I am starting
Thanks, rags....I am starting to let go of the idea of this marriage and think of what my plan B should be and how to start over
It's better to alone, then
It's better to alone, then being alone in a relationship.
You made a mistake in your 20's (we all did) but don't let that difine you for the rest of your life.
Go see a lawyer, start to find away out of this mess and start living your life you don't want to spend the next 30/40 years like this.
Oh and the reason you can't remember why you fell in love with him is because he sold you a lie, if he showed his real self then there would have been no way you would have stayed with him, let alone married him.
You are absolutely correct. I
You are absolutely correct. I am in my early 30s but this morning i looked at myself and felt that i was 70yo....honestly, 70yo prob have way more fun and look better kept than me...
I have never been on a vacation with him and everything revolves around him and the kids and the BM....I have started traveling alone after 2yrs of marriage because I got tired of waiting
Living with him is like living with a 90yo. When I tell him this, he says that im childish and immature lol
hugs to you my friend
Time to read this again if you haven't read it before. It's time to read the whole thing but paragraph # 3.
." Love is not always worth sacrificing yourself. One of the defining characteristics of loving someone is that you are able to think outside of yourself and your own needs to help care for another person and their needs as well.
But the question that doesn’t get asked often enough is exactly what are you sacrificing, and is it worth it?
In loving relationships, it’s normal for both people to occasionally sacrifice their own desires, their own needs, and their own time for one another. I would argue that this is normal and healthy and a big part of what makes a relationship so great.
But when it comes to sacrificing one’s self-respect, one’s dignity, one’s physical body, one’s ambitions and life purpose, just to be with someone, then that same love becomes problematic. A loving relationship is supposed to supplement our individual identity, not damage it or replace it. If we find ourselves in situations where we’re tolerating disrespectful or abusive behavior, then that’s essentially what we’re doing: we’re allowing our love to consume us and negate us, and if we’re not careful, it will leave us as a shell of the person we once were."
Girl it is time to love yourself and get out. If you have to start over again, start over again. You don't have to give up that career and town if you want but you do have to give up that a$$hole and those evil stepkids. They don't value you. They don't respect you. They don't love you.
And they don't DESERVE you...
And they don't DESERVE you...
Yes, please read that article
Yes, please read that article. Love is not enough! When we think about "Falling in Love," the reality is that it's our ancient outdated brain tricking us into copulating with someone who it thinks would be a good genetic match for us. Often we "fall in love" when we're ovulating or at some heightened state. Next thing you know you're cleaning up after a Neanderthal and his feral children.
The reality is that your DH is a selfish jerk who doesn't care about you! He wants you to go along with whatever he and his kids want. How dare you have any objection to not cleaning up their mess or even mention him flooding the house! Calling you a B*ch in front of his kids. Wow, just wow. That is unacceptable. I hope you love yourself more than he loves you and look for and out. This is a very unhealthy situation filled with verbal, emotional abuse, and gaslighting.
"If he don't love you anymore, just walk your fine a... out the door." -Lizzo
I read the article and agreed
I read the article and agreed with it 100%. My husband always claims to love me so much (when im doing what he wants the way he wants it) but as soon as I complain or point out anything that i would like to see improvement on, he treats me like 0.
He also frequently gaslights me into being the abusive one supposedly because i have raised my voice during arguments when he interrupts me or says awful things like im a whore lol
He is completely delusionial and will never change. He thinks he is perfect and the victim in all of this
The alternative of being
The alternative of being alone is better than being in your situation. Relationships are partnerships. Each person doing thier part. But the more importantly is being with someone who values you, listens to you and is willing to make changes and compromises for you.
Sometimes we end up in bad relationships, but we are not meant to stay in them and instead we should learn from them.
It sounds like you knew a long time ago this was not the guy for you, but because you invested so much into the relationship you continue to try and make it work. It will never work, the reason is because you are the only one giving and your DH is happy to keep taking. He doesn't love you. He loves you loving him.
You cannot survive emotionally in a relationship where as long as you do everything your DH wants you to do, he will be happy and in turn he will be nice to you.
You hit the nail right on the
You hit the nail right on the head....
I figured he wasnt good for me right after I had a domestic violence incident with his SS18 (15yo at the time) and he sided with him instead of protecting me. His excuse was that he was just a child, but when a 15yo punches you it is the same strengtb as a man imo...
I have put up with this for too long and get nothing out of it.....
Can you go back to a good
Can you go back to a good therapist and work on yourself? If you do that, I promise that at some point, it will be really easy to scoop up your dog and get the hell out of Dodge. You will no longer have the slightest interest in being married to this abusive jerk and his rotten kids for any reason under the sun.
I wish i could find a
I wish i could find a therapist who specialises in these issues but I havent. I am no longer trusting of therapists after my last two experiences
Don't waste anymore time with
Don't waste anymore time with this loser! You may be in your 30s, but you have time to still enjoy these years! Without brat children and a jerk husband.
I know it's scary starting over, but focus on the FREEDOM you will have. No longer "serving" other people, cleaning up after them, tip-toeing around them, no being able to "say something" in your own home. You will finally be FREE and it will feel so good. Also, I agree with the above to find a good therapist on your own, preferbly someone with step parent experience.
Best of luck.
This sounds like a dream and
This sounds like a dream and that is exactly what im trying to achieve
If respect is gone, so is the relationship
In my humble opinion, once you have lost the love of each other so thoroughly that you've lost respect, the relationship is over . You're just waiting for someone to make the brave move to call it. I can see the occasional hard day where you think "he's ACTING like an a$$", or why is she BEING such a "*itch" today. But that's describing a behaviour, not your opinion of the person you're supposed to love.
But to call you that, to your face, in front of the children, not just once but twice - because you didn't fetch and carry fast enough or with too many complaints for his highness - I'd say the love and respect you two had when you married is long gone and buried. Unless he is willing to go to counselling STAT to find out what is wrong and how to fix it - you're not doing anyone any good by staying around. I never advise leaving or giving up - in this case I don't think you have any other option! Staying, and modelling to those young men that this is how you treat a woman, and she's fine with it is beneath you. And telling yourself that you've given them 10 or 15 good years, so you have no choice but to give them 40 MORE is crazy. I divorced in my 30s with the knowledge that I likely have 60 more years on this earth. The investment of 10 years was not an anchor worth giving up the next 60!
Find someone who values you - starting with yourself. Envision starting over in a tiny apartment - spotlessly clean. Open the fridge and everything is exactly how you left it. Turn on the television and watch exactly what you want, where you want with no grief and hatred directed at you. Who's the winner in that scenario! Hugs to you, and prayers too.
I realised that his
I realised that his personality is very selfish/high conflict/my way or the highway. Its funny because both his BMs are this way as well....Of course, you can imagine how the children are now
He is def well suited for these types of women as they know how to handle him....I used to feel sorry for him but now I think that it is only warranted since you dont treat normal women correctly.
You're in your 30's?? Oh
You're in your 30's?? Oh that's so young. Please don't waste the best years of your life on this dumbass. You have SO much of your life ahead of you yet.
Take the dog and run. He is
Take the dog and run. He is abusive and you do not deserve it.
Just go. Take the dog and go.
Just go. Take the dog and go.
Can you even go to a shelter? Him verbally abusing you and calling you a bitch in front of his kids is reason enough.
Abuse does not have to be physical in order to qualify to get into a womens refuge shelter (here in NZ anyway).
Stay safe. Just take what you need, and GO.
With COVID and having a pet
With COVID and having a pet,it is complicated in terms of shelter.
I also have a good job so I prob wouldnt qualify to be in shelters. I have decided to leave in April 2021, that is when the lease here ends and it will give me time to find my own place and save up for it
Yes, for the love of God,
Yes, for the love of God, please leave him. Please stay safe until you can get out.
Good on you!
Good on you!
Good Lawd Woman
I had to read through everything because I was hoping for a happier ending to all that.
Thank goodness he "came clean (or dirty)" to you so now you have the perfect excuse/reason to get out of dodge. If you can, line up a bulldog killer lawyer. And interview with some others so he cannot utilize them.
Start making copies of financial documents and stashing them somewhere at work. Start getting your finances together, separate bank accounts and credit cards.
Make copies and document EVERYTHING possible. Any assaults, any violence, name calling, etc.
Since you do not have a good support system, and with COVID lockdowns everywhere (Im in California), you need to start creating one. Can you volunteer somewhere?
Get a new place to land. I understand that April is your leave date.
DO NOT HAVE SEX with this cretin ever again. He is planning on replacing you and still wants your benefits. You know that you cannot trust him, so just assume that you will get an STI from him, and do not give in to his begging or promises of being better.
I'm so sorry you are going through this, but Im EXTREMELY glad that you are here and posting. 8 years of this. EGADS, I cannot imagine. I know that we go into this thinking that things will get better over time, but now you are at critical mass.
TAKE CARE OF YOU. Stop doing anything for the skids. Take care of you and your pooch.
You are not stupid for loving someone. Hes a manipulative narcississist, and he probably love bombed you, and now hes showing his true colors.
Please keep posting!