If I married DH who has primary custody, so he receives child support from BM and their situation ever changes. For example it went back to split custody could the courts factor in my income to change future child support payments. I make 2 times more money than DH makes and I wonder if the ex would ever try to change payments knowing our household income would increase substantially. Also what other financial things do I need to think about that comes along when you marry a divorcee?
This is the way it is in
This is the way it is in Texas:
1. Your income is included as part of his and will affect the amount of CS ordered if taken back to court.
2. If custody arrangements change and your DH had to pay CS, you would be liable to pay child support if your DH did not.
Good luck!
I don't know where you are
I don't know where you are from...but I know for a fact in West Virginia they cannot factor in the spouses income...Child Support is based solely on the Biological Parent's income...and they do factor in the custodial parent's income if the custodial parent makes 60+ a year and the Child Support paying parent makes less...child support will be set at less
I think I will move to WV
I think I will move to WV with my bf lol Thanks for the heads-up, CadysMommy!