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Crazy BM stalking us

Kasey21's picture

Ok, we are out for a nice family pizza night last night and BM turns up at the restaurant to "see the kids because she misses them so much". She had them for ten days prior to this. Here is the history..........DH and BM divorced 7 years and all went well until we bought a new house last year and BM was upset that our house is a little bit bigger and nicer than hers! I know this sounds ridiculous but she has told us we don't deserve a nicer house. At the time her 6 year relationship with her BF was ending and she focused her unhappiness on us and our happiness together. For months now, she has been bad mouthing DH to the two SKids, constantly telling them that he doesnt pay enough CS and is mean and abusive. DH pays the right CS, they have a 60/40 joint custody, they are with us for 40% of the time. Four weeks ago she filed for a modification of child support AND time sharing. She figured out the only way she can get more money is to have the kids with her more so it plotting and scheming and accusing DH of physical and verbal abuse which is all nonsence. She is acting spiteful and alientating the kids more and more from him. There is absolutely no evidence of abuse (he is way too soft with them if you ask me!) and pays above and beyond for them. He pays half of extra curricular, all their clothes and school supplies. She wont pay because she insists she cannot afford it yet she gets massages every week and botox often. I have never argued over him paying for more, they are his children and he wants to do this. Anyhow, now this has all blown up and this week she refused to let him have the kids Thursday night on his night and arrived at football practice and grabbed the youngest by the arm and pulled him with her to her car, they took off and she dropped him back to us four hours later. Then phoning them to find out where we were last night and turning up at the restaurant!! The police tell us that they don't do anything (Florida) and we have to wait for mediation even though she physically pulled the ten year old into the car. She is their Mom and the poor kids are torn and upset. My DH is filing a motion for contempt on Monday as she won't let him speak to them when he calls at night to say good night as well as the above. She is insisting that they don't want to talk to him and they don't want to stay with us anymore. With all the horrible things she is saying about him, we are so worried that her lies will work. She plays the victim all the time and gets them to feel sorry for her, saying that he gives me and my daughter way more than them and only cares for us. Any advice other than having to wait for the mediation? I fear that by the time we get there, she will have alientated the kids completely. I had to vent here and thanks for allowing me. I absolutely hate this woman for what she is doing to us all. She hates my guts of course by my very existance, I try hard to stay out of all of this but at times its hard to show support for DH and be there for him and yet stay out of it all!!!

stepmotherwhy's picture

It never ends... DH's ex still stalks me on fb and continually asks SS details about our family life.....

I hate to tell you but mediation prob wont help. These psychos are phsychos for life!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Sounds like Daddy is active and doing all that can be done legally.

Buy one of those voice altering mechanisms and set it to change your voice to male. Call her from a pay phone and tell her that if she knows what is good for herself she will stop or maybe she'll disappear into a sink hole and nobody will ever find her. Serious.

Hey lady you want crazy I'll show you crazy.