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You want me to buy WHO a new phone upgrade?

Kasey21's picture

Ok this is funny (I think). I upgraded my phone last year and for the first time ever bought myself a smart phone. My own kids always got the upgrade, thats what we do right? My previous phone was ok, just a bit old fashioned and I happily gave it to SS10 who was delighted to have his own cell phone, got DH and BM's permission of course. And I continued to pay for his line on my account, I was not going to get nit picky about five bucks extra on my monthly bill. Yesterday, DH said oh what a crappy phone SS10 has and can "we" get him an upgrade to a smart phone on my account. Now DH has his phone through work and BM pays for SD15's i-phone. So SS10 and DH think its would be great for me to upgrade the boy's phone to an i-phone. No mention of the extra fees monthly on me. Seriously?? I actually laughted and said eh no, why don't one of his parents upgrade his bloody phone. Jeez, give an inch and they take a mile :jawdrop:

hismineandours's picture

Does a 10 year old need a smart phone? WTF: I got my kids phones pretty early-around 10-but they were the basic crappy models-no internet-nothing smart about them. It was just to make sure they could always contact me basically. My dd who will be 16 next week is the only one with a smart phone-she just got it this summer. My 14 year old and 11 year old only cost me 9.99 a month with their basic phones.

just.his.wife's picture

Oh good lord.

I lived through my teen years with a corded phone, attached to the wall. One line for the whole house and you had a total of 15 minutes for ANY phone call. Go over and dad just unplugged it from the wall. Problem solved.

I got my first cell phone at age 30. Because my work required it and paid for it.

Kasey21's picture

I agree completely! Growing up, we had one family phone. We had to go to the end of the street to use the pay phone there with our own money if we wanted to stay on the phone all day to chat......that soon put a stop to that. I got my first shiny phone last year at the age of 52. My own daughter 16 does not have a smart phone. And DH wants a smart phone for SS10 (just turned 11). DH and BM continually spoil these skids in an effort to prove they are the better parent. Yuck. Well thats on them, I have now decided to take the five bucks off my phone plan! The ingratidude teaches me that even five bucks a month opens up a door for me to be a doormat. And the "crappy" phone was good enough for me BTW. Nothing wrong with it.

ocs's picture

SDthen 10 was given a black berry by the Freakshow. First week, left it at my SIL's house, and Freakshow made us nuts until she got it back. Well- DH has EOW and Freakshow has no car, so, what do you want me to do? Bring it to you?? bite me

SD gets it back upon next visit and promptly leaves it behind in a big box grocery store, because she put it down while looking at comic books. (this became DH's fault though...LOL)

End of phone until SD turned 12. I still think waaaay too young, and no one teaches her parameters of usage, so she is turning into one of those obnoxious people who text in the middle of a conversation, alway have one eye on it, even going through parking lots etc..

not my problem. I tried to teach her rules- no one enforced or gave a shit. oh well....

Cocoa's picture

your dh has been bitten by the same bug mine was. you know, the one that makes them forget that his kids from a previous relationship aren't your responsibility. you'll have to nip this in the bud. each and everytime he makes an assumption that you will cover something for his kids, call him on it. doesn't matter how petty it is. i promised my ss12 that i would take him out to cheesecake factory for a piece of cake for his he ended up bringing a friend. nobody asked me. i told dh i was paying for mine, his and ss's cake, but the friend was on HIM. he was the one that ok'd friend coming. i'm glad you told him no, but that should have lead to a discussion of getting ss off your account, or at least reimbursed. the point is, to get our dh's to become more accustomed to people not caving in "for the kids". bms arent' the ONLY ones who use this bullshit excuse.