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Children and Spyware

evilstepmom217's picture

Curious... how many parents out there use spyware on their kids phones, and for those who do, how in depth do you go?  We want to start monitoring our kids social media and general cell phone usage but I'm not sure how in depth we should get with this.  Also, looking for suggestions on software that actually works.

Bruniesmom's picture

Just went to listen to a speaker at my daughter's school this week! Her name is Jesse Weinberger, and she is a digital safety expert and speaker. She is on facebook as overnightgeekuniversity, She reccomends I am about to download/buy this over the weekend. (I have a code to get 20% off - BigmamaKMS)

There is almost too much to go into, but she was on the today show on Tuesday. (The segment was on Tuesday, with Rossen Report guy) She was only given a name of a woman, and she came up with a 17pg report on ALL of her LIFE!! Kids names, schools, scematics of her childs school, what park they go to, where they eat breakfast...ect. Look into her, and if you would like more information, I'll try to scan in some of the information in the book.