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Child Support question..Need answers!

dragonfly5's picture

In the state of Florida does my SO have to report if he has an increase in income, so that his child support can be modified?

Or does the EX have to request a review of the CS which I understand in Florida she can do every 3 years.

Thanks for your help! We have been looking on line but do not see a definitive answer.

herewegoagain's picture

No matter what the law is, I would NEVER tell the crazy witch. Heck, I'd rather pay arrears, if the witch ever finds out, than to start paying as soon as I get a raise...too bad.


purpledaisies's picture

We never tell bm that dh got a raise (he hasn't) but when ever we get something new that she questions we just say that purple bought (which is true) but even if it wasn't that is what we would do. The main reason is b/c she CHOOSES not to work and has said so many times that dh HAS to support her and the boys for life as she gave birth and she should be allowed to be a sty at home mom which according to her is her job. Her youngest is 12! She should be working as they don't require that much anymore. Hell we leave them here a lot to go pay bills and stuff and they are just fine. However bm seems to think they are babies yep her words and they can't do anything without her!@ :sick:

One time ss15 was home sick (stomach bug) and she refused to go 30mins to pick something up and expected dh to drive all the way to her house. I said NO and reminded him of the time when dh was sick very sick and she refused to pick the boys up at our house even though dh has done it for her a LOT! When things like that happen I just remind him and tell him that she never returns the favor.

So do you Really THINK that she will call us and let us know she has a job and CS can go down??? HELL NO!

It's not even about trying to 'hide' anything from bm or 'not' pay support it is about being able to pay your own bills and live yourself to be a PARENT to your kids!!!