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Question--need some help.

Angel's picture

My dh covers his son's medical insurance ---- so does his xwife. His insurance isn't used. It is just there.

He can either put his wife OR his kid on his insurance.

I have my own medical insurance but I can include him on mine. Because he has dual coverage (we both have the same insurance) he has NO co-pays ---but I do.

Don't you think that he should drop his son (if the man/child had no coverage, I wouldn't be saying this) from his policy so that I can enjoy the same benefit of no co-pays?

Would you be pissed off? Would you drop the subject? Would you insist on it?

DISbelief's picture

That's a tough one... I can't believe they make him CHOOSE between his spouse or his children for coverage, first of all... that seems odd and unfair. BUT, I know in our case, I have always kept our insurance for SS even though he has coverage through his mom, which is the one we use. Reason being... she can't hold a job for anything... his coverage with her is through the state BUT because she can't get her SH*T together I am in contant fear that something will happen and his coverage will be pulled. Who knows with the economy the way it is if the coverage he has will continue to be available, or if she will forget to REenroll him... whatever, I just don't trust her with the important issues. So because of this, even though it costs more to have self/ spouse and child than it would to have self/ spounse ONLY... we keep it just in case.

I guess if I were YOU, I would consider it ONLY if BM is responsible enough to keep the insurance active... steady in her job and all of that jazz. That would be my deciding factor if we had to CHOOSE between spouse and child for coverage, which AGAIN, I think is outrageous!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

trophySmom's picture

I also think that is very odd! I've never known an insurance policy that makes you choose either your wife or your child(ren). You might want to call and speak with the insurance company to make sure that is truly the case, that is, if you haven't all ready...
but I would say that if the child is all ready covered and doesn't use the insurance than you, as the spouse, should be put on the policy instead, and if something happens and BM loses her coverage than you might need to switch it back but for now you should be benefitting from the no-copays, it will save you both money

KittyKat's picture

First of all, I just want to say that you always give amazing advice. You always make "so much sense"....this situation(that you're in now) is probably way too "senseless" for you right now!! It is a doozy!

I would also double-check with the insurance company. I have BC/BS, but they have undergone so many "changes" (including name changes) that no one ever really knows what's going on with them.

Also, for the record, if he IS covered elsewhere, then YOU should be on his insurance. Period. My XH had our kids on his, and I had them on mine. My XH had a major increase in co-pay (when he HAD a job, mind you) so it was a no-brainer that
they just stay on mine.

I don't know up to what age he can be covered (traditional Blue Cross covers up to age 23!!), but it might not be a bad idea for him to start looking around for his OWN insurance. When my son was no longer covered under mine, it was a major "shock" for him to suddenly have to find his own.

Good luck....let us know how you made out!!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

Most Evil's picture

Would you be able to find out if BM does lose her job and therefore her coverage? Because in that case I think it would be a 'qualifying event' where you could add SS as dependent at that time - and meanwhile YOU could still be covered with no co-pays! That stuff adds up!!

Ask about this, like if your spouse had coverage and lost job, he could come onto your policy then within a certain time period - there are several situations that apply

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Angel's picture

for your comments. KitKat Thanx for the compliment.

I will check out the insurance specifications----he may be mistaken like you suggested, his policy may include me.

He does have insurance from his mother's job (she is a stable worker with good insurance). I know that dh Xwife's husband also could put him on his policy.

I think my husband is suffering from guilt, so he wants to do as much as he can to show that he cares.

After I find out if the insurance covers me (or not) I will wait for a tad to approach it again. But I will bring it up again.

Thank you again.