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Buying and Xbox when we already have one JUST to go to BM's..... help me out ladies....

buterfly_2011's picture

So SS11 and SS13 want an Xbox for their birthdays. All 6 kids have birthdays within about 30 days of each other. My son has an Xbox that he got two years ago from myself and my mom for his birthday. So there is an Xbox in our house for the summer. SO boys want one for themselves. Then when summer is over they want of course to take it to BM's house.

My issue with this is simple. This is the list of things SKids already have at their moms that WAS SO.

1 TWO Wii's. Controllers and several games.
2 Playstation 2

They also have the newest Ipods. All have newest cell phones. And just recently were bought bikes that are worth more then the car I drive. WHY would I want to contribute $150 to the purchase of an Xbox, controllers and games so it can simply disappear after this summer. I am just beside myself. NOT to mention we ALREADY have an Xbox. Why can't we just purchase them each a game and their own controller? My son is MORE then willing to share his Xbox.

Any idea's ladies?

herewegoagain's picture

Ah, yes, I remember loser asking her dad for a playstation or something YEARS ago...of course, idiot DH bought it. Funny, we never ever ever ever heard of the playstation fact, after that when we offered to buy her games for it, she didn't seem at all interested...

Interesting that loser got some video game living in the ghetto, but my nieces and nephews who were NORMAL and did not live in the ghetto were never afforded such luxuries...mind you, this was 10yrs ago or so...sigh.

Good luck. I'd say no.

Jsmom's picture

We do not allow anything we buy for SS to leave this house....Sorry, my money is used for things for my house....Make it a rule and it is never questioned after the first time.

I would get them the Xbox for their rooms. We have two X-Boxs, one each boy has in their room. One Wii, one PS3 and one Game Cube and several PSP and DSi. I have two boys that love their gaming. SS14 is even going to a gaming camp to learn how to program these games for two weeks this summer.

I can't imagine my boys sharing their Xbox's. They shared controllers for awhile since my son has 4, but that caused issues, so we just ordered some used ones online for SS to have when he had friends over....Much easier.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Sounds like our house! We have 4 X-boxes, one in each boys room and one in the family room. Two Playstations 3's, 3 PSP's, a laptop for each kid and a main computer in the family room. Everyone has an iPhone and an Ipod. It's much easier, they all have their own crap and nobody fights for anything. SS19 has an Xbox that DH bought him for Xmas a few years ago at his BMs house, but he never goes there, so nobody uses it. The one he has at our house was my BS's, I gave it to him and bought BS a new one.

Ommy's picture

Has BM ever let the game systems from her home come over? My guess is no. So hell no. There is one at your home already. They have no need for a second one. BM can use the CS to support the Children. Besides I am anti-video game and I do not allow them in my home. We have a Wii that was a christmas gift and we have played it maybe three times. I would rather spend money on water balloons, bikes, chalk, squirt guns. I am a very active person and to me game systems lead to weight issues, especially in kids.

Jsmom's picture

Honestly I wish gaming lead to weight gain for both my boys. They are so damn skinny....Bothers me that they play them so much, but as long as the grades are good and they are otherwise happy, normal kids, not much we can do about it...Now if they screw up, the Xbox is taken away from SS13 and the car from SS17. All DH has to say is "XBOX" and SS moves quick.

byebyebirdie's picture

SD take whatever she wants to her moms since when we get it we are giving it to her to do what she wants with. we used to make her keep stuff at our house but as they get older its a bit harder to say you cant take your gift home with you.... if she ends up with everything at her moms and nothing to do at our house when she is over then that is her problem and my hubby will tell her that too, thank god. although her mother ends up uses have the stuff we buy her which really annoys me.. for 3 xmas in a row we got her a shuffle,then upgraded to the i pod nano then finally the i pod touch, her mom uses the shuffle and then my kid asked to buy nano off her and she was like my moms gonna buy it wtf the funny thing is it was sittin in her room at our house for 3 months so i just took and gave to my kid to use i dont know if she forgot about it or thinks she lost it and dont want anyone to know... but at at least the BM is not using another expensive product i bought.....