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Boys were mad at dh this weekend! LOL

purpledaisies's picture

I posted a while back about ss15 leaving pop cans and bottles under my ds bed! Well i started seeing them all over the house and it was all the skids not just ss15! I was not a happy person. Now where did they get the pop cans and bottles b/c we did NOT buy them! Where else but BM! GGGRRR

I had been trying to get dh to tell bm and the boys not to bring them ever again if they are too lazy to put them in the trash! SO finally thursday when I was cleaning I found several and took them to dh and explained where I found them. He said he will not let them bring anymore.

fri when he picked them up he made them take them out and leave them with bm and explained why. They each had 4!! 4??? Yes 4!! Why would bm let them bring 4 pops a piece! No wonder they are up all night!

Bm started to get mad til dh told her that it is not good for them to have that much pop plus we keep a little at the house and they drink that and if we don;t know they have any how can we make sure they don't drink too much!

So yay no more pop can and bottles left all over my house as I buy 2 litters not cans or little bottles!

briarmommy's picture

I wonder if they whined to her that you don't ever have pop at your house and couldn't they please take some with them, then she gives in to seem like the good guy, they were probably just wanting bottles and cans so they could drink it all over the house without having to ask you and use the glassware that would incriminate them.

hrtdaybaby's picture reason why she should have sent them with all that! Part of me wonders if BM is doing it to annoy you....but then again, since we are talking about kids, part of me questions if they could be playing everyone? I've seen it happen on this end....

And kudos to your DH for standing ground and backing you up!!!