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UGH SS 15 ran to daddy!!!!

purpledaisies's picture

Dh called and told me to get the boys out to mow the yard and clean it up. Ok I did ss15 was not even out of bed yet so i doled out who to so what and gave my son weed eating b/c ss15 was still in bed!

When ss15 got up I told him to mow the back yard after ss11 mowed the front(ss 11 was told to mow the yard for a cap gun he wanted which was on top of the budget we set for them for vaca.). So anyway he says ok and went outside. I get a call from dh tell me that ss15 called him and he told him to weed eat. I went off on him then I went off on ss15! He tried to argue but I told him I am the adult he is the child and I will NOT put up with that disrespect from anyone! If he had a prob. he should have came to me. He tried to say he didn't but I told him that obviously there is or he wouldn't have called is dad! He tried to argue with me again I looked him in the eye and said you want me to ground your butt til you back to your moms?? He shut up and went outside. }:)

I then asked my son what he wanted to do and he wanted to mow the back. I told ss 15 that only b/c my son CHOSE to mow then he can weed eat. I was so dang mad!

Dh called back and apologized to me thank goodness or I'd have had to hurt him. GGGRRR

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Last week I had to take away SS14 iPod and I went ahead and took his charger. When I gave both items back I couldn't find the original charger that I took from him. No big deal since we have quite a few.....What I didn't pay attention to is the USB cable that I gave him was falling apart on the end. Still works. So SS14 sees it and starts going on about how his was in good condition that my dog probably chewed on the USB cable and that he takes good care of his, blah, blah, blah.

I told SS14 that the only reason his was in such good condition was because he had his iPod taken away for most of the school year so he wasn't using the charger. I told him that nobody mistreated his USB cable it was an old one that I grabbed without looking at its condition. We could go buy him a new one since they are so cheap.

Unbeknownst to me this kid went and told on me to FH. FH was outside working on a bid for a customer when SS14 went and tattletaled on me. FH told him that it was no big deal and we would get him another one. I guess SS14 wasn't satisfied with that answer because FH told me that he told him to "quit acting like a bitch and get over it..."

When I went outside to talk to FH he told me what he told him. This kid had that one coming. He had been acting like an arrogant baby and not shutting his mouth up. I ended up finding his USB cable which was on top of the dryer. I should have kept his for myself!

liks's picture

you have such good control purple daisies...

I would have sent SS back to his mothers for being a little disrespectful punk....not ground him....

Hey, cant wait to hear the next update on what abuse you got from BM for threating her son with grounding....

and better still how you handled it...

hbell0428's picture

You have what I WANT - DH to have my back! Princess SD14 just has to whine a tiny bit and DH comes to the rescue. I don't even bother anymore! good for you

Lauren1438's picture

You are better than I am. FDH's girl's thanks to BM have learned some bad words and I told him that if they ever say them towards me or around me again (they decided to tell me that I was a bitch two weekends ago after I took them to walmart to get them a new toy) I will wash their mouth out with soap just like my grandma did to me. We will find out this weekend how they do. I am doing my best to keep them from turning into BM. This world has enough disrespectful, gold digging, cheating women out there and we don't need more. I love them too much for them to do that.