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NO you can NOT use my tv!

purpledaisies's picture

Ss 15 asked if he could hook up the xbox to my tv in the living room. I said no I'm watching tv. Plus you have a tv in your room. Ever freaking did has a tv in thier rooms why do they always want to use the tv in the living? I thought that is why we have tvs for them? Then of course dh comes to me and asks very nicly if he can and that it isn't that big of a deal. GGGRRR

Not a big deal? Really thgen shy did we buy the otehr tvs???? Really? I said NO he has his own! Dh knew I was mad of course now I look like a witch in front of the kids thatnks dh!

of course this happended last week but I was busy didn't get a chance to post this with everythign that is going on with my gma. Why can't these men see that sometimes we just want somethign that is ours!? I guess I'm not understanding why we bought the other tvs if all they want is to use the living room one. then when I leave just to go to the store (gone for not 10mins.) to get THEM something to eat they ahve to change the channel, I was not a happy person!

VioletsareBlue's picture

DH has done this to me before and I just stick to my guns. I'm not sure why we are supposed to feel guilty for having something of our own. I'm over the guilty shit!

purpledaisies's picture

I know I just asked him why did we buy them a tv if they are not going use it and that we should sell it if they aren't going to use it. They did not like that idea. }:)

alwaysanxious's picture

This is why I stay in my room. There is NO tv in our living area because its too close to my bedroom. We have an entertainment room in the basement. Its there so that I don't have to hear the sound of them or the tv. Plus, they have their own tv's and playstations in their rooms.

I feel for you. They have their own stuff, you have your area. They can leave it alone. If DH doesn't understand that then its time to start messing around with where ever his area is.

purpledaisies's picture

I wish I had a basement they would be down there! LOl But we don't and we have a very small house. I have my computer in here and the tv I watch tv while I'm no the computer and I do laundry most of the day. I like it in the living room as I clean through out the day and like the noise of the tv.

oneoffour's picture

I relish being the evil stepmother. So you look bad in front of the kids? Who cares?

Or you can suggest Mr15 gets a job and funds his OWN TV purchase. I suspect the larger TV is not in his room. My DH is using our larger TV for video games so I miss out on my quality programming.
But I can 'hold a grudge' and have an excellent memory.
So the month of August is his for his crappy games. But the s/son is not allowed to use the TV unless I don't want it.

But he is a good kid and has helped out his sick pregnant stepsister so much in the past week while her huisband has been at work and also helped out his dad running errands that I let him have it as often as he wants. In a few months he is likely to be off in the NAvy and who will run our errand then? Us???!!!!

Betty79's picture

It's not just about the TV, it's also about the fact that you said "no" and your DH questioned your authority. Big time bullsh*t, not cool at all.