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Thoughtless or over reacting?

caitlinj's picture

I was at lunch with my significant other, his mother, and his two kids. They wanted bottled water (they refuse to drink tap water). There were plenty of unopened bottled waters in the car but they wanted a cold one(it’s not even hot out where we are and is almost fall type of weather). We get our meals and go to sit down. His mother got me a coffee but I also wanted a water with my meal. I expressed this and so gets up and gets me tap water in a cup. Hmm..... I don’t care I’m not that picky about water and he knows it but why am I the only one drinking tap water and his gets are drinking bottles? Especially when I’ve bought them many meals and spent a lot of money on them over the years. Not a big deal but the icing on the cake is his kids drank two sips or then they were thrown out. His kid’s (especially his youngest) act like spoiled brats and he wonders why. Why can’t they drink tap water?  I mean after all I can while I am sitting with them right? Lol what does everything think of this?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I’ve bought them many meals and spent a lot of money on them over the years

If you plan to continue to spend your money on the skids and they want bottled water, let SO buy it.

The boys claimed our tap water "tasted funny", so DH bought them bottled water. But he got ticked when they were drinking a few sips, then throwing it away. So he put their initials on the bottles and put them in the refrigerator. Next time they wanted water, they had to finish the already-opened bottle before they could have another.

ndc's picture

I would not call it thoughtless.  Your SO obviously *thought* about the fact that you normally drink tap water, and he got you tap water.  Now, if you didn't normally drink tap water and that's what he got you, I'd be thinking that it sounds in line with your relationship, where his kids come first.

frustratedSM96's picture

Its either chocolate milk or soda or a temper tantrum when we go out to eat. Refuses to drink water out. Then he gulps the drink down before his meal comes and refuses to eat. Yep waste of money...

Areyou's picture

What it is is that you are the mature one. I would say to skids “why do you need bottled water?”

elkclan's picture

The problem isn't that he's giving you tap water. (For the record, I drink tap water except for when I particularly want fizzy water which I went over to when I gave up sodas) The problem is that the kids are allowed to have bottled and you don't think they should and you feel like you're being treated in a second class way. This is up to you. You can choose to think of it as setting an example that bottled water is not required. 

This demanding bottled water sure wouldn't fly at our house. You get tap water. Sometimes we buy bottled water out. But it's only if there's no other choice, and if you don't finish the bottle - we take it with us. All the kids tell us often how cheap we are. And we are. But it's only so we can do other things. 

AlwaysSmiling's picture

If it's good enough for me, why the hell is it not good enough for them?


georgina29's picture

I'm confused by your SO and his kids. Unless they are in a place with a contaminated water issue (Flint michicgan, the outskirts of Mexico, etc) there is absoultely no need they need to be drinking bottled water. It is wasteful financially and very bad for the environment. He has also conditioned his kids to be spoiled and wasteful and is trying to condition you to be ok with playing back seat/third class citizen, to this disaster.  He is inconsiderate of you. Think about it. His spoiled brats sip and waste their bottle water while you get tap water to drink in front of them. Don't move in, don't marry, etc.  At least not until he wakes up from his disney dad, coddling his brats,  treats you like third class, coma. Move on. His kids are goign to be a handful when they get older if they are not already and your life is going to be miserable in more ways than one.

Ispofacto's picture

Bottled water is a joke the French played on Americans.

Evian: "Zees Amerikanz are so stupeed, they'll buy anything.  I bet they'd buy water!"

Jacques: "No way, I bet you they won't, no one is that stoopeeed!"


Years later, the ocean if filled with more plastic than fish, thanks to stoopeed Americans.

elkclan's picture

I live in Europe (the UK) and basically there aren't public water fountains everywhere like in the US (I'm American, born and raised). And there isn't a culture of free water at the restaurant table - you have to ask and you don't always get. That's changing thanks (partly) to the American influence (go us!) and partly for economic and environmental reasons. In America I almost never bought bottled water - here I buy it not infrequently mainly because I'm not organised enough to buy a decent washable container and keep up with it. But where I can get tap water, I do, I refill my bottles where I can and we certainly don't have bottled water at home. (Exept for my fizzy water which my SO costed up is cheaper to buy in bottles than to get a sodastream and he and the kids sometimes have soda and I don't.)

Heck the last time I was in France, they didn't go nuts when I asked for tap water! 

Maria10's picture

I always specify what I want otherwise DH will bring me what he drinks. He is on autopilot most of the time as far as nutrition. He would give the kids sugary caffeinated drinks if i let him.  He just does not think.

As far as the bottled water. When you pay to go out you can tell them only tap water otherwise they are not going out. 4 -6 bottled waters = an entree in some restaurants! They try to leave it you take it with you.


caitlinj's picture

I've tried expressing that I don't think we should be spending money on bottled water at restaurants, especially on the kids since they drink two sips and thats it. He says he doesn't think its a big deal. It just annoys me how wasteful they both are and he wonders why they act the way they do (spoiled and poorly behaved) and he wonders why he has money issues You can never tell his kids no without them either keep pushing it to see what you will give into and what they can get, or they will throw a tantrum. 

marblefawn's picture

I was wrapping a gift for adult SD once and my husband told me I should use new rather than used wrapping paper.

In my family, it is a huge point of pride and laughs that the wrapping paper never dies...each piece just gets smaller and smaller. The same paper has been exchanged for YEARS.

I used recycled paper on her gift anyway. She still took the gift.

These skids need to be taught the right way to do things.

Fill their water bottles with tap water and put them in the fridge. I bet they don't die.