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Big Big Dilema - please help !!!!!

gazzabicks's picture

Ok, really need some advice on this one.

As a surprise to my wife and our 3 children (2 of which are step-children) I am going to fly them to see our close friends in Boston, USA to see in the New Year. This is a big thing because we live in London and my wife and children have never been to see them there. I intend to give them the flight tickets on Xmas day morning.

However the big dilema I have is should I also ask and pay for my partners other daughter (14) who went to live with her dad just after last Xmas after a big big row at our house. She very reaely comes back home to see her mum and sisters / brother and only turns up when she wants something or there is something good at our house that is going on. Her dad is very wealthy and can afford it so that is not the issue.

My view is that if we are not good enough to live with we ain't good enough to go on holiday with and why should I pay for her now anyway?

Help !

PoisonApples's picture

I would include the other child. She's only 14 and shouldn't be expected to behave rationally and fairly. You need to be the adult and model good behaviour.

gazzabicks's picture

'''Shouldn't be expected to behave rationally and fairly'''!!!!!!

No wonder kids have no respect for people.....

PoisonApples's picture

Did YOU always behave rationally and fairly when you were 14?

It's an EMOTIONAL time and a confusing time.

At 14 you are just learning to deal with life. They have a long way to go. They should be taught by example and guided in how to behave. They can't realistically be expected to think and feel like an adult.

You, on the other hand, are an adult and should behave like one.

gazzabicks's picture

Does that include sweeping issues under the carpet, not addressing them and letting them think thats its all ok coz you are a teenager?

PoisonApples's picture

Uhm no, I don't see where you asked about that. I thought you were only asking if you should include her in a family holiday.

I think it's clear that your mind is already made up and that you aren't going to entertain the thought of including her.

I wonder why you posted then? Were you only hoping to get people to agree with you that it's OK to treat a 14 year old with the same expectations that you would a 25 year old? You might get that. There are all kinds of people here with all kinds of opinions. Many of them will disagree with me. I gave you my opinion and told you what I'd do. My opinion is just my opinion. On it's own it is worth very little.

gazzabicks's picture

I respect your view that I should take her but I don't agree with the reason why you would take her:-

'''She's only 14 and shouldn't be expected to behave rationally and fairly.''''

gazzabicks's picture

There is no reason why I should take her. She has totally cut off her mum and the rest of the family that has brought her up since she was 4 after her dad ran off with the woman he is with now (my wife was 6 months pregnant with the 3rd at the time).

The major row happened afetr a few horrible incidents (1, threatening to hit her mum. 2. Giving her wan*kers sign and finally spitting in her sisters face at the dinner table). She got told off didn;t like it and it all erupted. Under normal family circumstances she would have been punished/grounded but it was swept under the carpet by her dad who allowed her to stay because ''she is now 14 and more independant that her other 2 younger sisters''.

But despite that its still my wife's daugher and I would take her if she wanted her to go but this is her best friend in Boston and I want it to be a surprise for my wife not the kids.....

Jsmom's picture

Why should he take her? This is a family trip and she is not acting like a member of the family. Do you always reward your children for bad behavior?

PoisonApples's picture

Good point.

I would be inclined to give her the option of being included, having explained to her the conditions - ie, she has to be respectful to everyone.

I'd stress also that I wanted her to come along with the rest of the family but that she would have to behave herself.

I wouldn't just buy tickets for everyone else and exclude her outright though. That would just feed her feelings that she isn't part of the family.

PoisonApples's picture

Well, I buy tickets to the US from the UK all the time so I'm well aware of the prices.

If he buys tickets NOW to use for the New Year it will be fairly cheap.

If he insists on keeping it secret then I think he should buy the ticket for the 14 year old. I think spending the 100 or so pounds sterling and losing it would be preferable to totally alienating the child and possibly her mother too by deliberately not including her.

Plus, he could buy insurance and be refunded for the ticket if it goes unused.

Fairy Stepmother's picture

I think you're liable to make a larger mess if you don't discuss this with your wife. Spiteful and deliberate alienation is hardly the way to deal with a 14 y.o. (speaking as stepmother to a 15 y.o.).

Tough as it may be to admit, when we were all teenagers, we made messes of the family relationships, too. They might have been on a different scale, but we made messes. I know I did, and I was not a child of divorce and not in a blended family. That's a whole lot of baggage to carry.

You indicate that you haven't seen this child much since a big blow out at your home. It sounds like you really haven't dealt with that issue yet. That'd be my first step. With counseling, without counseling, whatever. Just get a dialogue going. These problems don't repair themselves. It takes involvement by all parties.

Jsmom's picture

I disagree. We can't repair the relationships with these teen until they want to. They make it very hard. Most of these issues will not be resolved until they are in their mid-20's and get a few hard knocks of life. He can try all he wants, but if she doesn't meet them half way it won't work. Don't take her and I wouldn't tell Mom until the surprise. Why put anymore heartache on the mom? She is probably still very upset about all of this.

Fairy Stepmother's picture

We are supposed to take the first step, as the parents. We allegedly have the life experience to be able to know when and how to approach these things. I'm not saying bow down to the child. I'm saying begin a dialogue to try to understand her point of view and WHY she feels as she does. Do you really feel it's better to let a serious situation fester?

Rags's picture

I would discuss it with your wife and make a joint decision on whether or not to include SD-14.

No use buying a ticket that she won't use.

As for your dilema regarding being not good enough to live with so you are not good enough to go on holiday with. I understand your frustration. However, 14yo kids do not think on this level. She wants what she wants when she wants it and if she has an option of abiding by the rules in a structured home (your's) or moving to a home where her needs are met but she can do what she wants when she wants (BioDad's)then she is going where she can do what she wants when she wants.

This is why I am firm believer in primary physical custody with visitation going to the NCP. That prevents a child from skipping back and forth to the place that gives them what they want at the moment.

My SS has understood his entire life that he has no choice but live with his mom until he turns 18 whether that is what he wanted or not.

Now ..... he turns 18 in less than two weeks and is in SpermLand on his final court ordered visitation. We will see if he comes home or decides to join the SpermClan full time.

Best regards.

Jsmom's picture

I wouldn't take her. We are in the same situation. We are planning a big trip over Thanksgiving this year and I am not taking a child that doesn't want to live with us. Tough on her. You don't get to have just the good fun stuff. You also have to live with the chores and rules. Don't do it. Her mom will be upset, but, why should you put up with it. Besides, she will make you miserable on the trip.

mommylove's picture

First, I agree with previous posters that you really need to talk to your wife about this trip you're planning. I know that may ruin the "surprise", but honestly as other posters mentioned before, I think the surprise could get ruined amyway if the issue you posed here is not addressed first, so it is good that you asked for opinions on this BEFORE booking!


1) You say the trip is a surprise for Xmas - does this mean the trip is THE actual gift & no one is getting anything else from you for Xmas? If yes, do you normally spend this kind of money on SD as a Xmas gift? If yes, do you typically base Xmas gifts on behavior (i.e. If you don't behave you don't get a gift?) If yes, has SD behaved in a way that makes her deserving of this gift? If no, then there's your answer.

Otherwise, if you just simply don't WANT to PAY for SD to go on this trip as a gift from you then I think you are well within your rights on that, but at least talking to your wife about this first allows her to decide whether or not SHE is willing to pay for her daughter to join the family on this trip as a gift from Mom, OR, if SD WANTS to go, maybe SD's "wealthy" Dad would be willing to pay her way as a gift from Dad? You won't know unless you talk to your wife about this.

gazzabicks's picture

Thanks for this

The answer to your question is that this would be a gift to my wife as her Xmas present and an additional gift to our children over and above their normal Xmas presents. We don't buy Xmas pressies based on behaviour.

My wife does not work so she would not be able to pay for the fliught out of the CS she gets for the other 2. I always pay for family holidays anyway.

I guess from my part I am feeling angry that she can just turn her back on us all and pick what special events she wants to turn up at our house on and I don't want to pay for her either.

Its a lot of money, I have looked the flights up and they are abot £500 each for that period.......why should I spend that much on her?

mommylove's picture

That said, I would go ahead & get a refundable ticket for SD14 or buy the insurance as someone else suggested.

Sounds like a nice surprise Xmas gift for the wife anyway. Good luck!

PoisonApples's picture

Is there a chance that your wife will refuse to go if you haven't asked her 14 year old?

I don't think I could do that to my child in that situation. It seems like burning bridges and giving up on any chance of a reconciliation.

Christmas is still a long way away. What if the relationship between 14 year old and BM improves and you DON'T have a ticket for 14 year old? Flights around that time of year fill up, you may not be able to get another ticket on the same flight at ANY price if you change your mind about bringing her.

gazzabicks's picture



mommylove's picture

We (my H & I & all the kids - bio & step) have NEVER been on a vacation together since we began living like a "family" back in 2005 (5 years!) We both work full-time & make decent incomes, but we manage our finances separately because H would rather spend his money on "toys" & luxuries for himself & weekend fun for his kids rather than save for a vacation. H also "nickles & dimes" his vacations days off work away taking "mental health days" (i.e. sleeping in at home) so that he never even seems to have enough vacation time off work to even spend a full day with his daughter when she visits in summer, let alone take a real vacation. Consequently, when vacation time comes I am usually the only one with money & vacation time to go, & I am NOT about to miss out or make MY kids miss out because H can't get it together, so I take my kids & go without H!

Would I rather H go with us? Heck yes! I also would welcome SD to come too, but I canNOT and frankly am NOT willing to foot the bill for my H or SD to go when I already have to pay for myself and my kids! Now in the past I have simply gone to visit family or went WITH family and always offered for H & his kids to join us (on HIS dime of course!) and H always declined saying he did NOT WANT to go, so it was no big deal - he got a "vacation" at home of sorts when we were gone anyway, especially since SS moved away & if it wasn't an SD weekend! I also did pay once for a ticket for SD and brought her to H when H was living out of town for work and we made a pseudo vacation out of that, but I still paid for some of the activities & i didn't feel that H really appreciated any of it, so I'll never do that again! Finally, I also paid for H to go visit his family as a Xmas present this past year, but it was during school, so H went by himself. However, now that I've booked a REAL vacation all using points from MY travels H is suddenly PISSED about the fact that i am taking my kids and going without H though H has zero vacation time and no money to pay for himself or SD to go! What does he want? I should pay for him & SD to go or not go at all? Why should I & MY children miss out on what I've worked hard & saved for? I don't think so!

stormabruin's picture

If the daughter hardly spends any time with you & your wife, I don't guess I'd go out of my way to invite her on a trip.

Out of curiosity, is there anything in a custody order about her leaving the country without the other parents permission?

Most Evil's picture

I would not invite her and maybe that will be an incentive for her to be nicer to you in the future, so that she can be included in the fun. If she has parental supervision where she is, its not like you are abusing or neglecting her IMO.

Or, you could buy her a ticket now at the cheap rate and decide later whether you will give it to her. But I vote No because I don't believe in rewarding bad behavior either, no matter how old they are! Some people need more time to mature before they get 'big girl' opportunities!

MamaBecky's picture

Since your SD14 does not live with you I am assuming wife has some kind of parenting time arrangement. Alternating holidays? Is this holiday season scheduled to be with your W? If so then buy her a ticket as she is entitled to spend the holiday with your wife and this side of her family...if not she will be spending the holiday with her BioD so there is no reason to buy her a ticket.

gazzabicks's picture

Nope there is no parenting time arragnement in place since she left - my wife would like her back of course annd makes an effrot to call her, invite her round etc but she only turns up once every 3 weeks or so or when she wants something or if there is something going on at our house that she doesn;t want to miss out on.

MamaBecky's picture

Wow. Well the first thing that your W should have done when the child went to live with her dad is get a new parenting time order. There would be no issue of when she comes around or not. Her father would be responsible to make her available at the times appointed by the court order and it wouldn't be up to debate unless she wanted dear ole daddy to have to go to court/jail. Your W has the right to see her child whether her child likes it or not. It is not a privilege that her daughter can just is her right as a mother and I would not allow our SD's to decide they are not going to be bothered with seeing their father. I would require that their BM's step up and make the parenting time happen. It's amazing what the stern words from a judge/mediator can do to change someone's outlook. Since you don't have a parenting time order making it clear whether or not your SD should be with you over the holiday, then think back to last year. Was she with you? If yes, she should be with her BioD this year...if not plan to take her. She deserves to spend the holidays with both sides of her family and to exclude her would be to reinforce in her mind that she is not an equal member of the family because she is just the ex's child/burden and not yours.

gazzabicks's picture

She was wtih us for last years summer holiday, in fact she has been with us on every summer and winter hoiday that we have ever taken because her BD who she lives with now has never taken the 3 girls on holiday ever or even had some time off from work during any school holidays or the long summer break.

Yes, I have paid for all these trips and holidays and another reason why I feel like now she has gone and never comes back to see us unless she feels she is missing out on something I do not want to pay for her anymore and don't want her to come with us.

She left to be with her dad so she should accept what terms (holidays etc) her dad chooses to take her on, If its none then that isn;t our problem IMO. She should not have the best of both worlds when she chooses to have it.

gazzabicks's picture

how about this as an idea:-

I buy her a ticket but to start with let her think she is not invited or going. Her sisters will no doubt tell her Xmas Day where we are going and this may give her something to think about if she thinks she is not invited ???

Then when she comes round Xmas day or boxing day (she will at some stage, but only to collect her pressies) I tell her she can come too

Just a thought.....

PoisonApples's picture

I still think you are expecting this 14 year old to think and behave like an adult and I don't think it's a realistic expectation.

I don't think teasing her or playing games with her - like you describe in your last post - is going to help. I think it's cruel.

Do you remember being 14? It's an awful age. It's confusing, it's emotional, it's hormonal. I was a wreck at that age.

If it were me, I'd have a talk with her in general about her behaviour and the expectations. I'd tell her that there will be fun things happening in the future and if she wants to be a part of them then she has to ____ (outline the expectations).

You seem ready to write her off for good. I think that would be a self fulfilling prophecy. If you alienate her over this trip, you will reinforce her feelings of not being included in your family and all but guarantee that it will never get any better.

I'd prefer to include her - with expectations laid out clearly - and give her a chance to enjoy herself. If being with the family is fun then she'll want to do it more often. If being with the family sucks then she won't. I'm not saying cater to her but clearly you have bad feelings for her and no doubt she picks up on that. I'm not saying she doesn't have to take responsibility either. I'm just saying that you, as the adult, have to be the more responsible one and you should try to be understanding of how it feels to be 14. Maybe what she needs is firm guidance and a dash of understanding?

gazzabicks's picture

Maybe its because I am a boy and not a girl but I don't remember 14 being so dreadful, confusing,emotional or hormonial.

I treated my parents with respect and if I didn't it wasn't swept under the carpet and being 14 used as an excuse for terrible behaviour.....

gazzabicks's picture

Re your comment ''if it was a biological child living in your home '' then yes of course but this is not and totally different, its a SD living with her dad who wants nothing to do with us apart from 3 visits or phone calls every 2 months when she feels she is missing out on something.....

The dilema I have is that I do really not want her to go and pay for her but I feel guilty about it for some reason, probably beause of my wife who obviously still loves her daughter (of course she does) and would at least ask her to go - which on this occasion she would no doubt say yes, its a great trip right, she won't want to miss out on that!!!!!

Then when we come back we won't see her again until she wants something.....