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And the winner is:

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I am extremely happy to announce that the Christmas experience is done for another year! 

With that, I am thankful for the following:

-MIL was extremely fair to ALL the kids in our house this year, for once.

-BM was only at our home for an hour to see SD on Xmas after my DH was kind enough to allow her visitation after the emotional abuse.  

-^^^^BM was recorded on video for this visit and behaved as she should (DH pointed out the recording to her and said no whispering and no leaving the area)

-Found out that BM's dad had heart attack on xmas eve and unfortunately survived.  This is the gpa that SD told therapist she CHOOSES to not talk to and makes her the most anxious.  (Hmmm... And SD lived with him, BM and her gma until we got custody.  So the question is, why would your grandpa make you so anxious?!)

-Stepbrat's behavior improved this past three weeks after she hasn't seen BM.  Well, it was improving, until she saw her for an hour on xmas.  (Just today she lied about something stupid. Constant lying is her thing and she learned it from BM.)

-Thankful my BS and BD from previous marriage were not spoiled by their BD and my ExMIL to the point that I want to call up my ex and his family and go off about trying to teach these kids to appreciate what they have and not be entitled little brats.  Like last year when they bought BS a $1500 mountain bike.  What 13 year old needs a $1500 bike?!  Ugh.

-DH was only a jerk for half of the Christmas celebrations.  Apparently he did not want to be arguing with me at the same time that SD's BM was going to be here.  Wink

-That the MIL was on fairly good behavior with all the kids and I didn't have to 'talk' to her about it.  Again.



rozzann's picture

Because we are the lucky ones.....with ex's and stepbrats.  I find myself extremely envious of my friend's nuclear families every time a holiday rolls around....