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9 yr old and "remember whens" driving me crazy!!!

nikkf2005's picture

So my 9 year old skid is doing remember when stories ALL OF THE TIME about his mom and my boyfriend. We are both fed up with it but do not know what to do. Are we mean if we ask him to stop? He also goes into these stories about his mom that are lies (she bought a new boat for 100 dollars... caught a 100 lb tuna... they had dirt bikes) the mother is in jail and has not had a penny to her name in 4 years! We explained to him that made up stories and lies were not acceptable in this home. He says its all true though we know its not. What can we say or do? Any advice?

nikkf2005's picture

Thanks, that is what we have been doing and just yes-ing him to death but sometimes it gets hard.

iwishyouwould's picture

He's probably realized he can irritate you by doing it. Dont let him get a rise out of you. Just nod and say oh thats nice very mildly and calmly next time he does it. If he does it again, say oh thats nice and ignore and change the subject. if he cant get a rise out of you then its not fun anymore and eventually he will stop doing it.

boogeymom's picture

I'd say, just say, "Mmm," and continue on with your day. What'll happen is, things will get worse before they stop completely because he will want to see how far he has to take it before getting a rise out of you. Then, you'll have one or two REALLY bad days when BM suddenly isn't in jail, but is actually a pirate on the seven seas looking for buried treasure with her talking dog, Captain, while simultaneously inventing a time machine that will take him back to when she and his dad were still together. When you just go, "Mmm," without even looking at him, he'll realize it's not gonna work, and he'll stop completely.

somerg's picture

my dh tells his kids at the begining of the story..."i don't care to hear it, so please stop with the stories. if you had fun just say you had fun and that's all i care about."

paul_in_utah's picture

Make that spot-on times 2. My SD17 does this with her perfect bio-daddy. She absolutely WORSHIPS him. He could flick a cigarette butt on the ground, and she would pick it up and make it the the central holy object in a new religion dedicated to worshiping him.

Keep in mind this guy only sees her 2 days a month, and a few weeks in the summer. He doesn't even get her for his "every-other" holidays, like Father's Day, Easter, etc. He just counts those as his once-montly visit.

StillSearching's picture

My BFs kids are D17 and S15 and they still talk of the "remember whens" I don't think it ever goes away.

swstepmom's picture

AHHH! Yes I have this problem too! My ss10 does this all the time! He makes stuff up and asks his dad in front of me about when you were with my time he even said, "mom's feet are still ticklish" My dh was like wth? My dh and bm split up when ss was maybe 1! So I KNOW he doesn't remember anything like that not to mention my dh and bm never got along and them having this kid was an accident. My ss will look at pics before he comes and goes off the pics he's seen and says "remember when" or "remember that cuz I do"! My dh says to him "Son, wow son you have a great memory son" Yes he uses that word a lot! UHG! Makes me want to puke just thinking about it!