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A lil hurt

FavSM's picture

So today i go to pick up my SS4 from daycare and as were driving to get SS10 FROM school were talking like we always do about school,and things and out fo no where he yells at me "my mom doesnt like you, and my mon doesnt like my dad", so im speechless bc well i know she hates me and the feeling is very mutual but when its yelled to me from my 4 yr old SS its a lil shocking. So i stop talking and just pause for a min bc im shocked that this came out of his mouth, and he keeps saying, "remember my mom doesnt like you," and he says it like 3 times so i finally shake off the shock and say "well i likie your mom i think shes nice" which is a bold face lie but at this point i dont know what to say. Keep in mind i have never ever said one bad thing about BM to these kids and i never will, thats just not me and not healthy for the kids in my opinion, but anyway, he forget the conversation after like 30n sec and moves on to something else but im having a harder timw i know hes only 4 and doesnt realize what he said may of hurt my feelings but it still stings a lil.


Chel Bell's picture

Yes it hurts all the same, but it's coming from his mom, not him. That's to bad that BM is already "working" her kid against you.~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20

Catch22's picture

Surely she knows kids are parrots at this young age, she wanted that to get back to you. Your best defense in moments like these is to instill in him that he is what matters, it is all about him. We also never say a bad word against BM but we always let SS know what the truth now, without even mentioning her. We protected her for a long time not wanting SS to feel let down by his mother.

Such as when SS told us that he never got a bday gift from us, we just showed him the postage ticket next time we saw him. No words about her, just DH saying I am sorry the postage was a muddle I really wanted your gift to get there on the day of your birthday. But just so you know I love you and tried my best here is the postage receipt, next year I will deliver it by hand.

Its all a play on words, some people disagree with our methods but after 12 years of PAS and lies from BM trying to kill their relationship, DH had to protect himself and his son somehow.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

dragonfly's picture

something similar happened to me when SD was 4. she invited my now H and me to some activity at school and then she said to me "my mommy is gonna be there but she said that's it's ok if u go". i think she also mentioned that her mom did not like me it was not a surprise to me and did not care and did not bother me. the only thing that bothered me was that at that age SD was not as corrupted as she is now and she really loved being with me and wanted me around but she would have to hold back because of BM.

one time my H and ex got in an argument over the phone and back then i did not know better cause we forgot about SD being in the same room when all the screaming was taking place. then BM demands to talk to SD and tells her "if ur daddy doesn't bring u home im going to send the police over to get him". well SD got very scared and began crying and wanting to go home immediately. that's when i found out that SD's feelings towards me were going to change and that my life was going to be different..

undertaker girl's picture

I have heard the same thing, "my mommy said she doesnt like you", but fortunately, BF's son then added to that, "but i told her, she doesnt KNOW you".

so obviously he repeated that to someone else who told him his mom was a immature loser who hates someone she barely knows and is reduced to bitch about me to a CHILD. Its nice to know even if she is trying to sabotage things with me and BF's son, he DEFENDS me, which i must say is so flattering!!

Austen's picture

I once told my mom's best friend that my mom didn't like her. I don't know what came over me -- if it was something I'd heard or sensed or just made up, but do recall denying having said it when the best friend asked my mom about it and truly having no memory of having said it. Awful. So don't worry about it. Sometimes kids come out with things that just don't mean a thing.