Chores for a 5 year old
I been thinking on how to keep my SD busy during the day so she is'nt up my butt n but me and my H came up with a chore chart idea for daily things to do and so far all I can think of is keeping room clean and making sure her hair and teeth are brushed.I cant really think of anything else that she would be able to do and stuff that I actually wouldn't have to force her to do.I want ideas that will be simple enough and easy enough for her anything would be appreciated.
My Sd4 packs away her
My Sd4 packs away her laundry, helps to unload the dishwasher, makes her bed, cleans her room and picks up her toys. She also loves computer games, which can be awesome since PBS kids has a bunch that help her learn.
What I would do with mine
What I would do with mine when they were that little is give them a little bag and tell them to pick all the trash they saw around the house. This one is sure to keep them busy. WHY b/c my stepsons left their trash everywhere!! I still make them do this LOL.
-clean the mirrors or window
-clean their own room
-take their dirty cloths to the laundry
When my BD was 5 she was
When my BD was 5 she was responsible for:
* Giving the cat food and water (I checked to make sure this was done)
* Picking up five things in the living room and putting them in their proper place
* Picking up five things in her bedroom and putting them in their proper place
* Cleaning up after her meals (plate and cup and utensils by sink, napkin in trash)
* Emptying her bedroom trash can the night before trash day
She also occasionally would:
* Vacuum living room or kitchen
* Sweep back deck
* Windex windows
* Wash dishes (obviously not very well)
* Help cook dinner
Thanks everyone these ideas
Thanks everyone these ideas are awesome.I cant believe how fast you all have responded im so glad I can come here and get good and REAL advice with experienced parents/step parents thanks again for all of your input I really enjoy all the help and ideas
my sd is 6 and we dont have
my sd is 6 and we dont have chores for her (though, we probably will soon, but she is really clumsy and drops alot of things) but she always asks to help me with the dishes, and she likes to vacuum too. She does have to make sure the area that she ate at is clean though, and that her room and bed are made. So she does all that with no problem.
I am so jealous future SD7
I am so jealous future SD7 doesn't do anything in the chore area :sick: That is future DH's and my fault, I am planning a chore list with future DH tonight! Thank you for asking the question and for all the great responses. I am pretty dumb with all this (never having a child myself). too so jealous of too so jealous of the one's who have these little people who do all that...WOW...BF 10 yr old does absolutely NOTHING and can't even entertain herself.
My kiddos at age 5 enjoyed helping make dinner. My daughter loved vaccuuming and she was quite the litte organizer...loved to give order to junk drawers. One thing that worked for me is a star chart with chores (with certain rewards for x amount of stars) and at the end of the week let them collect on their stars. My kids went for it.
Yeah we just bought a chart
Yeah we just bought a chart that is a magnet/dry erase board so for one week we can have chores and she can put her magnets on the days and things she has done!So far so good she has cleaned her room helped with trash around the house and her clothes put away so,so far we have 3 magnets for good effort!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 2 more for a piece of candy or other prizes we can think of!
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