So CPS says they really CAN'T HELP CHILDREN, at least in our case.
I just need to know if any of you have ever heard such a thing.
CPS is pressuring DH and I to go to court to modify the orders so BM only gets supervised visits with SD because BM tested positive for meth and is mentally ill.
They are insisting they CANNOT suspend BM's possession of SD because of the custody orders in place.
I thought CPS stood for Child Protective Services.
I told the caseworker I understand them not being able to give instructions contrary to a court order, but I do not understand why they cannot take the evidence to the court and have it changed.
We feel so stuck! I tried for two days to find a way DH and I could get legal aid, but they say he makes too much money. We just can't afford to hire an attorney! We have two children that need to eat, we're in the process of paying to get a new roof over their heads, we just barely make our bills as it is. This STINKS!
Thanks for letting me vent. I just don't know what to do.
- southernshellgirl's blog
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Agreed with Crayon
I have never heard of CPS taking custody away from a mother. In fact, when we filed a complaint against BM due to things that SS was saying about the state of her house, they told BF that he was obviously just a vindictive father of divorce that was trying to hurt his ex wife by starting an investigation (I actually wrote a blog entry about that here). However just a couple of months later, we came home to a business card stuck in our door of a CPS worker who was assigned to our case due to complaints that BM had about our house - which she stated were founded on things that SS had told her. SAME EXACT THING that we did (except ours was based on truth and hers was a lie) and they investigated US but not HER. In my state it's CPS policy that if there is an investigation on a child's parents, all parents of the child must be investigated including home visits. BM refused to let the CPS worker into her house on multiple occasions and would not return her calls to schedule a visit which worked well for her, so they dropped the "investigation" without even investigation her!
The kicker is, the CPS lady had met SS for the first time with BM present, and met him for the second time in our care. According to the CPS worker it was like two different children. A night and day difference. She could tell just by those few minutes that when SS is with BM, he is sullen, forlorn, and angry. When he is with us, he is happy, playful, and energetic. She strongly suggested that we try to get the custody modified, but openly admitted that she had NO POWER to help us.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I've seen CPS take a child from a mother ...
but in that instance it was the grandparents (the BM's parents) who initiated the investigation. Can you guys get BM's parents involved?
In this case, the child was about 2 years old and the mother was partying doing drugs, generally neglecting the kid. Had no food in the house was gone at all hours, left the kid alone or with neighbors continually. Finally, grandma just went and got him and called CPS and kept him. He's now 11 and doing fine, still living with BM's parents.
Just thought I'd share.
Her mom is involved,
Problem is I think they have a disfunctional relationship too. BM's mom supported BM through our first trip through court, then when BM found her ex-fiance's mom to support her and she had money,she dumped her mom. HEr mom is the one who called us to get SD away from BM in Feb because SD was not safe with her, then when she and BM started talking again she was begining to defend BM and her rights to SD.
We just can't rely on BM's mom, she's got conflicting interests.
I'm feeling better today, the caseworker says it is okay for DH and I to use them as an excuse to not allow BM to take SD. DH and I have decided if BM shows up and is obviously unstable we will just have to tell her how CPS told us BM is unfit to care for a child right now and we are not comfortable letting her take SD until they tell us otherwise. then we will immediatly file for modification with the courts.
CAseworker says she called BM yesterday and her mom answered, said BM was on new meds and had an allergic reaction and could not come to the meeting with CPS. HEr mom did go and CPS informed her BM should only have supervised visits in our home until she gets help and gets healthy.
She said BM;s mom called her today and was taking BM to the hospital for help.
I feel so aweful. I'm really the type of person who wants the best for all, I hate that I feel so exhausted by all of BM's ups and downs that I really can't get myself to believe anything anyone does at this point is going to solve BM. Her pattern is to get better only until she is no longer being watched, then she falls apart again. It's a rollercoaster ride, and doesn't look like I'll be getting off anytime soon.
I think DH and I need to interview a few attorneys and at least have one on standby for when we need one. And I have to say, I'm thinking we'll need one in the not so distant future.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-
BM got busted for meth, was
BM got busted for meth, was arrested, and CPS took all 3 of her kids from her and placed them with her mother.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Wow!! How'd she get arrested, I just have to know!!!
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-
Too bad the cops can't be
called when someone may know she was definately high and the sole caretaker of children
CPS would have to be notified
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"
Yeah the cops can be called
Yeah the cops can be called - welfare check!