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How lazy can one person be...

tooyoungforthis's picture

BM has decided on her own that my SS11 must choose only one sport for the year. So even though he has mad 5 baseball all star teams he has chosen not to play baseball this year. Fine we said ok. Then 3 weeks ago after his city league basketball team (this league is a joke but literally the only game in town) my SS11 tells me and BF that he wants to play AAU basketball. Silly me I imagine that we are supposed to try to make kids happy and find him a team to try out on by calling up my old friend and having her hook me up with a HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL coach that is trying to start a younger team and willing to take a look at my son. My SS11 is thrilled for all of 2 seconds until BM tells him she doesn't want him doing any travel sports because she can't handle it. The practices are 15 minutes away like once every couple weeks for about an 1 1/2 hour. We offered to pay for everything and provide all transportation as well as for weekend tournaments. Still no it is too much for her. All of a sudden she is telling poor SS11 that he can only choose 1 sport and it can't be anything with travel. What is wrong with this woman. Golf is fun but he has played basketball for 5 years and LOVES it. Now she is going to make him quit baseball and basketball because she doesn't have the time. Time for what she doesn't do anything for them! I mean how much time does it take to drop him off at practice and miss his games. Why do they let some people procreate. So needless to say my SS11 is in tears and feeling like crap and I am awake at 3am angry again. I wish I didn't love my skids seems like dealing with BM's crap would be much easier.


secondwife20's picture

What a horrible woman... making her son give up on the things he loves to do! I know that if my parents made me quit volleyball when I was younger, I would have been absolutely distraught. Maybe you can alternate practices? I mean... how hard is it for her to take him once every two weeks? If she still says no to that, she is lazier than my BM!

PS: Even if you don't love your skids, dealing with BM and her BS does not get any easier. Trust me. I despise my skid, but dealing with BM is awful!

doglover1's picture

And I can so relate. We signed our SD8 up for swimming lessons. She loves to swim and was really looking forward to going. We paid for the lessons and offered to drive to and from. BM said that she would take her, no problem. Well she didnt take her and never even called to ask us to . Its all about them, not the kids! witches these women are evil!

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

BM should be so lucky that her son has interests such as sports! If she takes this away from him, what will he do instead? Sports help keep kids out of trouble & he's getting into that age group where this will matter.

Our BM is fairly similar. When SD8 & FSD11 get into something, she pretends to support it for a little while. But then after school activities & lessons get in the way of BM's social life.

Not long ago, BM had the nerve to bring up after school activities, sports, etc. She was trying to convince my husband to give up custody of SD8 (!) and mentioned how much easier it would be for us not to have to worry about that stuff. What a joke! First of all, SD8 isn't even into any after school activities at this point. I highly doubt she'll ever play sports, seeing as she is not at all athletic, has no interest in sports, is a sore loser & is not much of a team player (she's bossy). She does, however, like to sing & is a drama queen, so we've been talking to her about getting involved in something like that. She even told us the program she wants to do. We have no problem with her joining something & we'll do whatever it takes to make it work for her. But I do not see BM making this happen on her end.

I can't wait until September when FSD11 starts junior high at the snobby, semi-private school BM was so determined she would go to. I know from the parents of kids who have gone there that not only do students have much more after school involvement, but the parents do, too! I can't wait for BM to wake up & realize how much WORK is going to have to be done on her part! I think after losing her precious after work & weekend time a few times, she's going to regret pushing for this.

Anyway...hang in there. Do what you can to keep your SS involved in SOMETHING!

stepmom2one's picture

If you pay for everything and provide ALL transportation then what the hell difference does it make to her what he does?!! I hope BM is happy with herself, this is a decision that SS will never forget.