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secret visitation w/ skids????

Chel Bell's picture

I don't know when we are going to Florida to see the skids yet, we can't even think about leaving till the past due support is payed up, the writ is cancelled (so DH will not be arrested when he hits the state), and we have $$ to spend on this venture. It may be a while, BUT...we were talking about how to carry out the visit. Now , we have already planned to see them at my MIL's house, and stay there w/ would be a nice family get together, and my MIL thinks thats a good idea, and she can pick up/ drop off skids to BM, so we would stay on "neutral ground" and not have to go to BM's. We don't know if BM will give the skids, MIL, or us a hard time about it.....ok yeah...she will, but we don't know how bad, so we were thinking.....why even tell her we are there at all!!??? We could surprise the skids, and get to visit w/ them, and they can tell BM later when they go home. She'll still probably blow up about it, but at least we will get to see them first w/o any drama. Then if BM wants to complain about it later, she'll just look like the a** again. We don't want to get in "trouble" though with this idea, I don't know if she HAS to know that we are there or not.....and if so, we will not do that....we'll let her know and put up w/ the crap I guess, but going w/o having to communicate w/ her is great, and we don't want to disrupt it. My DH is on the fence about even going down there....the skids will be 18 soon enough, and then they can have their say on what to do.......but it will be a long wait if we have to do that! He needs to see his kids, but they can't come here for alot of many to get into now, so we resined ourselves to going there, and seeing them some place neutral. Does BM need to know ahead of time? Or does it matter?


bellacita's picture

look, the ladys loo why go thru that?!

honestly chel, if MIL is willing to do this for u, and if BM lets the skids visit her w no issue, then really what business is it of hers who MIL has at her house while the kids are there, ya know?

PLUS all the bs she put y'all thru, u dont owe her anything.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Chel Bell's picture

the only thing I owe BM is a rope to piss up, but I was unsure if there is any legal ramifications to doing this.....I guess we should do as BM does, and do what we want, I really would prefer not to let her know, so we would not have to talk to her , after the trip, when she has something to say, we can continue to ignore her. And my in laws said if she gives them any more grief, they'll cut ties too. Then it will be to bad for the skids, as they love their grand parents."~waiting on the world to change~"

bellacita's picture

BM cant dictate who ur in laws have around the kids, ya know? its not like ur hardened criminals!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

StepLightly's picture

It is ALWAYS easier to ask for forgiveness than permission! Play stupid....what?! We can't do that?! So sorry! Wink

Chel Bell's picture

that's just it....if BM were "sane", we would not have to even worry about how we see the skids. We even have some family members that think we should not go at all, and just wait till they are legal adults and make their own decision on what they want to do. I would not mind in the least, but, my DH has a right to see them , and they should be able to see us, and their little brother, that's why we thought of not saying anything, and the skids can tell her after."~waiting on the world to change~"

bellacita's picture

put ur hate for dad and his new wife aside and behind ur love for the kids for once, ya know? then they act like theyre perfect mothers. its such bull. like its UR fault u had to do what u did by moving away....shes too sick to realize its HER fault the kids dont see their dad. ugh

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin