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How does it go when BM relationship goes to pot?

luvdagirl's picture

Here we are again, background here: BM was married to C, she divorced C on paper to get more money from state(a statement she has made a few too many times as I know it)- well they had started living seperately here lately due to legal problems, and C finally got himself a new girlfriend( I am almost happy for him- maybe he will get his life straight again) and this all happens while SD is there for her summer visit- BM is going nutso again-threatening to harm self, harrassing Cs GF( feel sorry for her - I remember that), has been popping pain pills way more than prescribed then has been known to drink on top of them(has been out of 3 week script for more than a week due to over use),and has again effected SDs thinking- SD has finally been trying to get her mind straight through counseling, and making progress but I see how this all weighs on her like an elephant. SD is feeling responsible for BM again, I remind her that before BM, her concern lies with brother, and that BM will make her choices and is acting in a usual(if there is such a thing) manner which I do remember from when I and DH got together-
My question is- is there something more I can do for SD?
We have her in therapy but it seems that BM is always sidetracking progress by involving SD in her issues- seriously acts as if SD is a friend- confides way more than any child adolescent needs to know about their parents- as far as both DH and I are concerned.
BM knows SD has struggled with issues for a very long time, never addressed them under her care, then as we are working our butts off to try to be as lending to SD being able to work on her things- here is BM setting her back three steps for everyone forward and I really don't think(per the norm as past dictates) BM even realizes or cares to see what she does to this child.
Now I am left feeling like a tiny feeder goldfish swimming upstream in Niagra falls,attorney did say at this point we could restrict the overnight visits but SD only has a few days left for this summer, and I know if it gets extreme SD has called before but then again SD didn't call this time and I think it's the " I gotta take care of BM" installed overwrite that has taken over.
I really want to say this somewhere and here seems like the only place other than to DH where people will understand it- I know alot of people, can see why they do what they do most of the time, have been able to forgive alot of things in my lifetime but there is truely one person that I have nothing left for- not a drop of compassion- I don't even think I hate her anymore- I don't care enough about her to. At this point I am hoping to minimize the effct of BMs life on SD.

Thanks to all who take the time to read, and hopefully have some input.


ColorMeGone2's picture

SD is getting sucked into this co-dependent relationship with her mother and it's not healthy for either of them. There are some great books about co-dependency out there and she's old enough to read them. That might be an idea. She needs to know it's okay to pull back.



luvdagirl's picture

Thanks so much Anne, I am going to give it a try.

There is no reason where logic does not exist