I realized I didn't tell my story- sleep deprivation- gotta love it!
picture it Sicily,,,,sorry I watched golden girls earlier-
I was working in a bar and DH and a friend came in- yep it really does happen, well his friend got my # for him- he called the next day and since shortly after we been together.
DH had only been seperated from BM(never married) for only a few months but from what he says they had been on/off for a long time, and neither had been committed during the off times, pretty typical I think for the fact that he was 21 when we met.
I guess you never know when or where the right person will come along.
how romantic.....right. Actually, I was dating another fireman and had gone on a run w/the squad (I'm an EMT) and he was just coming back on the department from being gone for a while living in Georgia. he made the run with us, and the rest is history.
at a wedding reception, Six years ago. I was invited,he came with a male friend of mine I kind of grew up with. We hit it off right away. but I wouldn't give him my # that night, we met up two months later at a church bizzar( the beer garden)we celebrated our second wedding annivesary 6 weeks ago. I love him more today,then the day i said I do.
on the internet - myspace - ( i ran a background check before I ever met him) I kidded folks and said i wanted to either date an asian (sexy) or a baldie - i got the baldie - he had just seperated and the ex mvd 8 hours away - we hit it off and monday will be our one year anniversary
I met my husband actually at my front door when I opened it and he came in for a bible study. I said that God would have to drop a man at my feet if he wanted me to be in a relationship or get married again and HE DID!!! He is an awesome husband and I never knew anyone could love another person like he loves me.
DH is my brother's friend and when his EW kicked him out for the soccer coach, I asked my brother if his friend had a new GF. A few weeks later, my brother invited me and my DD and his friend to go out on the lake. My DD and DH went swimming while I hung out on the boat and while they were swimming, my DD told DH that I thought he was cute! Several weeks later, DH called and the rest is history.
I am a real estate broker / mortgage broker and my best friend was an agent that worked for me. She and her husband had gone to a bar one night and he was the new head of security (he had only been in town two weeks). They started talking about real estate at the club and he wanted to try and buy a house for SD and him. So she arranged a meeting the following Monday at my office. We flirted alot, but I was still legally married (although separated for quite awhile). My friend set up another meeting the next day and then called to say she couldn't make it (setting the stage for us). He kissed me that day and we have not been apart ever since. August will be our two year anniversary, and we have been together for three.
Embarrassingly enough, I met my hubby (step-dad to my children) on the internet. 18 months later, we were married.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love."
My husband and i met through our work my boss sent me away to another town because the whole town was flooding and i worked for an insurance company my dh did to same company but different branch.They also sent him to help he had a group of people and so did i.We were placed in a hotel and he ended up being 2 doors down and then when we met at the meeting site the next day they placed our group and his group to work together.We had so much fun it wasnt even like working the laughs and we all sat every nite when we got back to our hotel and played cards.
I borrowed a cup of sugar from him. He was living next door to my Aunt at the time. FOOL FELL FOR IT !!!! I like to say, I been getting it every since.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
FH at the home office headquarters and me, at the time, at a branch in PA. he was my margin clerk! we would have to talk nearly every day over clients and accounts and we had a good rapport and kinda hit it off.
soon we started talking outside of work. we realized we really had alot in common and got along well so we decided to meet before christmas 2 yrs ago. he came to see me. i knew what he looked like but when i picked him up from the airport and we were finally physically together it was love at first site!! we did long distance for about a year until i decided last october to move here to be w him! we've been inseparable since!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
But I really don't remember. We're from a small town and we and our families have known one another all our lives. I can tell you that we first became close in study hall my freshman/his senior year of high school.
Thank you all so much- it's really interesting to see how things happen.
Stepwitch- sugar- that made me spit out my soda!
I forgot to mention that I met DH in 97, and we were married in 99, yes together for 11 years as of a few months ago, and I think I adore him even more now than I did back then if thats possible!
I was a truck driver driving all 50 states by myself. A horrible snow storm was hitting the east coast and I was headed for New Jersey. I desided to reroute and drive I95 up the coast in hopes of getting ahead of the storm. Once I made it to Charlotte, NC I got iced in. I stopped at the company terminal for fuel and they wouldn't let me leave till the ice melted.
That night I was sitting inside eating pizza with three other truck drivers and joking around. This one creepy guy kept walk by every few minutes and staring at me (I was the only woman there). I asked him if he wanted pizza and to sit down. I asked three times as he walked by before he did.
He set there for 4 hours not saying a word, then all the other guys desided to go back to their trucks and go to bed. The creepy guy (DH) asked if I would like to go to his truck and talk awhile. I said what the hell but I'm sitting in the driver's seat for a quick exit.
We went back to his truck and talked the rest of the night. At 4am we desided to sleep and I laid down beside him and slept 2 hours. Then when I got up b/c I had to go he said "How will I see you again?" I just laughed and said we could always team drive. I was joking but he was serious.
I had a load to the atate of Washington and we talked everyday almost nonstop on the cell phone {$1300.00 bill}. Then I got back to Georgia for hometime. I cleaned out half the truck and went to Charlotte to pick him up.
We drove together for 3 week and then one night we happened to drive through Las Vegas and got married. I had never met his family and kids and he had never met mine family. We met Feb. 17 and were married Mar. 30. We've now been together 5 years.
~Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns~
I shot against him in pool leagues at the Moose, asked him out after I lost to him and then married him 28 days later ( YES I said 28 days), Our 10th anniversary is August 3rd
I met my fiance in middle school. We were in the same home room in seventh grade. We were very close all through school talking for hours every night on the phone, but never actually dated. We almost dated...I still tease him about driving me home one night and being afraid to hold my hand for the first time when we were in sophmore year. Then we both got married and had kids young, had our spouses cheat on us...and reconnected on myspace, we had a lot to talk about as our life stories were very similar. After both of us had left our spouses we hung out a few times, fell in love, I moved to Arizona fro mOregon for him...and here we are.
Yes! It's true! I met my guy through an online game. We talked everyday (pretty much constantly) for about 6 months. Then he flew me from Ohio to California to spend Thanksgiving week with him. It was the best 5 days of my life! A month later, I packed up and moved in with him. Best move I've ever made!! (minus all the bull**** from the wicked ex of the west) Now we're coming up on 2 years together and he still seems to find a way to make me love him more and more by the day.
i met him at my sisters house. i was working on her computer and he came in not knowing that i was there and so was my sister and bil but he only noticed me. we got introduced and that was it for that day. i was dating someone else at the time but i didnt care i wanted him now so that same night my sister calls and tells me that he was interested in me and that made my night.
we got to know each other a couple of days later at my sister's brother in law;s paintball field. they arranged a game so we could meet and we did by shooting each other. in a couple of days we became an item and have been together ever since. i still remember he shot me on my shoulder he says it was a love shot...whatever it hurt like a bitch..
I thought shooting each other was the end of a relationship? I guess you my dear are an over achiever! thats funny - great story for your kids someday.
we met on Yahoo personals...I emailed him from a friends house the day after Hurricane Rita hit us since I didn't have any power for a week after that...he called my cell the next day and two days later (the day before his birthday) I drove out to his place to meet him...we have been together ever since...been together 3 years and married for one come this september...he always said it was the best birthday present he ever got...lol
I realized I didn't tell my
I realized I didn't tell my story- sleep deprivation- gotta love it!
picture it Sicily,,,,sorry I watched golden girls earlier-
I was working in a bar and DH and a friend came in- yep it really does happen, well his friend got my # for him- he called the next day and since shortly after we been together.
DH had only been seperated from BM(never married) for only a few months but from what he says they had been on/off for a long time, and neither had been committed during the off times, pretty typical I think for the fact that he was 21 when we met.
I guess you never know when or where the right person will come along.
There is no reason where logic does not exist
We met on a firetruck
how romantic.....right. Actually, I was dating another fireman and had gone on a run w/the squad (I'm an EMT) and he was just coming back on the department from being gone for a while living in Georgia. he made the run with us, and the rest is history.
We met
at a wedding reception, Six years ago. I was invited,he came with a male friend of mine I kind of grew up with. We hit it off right away. but I wouldn't give him my # that night, we met up two months later at a church bizzar( the beer garden)we celebrated our second wedding annivesary 6 weeks ago. I love him more today,then the day i said I do.
on the internet - myspace -
on the internet - myspace - ( i ran a background check before I ever met him) I kidded folks and said i wanted to either date an asian (sexy) or a baldie - i got the baldie - he had just seperated and the ex mvd 8 hours away - we hit it off and monday will be our one year anniversary
In a bible study
I met my husband actually at my front door when I opened it and he came in for a bible study. I said that God would have to drop a man at my feet if he wanted me to be in a relationship or get married again and HE DID!!! He is an awesome husband and I never knew anyone could love another person like he loves me.
My brother
DH is my brother's friend and when his EW kicked him out for the soccer coach, I asked my brother if his friend had a new GF. A few weeks later, my brother invited me and my DD and his friend to go out on the lake. My DD and DH went swimming while I hung out on the boat and while they were swimming, my DD told DH that I thought he was cute! Several weeks later, DH called and the rest is history.
He was a potential client :-)
I am a real estate broker / mortgage broker and my best friend was an agent that worked for me. She and her husband had gone to a bar one night and he was the new head of security (he had only been in town two weeks). They started talking about real estate at the club and he wanted to try and buy a house for SD and him. So she arranged a meeting the following Monday at my office. We flirted alot, but I was still legally married (although separated for quite awhile). My friend set up another meeting the next day and then called to say she couldn't make it (setting the stage for us). He kissed me that day and we have not been apart ever since. August will be our two year anniversary, and we have been together for three.
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."
Embarrassingly enough, I met
Embarrassingly enough, I met my hubby (step-dad to my children) on the internet. 18 months later, we were married.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love."
Me too
Not embarrassed one bit (though BM likes to crack jokes about me to SD about that one.)
I was a full time working, 2/3 time college student single mom.
A THEATRE student no less, so that's where any spare time was spent.
When the heck was I gonna meet a man? Ummmm in the theatre???
Yeah right
So I took matters into my own hands and the rest is history (which I have posted many a time so won't go into details now!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
We met
My husband and i met through our work my boss sent me away to another town because the whole town was flooding and i worked for an insurance company my dh did to same company but different branch.They also sent him to help he had a group of people and so did i.We were placed in a hotel and he ended up being 2 doors down and then when we met at the meeting site the next day they placed our group and his group to work together.We had so much fun it wasnt even like working the laughs and we all sat every nite when we got back to our hotel and played cards.
Ready for this one...
I borrowed a cup of sugar from him. He was living next door to my Aunt at the time. FOOL FELL FOR IT !!!! I like to say, I been getting it every since.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
we work for the same company
FH at the home office headquarters and me, at the time, at a branch in PA. he was my margin clerk! we would have to talk nearly every day over clients and accounts and we had a good rapport and kinda hit it off.
soon we started talking outside of work. we realized we really had alot in common and got along well so we decided to meet before christmas 2 yrs ago. he came to see me. i knew what he looked like but when i picked him up from the airport and we were finally physically together it was love at first site!! we did long distance for about a year until i decided last october to move here to be w him! we've been inseparable since!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
In elementary school, I guess.
But I really don't remember. We're from a small town and we and our families have known one another all our lives. I can tell you that we first became close in study hall my freshman/his senior year of high school.
♥ ANNE 8102 ♥
Thank you all so much- it's
Thank you all so much- it's really interesting to see how things happen.
Stepwitch- sugar- that made me spit out my soda!
I forgot to mention that I met DH in 97, and we were married in 99, yes together for 11 years as of a few months ago, and I think I adore him even more now than I did back then if thats possible!
There is no reason where logic does not exist
Stranded in a snow storm
I was a truck driver driving all 50 states by myself. A horrible snow storm was hitting the east coast and I was headed for New Jersey. I desided to reroute and drive I95 up the coast in hopes of getting ahead of the storm. Once I made it to Charlotte, NC I got iced in. I stopped at the company terminal for fuel and they wouldn't let me leave till the ice melted.
That night I was sitting inside eating pizza with three other truck drivers and joking around. This one creepy guy kept walk by every few minutes and staring at me (I was the only woman there). I asked him if he wanted pizza and to sit down. I asked three times as he walked by before he did.
He set there for 4 hours not saying a word, then all the other guys desided to go back to their trucks and go to bed. The creepy guy (DH) asked if I would like to go to his truck and talk awhile. I said what the hell but I'm sitting in the driver's seat for a quick exit.
We went back to his truck and talked the rest of the night. At 4am we desided to sleep and I laid down beside him and slept 2 hours. Then when I got up b/c I had to go he said "How will I see you again?" I just laughed and said we could always team drive. I was joking but he was serious.
I had a load to the atate of Washington and we talked everyday almost nonstop on the cell phone {$1300.00 bill}. Then I got back to Georgia for hometime. I cleaned out half the truck and went to Charlotte to pick him up.
We drove together for 3 week and then one night we happened to drive through Las Vegas and got married. I had never met his family and kids and he had never met mine family. We met Feb. 17 and were married Mar. 30. We've now been together 5 years.
~Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns~
Pool leagues
I shot against him in pool leagues at the Moose, asked him out after I lost to him and then married him 28 days later ( YES I said 28 days), Our 10th anniversary is August 3rd
Middle school
I met my fiance in middle school. We were in the same home room in seventh grade. We were very close all through school talking for hours every night on the phone, but never actually dated. We almost dated...I still tease him about driving me home one night and being afraid to hold my hand for the first time when we were in sophmore year. Then we both got married and had kids young, had our spouses cheat on us...and reconnected on myspace, we had a lot to talk about as our life stories were very similar. After both of us had left our spouses we hung out a few times, fell in love, I moved to Arizona fro mOregon for him...and here we are.
Online Game - Second Life
Yes! It's true! I met my guy through an online game. We talked everyday (pretty much constantly) for about 6 months. Then he flew me from Ohio to California to spend Thanksgiving week with him. It was the best 5 days of my life! A month later, I packed up and moved in with him. Best move I've ever made!! (minus all the bull**** from the wicked ex of the west) Now we're coming up on 2 years together and he still seems to find a way to make me love him more and more by the day.
i met him at my sisters
i met him at my sisters house. i was working on her computer and he came in not knowing that i was there and so was my sister and bil but he only noticed me. we got introduced and that was it for that day. i was dating someone else at the time but i didnt care i wanted him now so that same night my sister calls and tells me that he was interested in me and that made my night.
we got to know each other a couple of days later at my sister's brother in law;s paintball field. they arranged a game so we could meet and we did by shooting each other. in a couple of days we became an item and have been together ever since. i still remember he shot me on my shoulder he says it was a love shot...whatever it hurt like a bitch..
I thought shooting each
I thought shooting each other was the end of a relationship? I guess you my dear are an over achiever! thats funny - great story for your kids someday.
There is no reason where logic does not exist
Online here too...
we met on Yahoo personals...I emailed him from a friends house the day after Hurricane Rita hit us since I didn't have any power for a week after that...he called my cell the next day and two days later (the day before his birthday) I drove out to his place to meet him...we have been together ever since...been together 3 years and married for one come this september...he always said it was the best birthday present he ever got...lol
I met my FH on matchdoctor.
we chatted online for a few weeks, met for a lunch and have been together ever since OMG that was over 5yrs ago!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
I have to say I think thats
I have to say I think thats gotta be the most interesting first date story I have heard in a while, Glad to hear from you!
There is no reason where logic does not exist