40th Birthday ideas??
Ok, not really step related but I need some serious help. My DH is turning 40 next week. He's working that day and that evening, usually doesn't work evenings but his restaurant hosts a religious youth group meeting on Tuesday evenings in the summer. So I feel bad and want to do something for him. His restaurant isn't doing great (what is in this economy!), he's having a milestone birthday, and his kids are with BM that week...Poor DH!
Any thoughts on some thoughtful, inexpensive birthday gifts/surprises? My big gift is a weekend getaway trip to Chicago in July. Neither of us have been there before.
Thanks for any suggestions
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Baseball Tickets?
Does he like baseball?
Take him to a Cubs game when in Chicago!!!! Wrigley Field is a huge part of baseball history...
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Great idea
Great idea but they are "away" that weekend. But I did get some White Sox tickets from ebay
Unfortunately he knows so it's not a surprise!!
i agree with steve
greet him at the door with some sexy outfit and shoes!
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
Steve's idea works in my house
That and power tools.
that could also be
that could also be dangerous! and not in the good way!
The idea of me spread eagle over a table saw just doesn't spell romance to me. But it might for DH!
That would be a trip to the E/R, rather than a trip over the moon for sure!
Give him some nookie. That's ALL my DH ever wants for any present. Saves money too
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
You all seem to have...
your mind in the same gutter...
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Was this the couple on Oprah?
If so it was very funny. I had DH watch it and now he keeps reminding me about the woman taking such a fabulous initiative to bring the spark back.
Ummm....problem with 365 days is I have a terrible immune system and end up with bladder infections almost EVERY time. I am on preventative antibiotics (take one every time- how romantic!) So it's kind of unrealistic for me and I feel like it would be quite a lot of pressure.
But...if I could I would. I think it's frustrating for DH that my drive is now controlled by the thought of "Will I be doubling over in severe pain in two days?" Kinda puts a damper on things. A few months ago (no that's not the LAST time we did it!) I ended up not only with a UTI, but I passed a KIDNEY stone that weekend. I was lying on the couch writhing in severe pain, considering ER when DH came downstairs to check on me. He had never seen me cry from a UTI before so we knew something was different. He just feels so bad about it all.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Thanks Guys!
Steve, looks like you started something
Gotta love Steve...
I agree! Maybe "40 ways to make you happy" and then list some sexual favors you are willing to do!
A combination of sorts
I found some hillarious signs at Party City with sayings like "over the hill" and such - some were really funny but I can't remember exactly what they said. I taped them all over the house and on his car after he went to bed. Then I did one of those goofy things where a company comes and put signs in the yard. I found a company that uses deer and had them do it at his work. So all kinds of deer on the side of the road with a big sign saying "oh deer, look who's four-oh." My DH is a hunter and we live in the south around a lot of deer so it was pretty funny! Also had some nice wine and yes, there was some lovin