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Allergies or ADHD are you serious?

mediocrityrulesman's picture

Last night BM sent me an email back about the situation with SD and cutting vacation short because of her behavior. BM relied once again upon her excuse of SD's allergies to pollen and how its high right now and it makes her behave this way. This is the third time BM has blamed pollen counts on why SD acts the way she does. I still don't buy it all the way. I understand that allergies can make anyone miserable and snappy, but I just don't think allergies can push a 7 y.o. to talk back, or be controlling, or just have a bad attitude in general. Are they seriously linked?
H and I still think its ADHD and BM still thinks its because of her allergies. I was reading a little about it on what I could find just through a google search and they say that symptoms of ADHD worsen when the child has allergic reactions. So maybe, possibly we could be both right. I dont know.
BM won't admit it. H told me last night that he wants SD to be at least tested for ADHD just so we can rule it out and stop talking about it. Which I think is a good idea but I'm sure BM will flip. But I told him I'd sugguest it to her in the next email.
The thing I dont get is that, if SD's doctor claimed that her bad behavior is triggered by pollen, shouldn't he have sugguested a remedy or something? BM has tried SD on Fish oil (didnt work ) Omega 3's w/ fish oil (didnt work) and now she had sugguested to me that we try an allergy medication.
BM- If you have SUCH an issue with putting yr kid on meds why are you trying her on all these different medicines?!?!!?
Doesnt make sence.
And of course whatever remedy BM chooses to put SD on, I continue it here so it has chance to work, if at all.
I'm starting to think BM has diagonosed SD herself through a little web research. Ridiculous. So now SD's famous excuse for acting badly is no lie, and I quote, "I think that tree Im allergic to was around and thats why I was giving my teacher a heard time." uuummmmmmm. Thanks BM. Now we have SD blaming a TREE for what she does. lol. I could be completely wrong.

H had fought since SD was 3 to have her tested for ADD or ADHD. H says that I am the only one that has ever approached BM about SD or about anything in general. I can't imagine NOT saying anything about it. It's making my life miserable. It's making my daughters life miserable and it will soon make my son unhappy as well. (9 weeks left!!! Lol
In the email BM sugguested SD do yoga and in the WORLD is a kid with as much energy as SD going to meditate when she cant even stand or sit still for 2 seconds!? SD did yoga with me once and she laughed the whole time.

Who knows....


Nymh's picture

Give the kid a Benadryl. That'll fix the problem whether it's ADHD OR allergies!


Sounds like BM has some serious denial about her child. She just doesn't want to admit tat she might have a real problem.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Sita Tara's picture

Debilitating and twice came down with mono because my system was so worn down with allergies.

I may have acted miserable, and wanted to stay inside away from allergens. BUT I did not wet my pants or throw temper tantrums.

I like Nymh's answer...

But it's only a temporary fix. And BM did this for SD all through her childhood. If you rely on self-medication you start down a slippery slope. And since ADHD is treated with stimulants not with depressants...I'm not sure that benedryl wouldn't make her more wired. EEEEEEK.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

mediocrityrulesman's picture

Which allergy med she was considering today when dropping SD off and she said Zyrtec. And I said, 'doesnt that cause drowsiness?' and she said not. Whatever. If she starts it, I have to as well. But I dont think i'll be spending 20 some dollars for the stuff...I'll be hitting up the generics!

That was my point Zen about allergies and having some of the effects but not others. I cant believe BM is still denying it.

I hope SD gives BM HELL this week and up coming weekend since its her wedding. Not so sound so evil or anything but this way, if SD acts up the way she was with us then maybe BM will take it a little seriously.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle

Nymh's picture

Zyrtec can cause drowsiness and dizziness, and in children it can cause stomach pain and vomiting. Though I wonder if some drugs act differently on kids with ADHD, as with the Benadryl from before, would it possibly make SD more hyper if she really had ADHD?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

mediocrityrulesman's picture

We wouldnt have to go through any of this process of elimination crap if BM would just get her tested for ADHD! This is so frustrating!

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle