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Who all is tired of hearing this?

Dreamer's picture

All I ever hear is: At moms house I could...., Well mom let me...., This is how we did it at mom's....

Ugh! I'm ready to scream! Tonight it's because I won't let her watch anything she wants on tv. I have the parental block on. So all I'm getting is "Mom let us watch this, mom let us watch that" I look her right in the eye and said "I don't give a damn what your poor excuse for a mom did. In this house you are not watching anything on TV thats 14 or over in rating unless your Dad and I let you." Her mother lets them watch rated R movies but won't let them watch the Simpsons or King of the Hill. I'm sorry but that's screwed up.

I'll be VERY glad when this weeks over. It's Spring Break week. SD10 is pissed that I wouldn't drive her 6.5 hours to her BM's house so she could go to the aunts 3rd wedding. BM never offered to come pick her up. She still pissed that we backed out of going to North Carolina last weekend, at the last minute. She was going to meet us to get the girls for the day. Sorry but we didn't have the money.

What's funny though is BM is trying EVERYTHING to try to convence the girls to move back in with her. She told them this week that they (her H and her) are building a room onto the trailer so the girls will have a bedroom. I laughed when I heard this and asked why it wasn't built last summer like she first promised, when she had the money.

SD12 asked what money. I told her that last summer my DH paid 1500.00 in arearments in one check so BM could get them a house. BM "said" she was going to use the money to get them a house (her and skids were living with her father). Then after she used every excuse not to do that, she decided to remarry and her new husbands trailer only had one bedroom, a living room, and a den. BM and new H got the bedroom and the skids got the den (with a sheet for a door). At that time she said they were in the process of building rooms for the girls. But that never happened either.

SD12 was livid! She called BM and asked what happened to the $1500. BM said I used it on "my" car and bought you girls a toy. Then she asked why BM lied about never getting CS. BM said she never said that. SD asked her why she didn't use it on them for school clothes and stuff they needed. BM said it was used on "them" by buying food and paying the bills. SD12 told her, that's what the food stamps are for.

Since moving in with us they have figured out just how much their mother was using them. Using their CS for her and NH's, once a month, mini vacations to the casinos and Hilton Head Island. BM said she used "Her" money. So CS is suppose to pay ALL the bills and money SHE makes is for "HER". Screw it if the kids need clothes or anything for school, dad doesn't pay enough CS. Just as long as she doesn't have to be responcible!

No wonder she wants the girls back so bad! Although she's getting CS still right now, we have the paperwork in and are waiting for a court date to stop it. Then the leach will have to start paying her own bills and there won't be money for mini vacations once a month. Do you know she NEVER! took the kids! Every, I mean EVERY weekend, while the girls lived with her, they had to go to their grandfathers for the weekend, b/c their BM said that was her days off from being their mother.

I've got to stop now. Everytime that whore (BM) calls this house I want to beat the living crap out of her. I am so sick and tired of how she uses those girls and money trees, then ignores them and their needs. Then she throws gifts at them when she goes to far and fears losing them. She has cheated on every man she has ever been with and did it in front of the girls. She is a waste of human flesh. Ok ok ok enough venting.....


smurfy1smile's picture

Can you say fire hazard? Building onto a trailer - no heat vents, probably would be made of wood and cheap windows. YUCKY! SCARY!

fedupinarkansas's picture

First of all you can build onto a trailer. I have seen it done to where when its done they look better than a lot of houses. Matter of factly they look just like houses if the work is done by people who know what they are doing. Second your BM sounds like ours. She doesn't have the kids they live with her mother, but she is getting the child support check. They check was late and she called fiance and asked him if he quit his job because she didn't receive a check that week. She is a waste. Ugh just thinking about her makes me want to :barf:

Stupidity is an equal opportunity condition.