Non-Members Posting
I have seen that a lot of non-members post on this website. Sometimes they have good comments---however I have seen a good bit that are just rude, etc. Is this common for this site? Is there a reason why people who don't sign up can post?
Personally I've ignored alot of posts by non-members. I feel like if you want to comment then sign up. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking like that. Am I the only one that thinks like this?
- Anne Summers's blog
- Log in or register to post comments
No, you're not the only one.
But for whatever reason, the powers that be have chosen to allow anon posts. I don't understand why myself. You can be a registered member and still maintain your anonymity and privacy. I personally would rather there be no anon posters. It doesn't matter if you register with your real name or make something up, it's still nice to have some identity to which we can attribute comments. It would be nice to be able to weed out the good-intentioned from the shit-stirrers. It would be even nicer to weed out those who are not actually stepparents or acting in the capacity of stepparent.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
Right with you
I have recommended that anon posters be removed as well. But again, for whatever reason they are still here. Frankly I refuse to pay attention to anyone who doesnt want to register. They must be hiding something, therefore their opinions are worthless to me. The way I see this site is it has become a place of friendship. I open myself up to my friends and dont hide behind the word anonymous. It has created some issues on this site in the past and caused some people leave, and return, and leave again. I was one. So I say disregard those people until the time comes that they are no longer allowed to post.
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."
Not Welcomed Here?
I am not a parent (through no design of my own). I am not an active step parent. I came to this site several months ago to gain insight and understanding regarding my husband's situation with his children. The information garnished here has been invaluable. I have learned what to do and what not to do. My husband can identify with the situation of others on this forum.
I would hate to think that I am not welcomed here, considering a great many blogs deal with situations pertaining to the posters' spouse. It is this area I try to limit my responses, because I do think that I have information that I can share with others.
I love Step Talk and read it faithfully every day. I would hate to think that due to circumstances out of my control, I do not belong here. In my situation, the BM and I have civil, albeit limited discussions, and I am cautiously optimistic. I have hope that someday, armed with the information I have received here, it may make a difference for my husband and his children.
I don't think Anne was
I don't think Anne was talking about non-active SM's. I think she means people who don't join as a memeber of Steptalk, but post judgemental advice.
I have had a few of those. I just ignore them or respond politely. I have noticed that my "stepfriends" here usually defend me too, so thanks to all of you who do that
Because of that I don't mind. I know not everyone will agree with me. I think we just need to come to the aid of people we have grown close to, defend them, support them, so that they don't feel attacked if that happens.
But I do think it's odd to be a guest and post advice. That's just something I would feel comfortable doing. So maybe the bigger question is if they think their advice is so good, why not join?
Peace, love, and red wine
That's exactly what I meant, zenmom.
I wasn't talking about non-active SM's. I haven't seen my skids in over two years, so I'd have to include myself if I were.
Unless you count emails and presents, of course.
No, I'm talking about people who are not and have never been stepparents and who are not and have never been in a long-term, lifetime committed relationship with someone who does have children. I'm talking about people who are here for reasons other than promoting healthy relationships in stepfamilies, whether that be between BM and SM/DH, DH and SM, SM and skids or whatever other possible relationships there could be.
Even though they are not "stepparents," I love it when BM's come here for understanding, support and to trade perspectives in a respectful, thought-provoking and helpful way. A lot of times we "assume" something about the BM the same way they "assume" things about us SM's. I like to see both sides cordially represented. I hate it when BM's who are not stepparents themselves bash the stepparents on this site. I've missed Janice so much and I know I'm not the only one who misses her contribution. Come home, Bio Mom, you are loved!
I don't mind the off-topic posts. Most of the time I do enjoy them. I've written a few off-topic posts myself. We need things to make us laugh. We have problems outside of steplife that we sometimes need help addressing. Sometimes we have totally unrelated joys that we want to share. That's great! I'm all for it! We all need the camaraderie. But I do not enjoy a forum specifically for STEPPARENTS to have a place to vent being hijacked by other people venting about other things that have zero to do with stepparenting. Surely there are other places better suited to your needs with people who are better capable of helping you with YOUR particilar problem. If being a stepparent in a blended family is not your problem, then maybe this isn't the place for you.
I don't have an ounce of empathy for immature girlfriends who have been dating their boyfriends for three or four days and come here to bitch about his ex or ask why his one year old doesn't behave. Please. The only advice I have for them is (1) grow up, (2) grow some patience, (3) don't date someone with a baby until you have read What To Expect The First Year or something similar that will explain to you what is and is not normal baby behavior, (4) stop trying to come between your boyfriend and his child, because there are lots of us out here hurting for husbands who have been devestated by the loss of their own children due to divorce and (5) you're not a stepparent or even in a serious relationship with someone who might marry you and make you a stepparent someday, so please don't come back to give advice until you are. Whew. Sorry, but that one has been stuck in my craw for some time now.
I know this is not my site and I don't get to define what a "stepparent" is. I don't get to say who gets to be a member and who doesn't. I get to decide what posts I read and respond to, so like everyone else, I just stay clear of the ones that I think are not appropriate. Most of the time I don't even respond to anon posts, unless I think it's sincere and legitimate. I get that I am hugely opinionated and, while I don't mean to or want to appear judgmental, maybe I come off that way at times. If so, it's meant to help, not hurt. I'm sure this particular post will be seen as a judgment against certain people, but IT IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE IN PARTICULAR, just a few random posters who in my humble (and meaningless!) opinion probably don't belong here.
I respect StepTalk (aka Dawn and SBD) very much and cannot express enough my appreciation for giving us all a reasonably and usually safe place to vent our frustrations, to commiserate with others and to dump our pain. When it gets "bad" here, I take a sabbatical until things improve. It usually does, sooner or later. I would love to see reading for everyone, posting for members only and I would like to see criteria established for who can be a member. But it's not my site and, as always, I 100% respect and support the right of StepTalk to be whatever it's owners envision.
Sorry so long. It's been in me for a long time.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
Hear Hear to Item 4!
And I, too, need to learn restraint from posting when it comes to those anon posters. I am one of those people who just can't keep their big mouth shut.....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
You said it just right
Think about it, would you go to someone's house and start bashing them or the way they do things? Of course not, so why do "guests" have the right to do that here? I think that if the powers that be doesn't want to get rid of the anon posters, then maybe us members should be able to chose to make our post available to members only or public. It only seems fair!!
Sounds like a good idea...
About members having the option to make our posts available to members only or the public.
I also agree with your "this is our house" theory.
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
Very good idea!
It's hard sometimes to take anon posters opinions seriously. What is unfortunate about the anon posters is that they are all grouped together...anon. Well, you get one shit stirring anon in there and it contaminates the whole group. Fine, those of us that are members, who work to postively contribute to this site don't feel like weeding out all the shit stirring comments....let us members have a choice. If we post a blog, and we don't want anons posting to that topic, let us block it off to anons.
I belong to other forums, and you can't post squat w/o being a member period. I feel for the administrators of this site. I would cut off all anon poster simply out of adminstrative duties. I understand people want to remain private, but you can totally do that as a member.
Also, when you are an active member you get symbols by your name. This helps identify how long you have been a member, how often you post, for those who are newer to the site, when someone that comes along with numerous symbols by their name, the newer person can easily recognize that this person is a longtimer and not just some random fly hitting the site then leaving for good.
Me too!
I vent here b/c my friends aren't in this situation, and quite frankly if you don't walk in this situation you really don't know the heartache involved. To be quite honest, some of my friends have no clue about the problems involved in stepparenting, and can't even begin to offer me the support I need. I need someone who can relate to help me out sometimes.
How I View It
On here and every message board you'll get sometimes rude comments and they not only come from anons but just as many are from so called registered users.
I also observed on this board that some of the comments are not so much judgemental as being honest. We have individuals who gripe and complain about the bm, the steps, dh, ect. but refuse to acknowledge their part in it. Sometimes its plain to all that they're the ones causing their own problems and when you try to help or bring it to light its labeled as judgemental or rude. I call that denial or a self-defense mechanism.
As for a message board, its the internet and its all anon and for the most part they're not your friends. It is a sounding off board and networking place mostly.
It's all in how you say it
I don't count people as rude who give me advice other than what I might want to hear. Sometimes we all need that.
I have had a few that got caught up on some small piece of the puzzle, and rather than give me advice on the conflicts between BM and us, got sidetracked on differing opinions as to why certain conflicts exist, as though their opinions were well researched facts.
I think you can give conflicting advice in a nice way and am never opposed to it myself.
Oh- and I definintely don't suffer from denial or any automatic self defense mechanisim as I am terribly... painfully.... self aware. If I even think I've offended you, a total cyber stranger, with this response...I'll beat myself up about it for days
Peace, red wine and....CHOCOLATE!
Damn... took the words right out of my mouth!!!!!
Can say that again!!!!!
I, like Anne, avoid this place like the plague at times and go off on sabbaticals too. I don't really mind Anon posters, honestly, just ignore them, but what I don't like is the name calling crap and the repeat, repeat, repeat, petty-me-posts that I often see. That's about it. This used to be my safe haven, not so much, but I still enjoy to poke in and check on people from time to time. But I do have some very special people, FRIENDS that were created from here that I absolutely love.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Isn't that what life is all about...
Some opinions we agree with and others we don't. We can't always shut out those opinions that we do not share, but we can choose to ignore them. In our everyday lives, this is also true. Same for steptalk...
I wasn't aware
I wasn't aware that this is some sort of club. I am not a stepmom. I am not a biomom. I have been with my fiance for a year and a half. He is currently deployed, and I have his three kids on the weekends. I access this site at work work only, and since I do work for the military, I tend to not sign up for forums. I have enjoyed reading the posts on here, and have gained some insight on what to do, and what not to do with the kids. I always use my name, and my email address. I was not aware that this is not good enough. I take what I can from this site, and thank you to those who can look past "anonymous" and help out.
I have shared this site with my fiance, and he has said that I should sign up and post my story, that maybe I will get some helpful advice. However, I have been against this. I told him that some women offer great advice, but a lot seem to be unhappy, and I do not need to have my situation psychoanalyzed and blown up by the unhappy ones who see gloom and doom in every situation, just because they are unhappy with their lives. The post about "Would You marry your spouse again....." made me sit up and take notice. I will admit that there are a lot of posters on here who seem to be martyrs, but to each their own. I have also noticed that some women on here are very defensive, and there are a lot of hypocrites. There are some women who say "not my kid, not my problem" but get so upset when their DH do the same to her kids. And honestly, Anne, are you even really a stepmom? Technically, you are, I know, but you don't see your kids, you don't talk to them, they don't talk to you. You moved away from them to get happy, but you're still not happy, are you? You do not provide care for your stepkids anymore, you send a check. So what insight do you have to offer on this site? This is not an attack, this is merely an observation that since you want to limit this site to stepparents, that maybe you should limit your post to stepparent problems? Does that make sense?
I would hope that my opinion, whether it be "good" or not will be valued, because I am, after all, a person, regardless of whether or not I am a member. I guess someone, maybe Anne again, should tell Hippiechik that she is no longer welcome here either, since she "is not a stepparent", and is not "acting in the capacity of one". I really am very dissapointed in the topic of this post. I am glad that it was brought to our attention that our opinion is not valued, that it is contingent upon us signing up for this site in order to be heard. Even if I was a member, reading this post would still upset me. Who are you to say that people should be banned because they do not sign up? I understand ignoring the "shit stirrers" but what about the ones that do need help, but haven't signed it? Is it really that important? This comment will be audited, and I hope that Dawn sees fit to post this.
Whoa... now this is what I'm talking about...
Now this to me is somewhat 'calling someone out'... Judgmental.
How is this being constructive? You talk about those that post negatively, yet you yourself succumb to their level and called out all of the 'faults' of Anne being a stepmother? I don't get that? It's bullshit to say "this is not an attack"... do you even know Anne's history? Do you even understand the lengths for which she has gone in keeping communications with her step children that reject HER and her family?!? Just how long and how often have you really been here?!??!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I have to say this...
only because Anne has given me the BEST advice over the last few months and at times has said in so many words, hey CG you're being overdramatic. I'm 29 years old and I am still learning (in every aspect of being a mother and a stepmom) and I, too, am guilty of being completely juvenile. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's the anger that makes me do and say immature things. Maybe it's my skids immature BM that will drag me right down to her level and I just can't help myself.
I place value where I see fit. What I don't place value in is someone mounting their high horse and trotting into a safe haven and passing judgement on myself and more importantly my friends. My mother has taught me that I am no better than ANY other human that is blessed with life on this earth. If someone had an affair to get where they are at, I pass no judgement for I have not walked a mile in their shoes. Their journey I do not envy. I, too, don't understand why some people "hate" their skids, but again, I don't know what personal battle they are currently engaged in.
Judy L, I would love to hear your story. I would love for you to join(or not) and get to know Anne because I guarantee that you would grow to love her. What she did for Madison trumps any hurt feelings that she may have caused. I also take personal offense to the statement:
"You do not provide care for your stepkids anymore, you send a check. So what insight do you have to offer on this site?"
After having her skids held hostage and alienated, for you to make such an asinine statement is just beyond me. I am just thankful that Anne has a thicker skin than most people I know. I can honestly say I am a better stepmother because of the advice Anne has given me. So I'll take her "insight" over most any day. Sorry if that's too junior high for you, but I just had to get it out there.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I agree with you. :)
I just wanted to say that you've made some really great points that I agree with. Thanks for saying what was already on my mind.
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
I started to reply with a list of all the ways I've mothered my stepchildren over the years, but then I realized I've already more than done this in the year's worth of blogs I've posted since I became a member and anyone who knows me knows that I have, indeed, mothered my skids as if they were my own. So... I'll just file 13 that comment, along with the others that are not worthy of a response.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
b/c you are member, people can tie your blogs with a name and know your history it doesn't have to be rehashed everytime you blog...duh. This anon poster is validating your point Anne.
Don't worry Anne, you don't even need to defend yourself. All of us longtimers know the truth. I had to laugh when Judy really asked if you were a sm....
Oh one day when she watches her man go through PAS, she is really going to eat her own shit stirring words!!!!
Seems to me that someone decided to go off on a rampage instead reading what was actually posted. Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass who posts here, I just think that we should be able to choose who reads our posts, members or nonmembers.
I fail to see, Judy, why you have such a problem signing up if you truly do use your name and email address. I also fail to see why you are attacking a respected member of this forum while you hide behind a nonmember status.
It doesn't matter if you are an actual stepparent, a fiance of a parent or a parent yourself, all walks of life are welcome here and Anne herself has welcomed many. The ones we ALL have a problem with are posters such as yourself, that respond with limited intelligence and knowledge of the situation at hand.
But hey, if it makes your big girl panties fit better to insult someone else........
Wow...this whole question has just blown up...
CanCome on...some of the comments are not helpful in resolving conflict at all and definitely don't support what the site is intended to do. Back to step parent issues or whatever it is called when you have a relationship with someone else's children who you are in a relationship with, whether married, cohabitating or not.
I really appreciate the perspective of many on the site. I don't always agree. Sometimes I know that in real life, we may not even like each other. But another perspective always make us think and challenges what we believe. That is always healthy. Those who are new to step parenting have perspectives that always give me hope and offer new insight to my sometimes jaded vision. I appreciate all of the comments.
You have just as much rights here as the rest of us.... this was directed at those people who do not want to register and get a screen name. Your advice here is valuable.
As for the anaon poster who made the comment above about this being an internet site and not a place for "friends".... you are so sadly mistaken. Because I tell you this... I would go to bat for many of these women and men here. It may begin as a site for discussion. But several of us have touched each other's hearts, rallying together when my daughter was at danger, supported each other through marriages, divorces, child births, break downs.... and SOOOOOO much more. We have watched each other grow as human beings and witnessed changes that each of our families may have missed. We have confided in each other when we knew our "physical" friends would NEVER understand. So, please do not come on this site, unverified and try to say that we are not a group of friends here.... well, maybe you are right.... we are a family here.
And thank you zenmom! dont beat yourself up too hard *wink wink*
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."
Thanks to you Sasha- Going Crazy
I won't...I'll just use it as an excuse to consume more....
red wine and chocolate!
Friendships formed here go beyond this site.
Any anon person coming to this thread would see Anne 8102 replying to something goingcrazy posted, but what any anon poster doesn't see is that we have become friends. Lots of us have become phone calling, Christmas card exchanging, first/last name sharing and, geography allowing, going out and shopping together FRIENDS.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
And some of us...
Are trying to figure out that whole SM retreat thing. I'll be posting after I meet up with Kathleen (and maybe Colorado Girl?????) at a women writers retreat in April. Which is now that I think about it...a few weeks before I turn 40! We'll be drinking some red wine on that trip!
Peace, love, and red wine
Well said Msanon
I read about how many problems a lot of these stepmoms are going thru, how evil the BM is and how controlling she is. Then I looked off to the left and say the post about whether or not their relationship started out as an affair. I wonder if the ones that did start out as an affair really expect the BM to be all happy for them. This isn't an episode of Reba people. If you don't like the post, whether it be anonymous or not, go past it. But, if someone took the time to google this site, or type it in and is pouring their heart out, what is so hard about taking the time to respond to them? Is it because they are "anonymous"? Who really cares? They're still human.
I hear you Judy...
Personally, I came to this site looking for ideas, answers, survival tips for living in a step family situation. It was far more difficult than I could have imagined. I originally came to the site a year and a half ago...the site was still fairly new and it was great.
I didn't come looking for friends or anything like that. However, for some that is what resulted...that is great. For others on the site, sounds as though that is not the goal.
The bottom line is that we are all in the same struggle with step parenting. Our circumstances are all different but the challenge is the same. How do we expect others to support us who know nothing about step parenting when we can't even support each other. (Disagreement is normal. People can agree to disagree.)
Every person who comes to the site is looking for support or knowledge and the issues don't go away with time. They just change. Step parenting is a never ending challenge so why not work together to support each other, no matter what the challenge. No one person's advice has all the answers or they wouldn't need to be here!
I guess I feel if I took the time to register then I guess others should too.
I don't like to see some Anon poster write things that, to me, come off as a jealous ex. I've read some that come across like that to me. I've also read some posts by Anon that come across as sincere replies. Guess it would be nice to weed out all those crabby Anon posters.
I actually think it's sort of comical to see someone post a comment claiming that I, as a SM, have no idea what the BM/Kids/SKids are going thru. Actually I do. I have even sympathized with my DH's EX-wife and even tried to make him see BM's POV. I know what it is like to be in my SD's position (I was a Skid once) and I know what it is like to be a single parent. I also know the harsher reality of being a single parent with NO CS coming in. I had it more difficult than BM for 7 years of my son's life. There are reasons why I do certain things---like never make the CS late, etc.
I also am a wise woman & know that I will never receive any praise or thanks from BM for things I do.
What does it take
like 5 minutes or less to register? That's what I remember. Besides, when you are anon, it doesn't get posted right away...the first and only time I posted anon, it took 24 hours for it to post, so I decided to just register. I am so glad I did. I, too, read this website everyday and even though I'm not a SM, I'm a single BM and I like it that way, and my ex has a gf. Why would I want to bash either my ex, or the gf/SM? I've never had any reason to dislike my ex's gf, I don't even know her! I've met her a handful of times and she LOVES my kids, so why ruin that?
Okay, I need to calm down. I don't like to bash BM's, but when they act so horribly and treat their kids so poorly, it really gets my blood pressure up.
One More Thing...
I think I'm just going to ignore the Anon users comments, especially those little nasty ones.
I like MamaJenn24 remember the few minutes it took to register. It's simple not like pulling teeth or anything.
I'm with you..
on this one. Like my skid's BM they are just stirring it up.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Sorry for not being part of the club
I work for the military. Those of you who know military life know that email and computer usage is censored and monitored. I was glad that this site is available to me at work, as it helped me work thru many problems with my Fiance and 3 kids. However, to register, you need to enter in your email address. I do not use my work email for anything besides FOUO, so I can't register. I can't access gmail, or yahoo, or hotmail from work. I am only on the computer at work. When I am at home, it's family time.
So, much as I enjoy this site, and some posters on here, it is becoming too junior high around here for me. Thank you to those who take the time to look past the pettiness of whether or not my comments are under anonymous or not, and for taking the time to respond or relate. To the others....nothing to say. I didn't take drama in highschool, and don't want to deal with it now. This is reminiscent of the 'oholic episode. Being registered doesn't make you guys any better, or your problems any more real than the anon posters. Thanks for not discriminating Dawn.
Thanks Judy
You said a lot of how I feel. What I find interesting is a lot of anons are also registered users!!! lol You want to try to tell someone to look outside their cubicle, and see why the ex/kids might not be so hot for them. I tried to help one poster on here who emails her dh's kids and other things when clearly they do not want a relationship with her or her husband. Not just the ex. She constantly makes comments to her husband how he should do this or that, instead of realizing that is rubbing salt in the wound. She always brings up what his kids DIDN'T do, hello he doesn't want to hear it! Wakeup! Life has to go on even if you leave your 1st family and they end up writing you off. Now the husband wants to move on, so quit bringing up how crappy his kids are. For one theres two sides, two its over they don't want a relationship with you or him! Sad, but accept it and move ahead.
Or another new poster on here that complains all the time about the ex wife, and how she tries to keep her child away from them. Then we find out the husband has anger issues and has been physical to the point the police have been called. OMG!! People this is not being judgemental, its a pretty clear observation. Just like the two recently who were posting on here, one was the bm and the other was the stepmother and it was obvious they were both obsessed with each other, and their sole goal was to inflict pain. The no good man they were with (yes they) apparently was enjoying the attention and out of the three there wasn't one that decided to stop the sickness. I think dawn banned them. Anyways, Judy there are quite a few registered users that agree with you and we email privately back and fourth. People that play the blame game cannot be helped and there are many here, and then there are also many that do want some help.
Thanks, Anonymous for a reason
What's funny is that I know exactly who you are talking about. I have often thought the same thing too, about rubbing salt in the wound. But, I can see that people on here who have made "friends" do not want to hurt their "friends" feelings by telling them what they want to hear, so they post their views under anon. I've often wondered why people do that. You post your vent on to a public forum, but get upset when someone tells you what you don't want to hear. Strange.....
Sometimes I think when I read some anon comments that I can almost tell who the person is by the style of writing, sometimes
I think...
You can enter any email. It doesn't have to be your work one, or one attached to whatever computer you're using. You could make up a hotmail/yahoo one for free from home and use that. I used to do that if I joined a group where I needed anonymity. I'm not sure if you want to register or not, but just thought I'd pass that along if that's the hold up for anyone. You sign in with a screen name, no one sees your email address, and your profile has only as much info as you wish.
Peace, love, and red wine
Me too
Take a second and register. Oh, and Anne Summers... we havent formally met yet.... nice to meet you and have your back on a subject that many of us old timers have been juggling for quite some time!!!!!
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."
Nice to meet you all.
In my short time here, I have enjoyed reading posts & even posting my own topics. It's nice to actually have a place where people understand me & what go thru. It's also really nice not to have angry posters here like on another site I tried out. It seemed on that site that every time a SM voiced her opinion she would get met with angry comments---it always seemed like a jealous person taking out their anger on everyone else.
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
I like this site...
even though I'm not a BM or SM. I'm seeing someone with a child and I know I shouldn't be posting on this website too much. I'm glad I found this website though. I really don't know my BF's STBX, I just know the stories that he told me. However I'm not going to pass judgment on her. I want to thank everyone for giving me that advice on my first post. I don't expect her to accept or respect me either (see my second post)I'm grateful for this site and if I offend any one you can send me a pm. I'm not going to post too much, but I would like to read your stories. I respect you guys very much.
It would be nice for non members to register. If there's something you don't agree with, you can send a pm. I know some people here don't like the "high school drama" then register so you don't have to be called out on your post. I think that would reduce the "drama".
I think anyone involved (or been involved) with someone who has kids should be able to register. I think they have the right because they too deal with issues with their SO and his/her kids. I think if I would have known about this site sooner I probably would have been on it even while dating my DH.
There were a lot of feelings that I did not know that alot of other folks experience too. I'm glad to finally know that I'm not the only one. 
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
It's not the high school
It's not the high school drama or the fear of being called out that is stopping me from registering. i simply don't see a need to. The point is, who cares if the person talking is registered or not? Does being registered make their problem relevant? I don't think so. Who cares, really, whether I'm a member or not? Everyone has a need and a desire to have their voices heard. If you choose to ignore anonymous posters simply for the fact that they are anonymous, maybe you need to reevaluate your thinking? I understand the angry or rude posters. maybe they said something you didn't want to hear? But the ones that come here who genuinely need help should be able to get that help without having to "register". It really isn't that important.
Good Point
I agree, I must have missed some posts because I haven't seen any rude ones lately. I'm thinking the same thing, the truth hit too close to home and someone didn't want to hear it. It must be like the AAA step program, to get to step 1 you first have to admit you have a problem.
There is no
"boss" of us around here (except Dawn). I hate excluding anyone from posting, it almost seems like the MEAN girl(s) syndrome in high school to exclude people. This isn't a club with a president.
Let's get back to discussing issues.
Donations are good
I think I will make one now . . . thank you so much Dawn, for all you do!!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I just looked at some posts and then found this blown out mess. Where does anyone say we don't want anonymous posters? Where does it say you must register or we won't answer and acknowledge your problems?? Where does it say you have to be an SM a BM or a skid to chat and give advice?? Show me the bolg that states this!!
This is ridiculous, I answer anyone who has genuine concerns and heaps of them are anons and so do most of us "registered users", just look at the blog I can't stand my Stepdaughter..there are loads!! I don't on the other hand, appreciate nasty personal attacks on anyone who has come here for advice and it's written by an anonymous poster. Although you are always anonymous anyway when you sign up because no one knows the who the hell "Jumpinfishinarizona" is anyway, they do it anon because what they have to say is so rude and inappropriate that if you had a screen name no one would ever want to help you again because you have nothing nice to say.
The original post said do you think?? And do you feel? Not it should be!! I know who needs to grow up here and it's not someone making a passing question about whether we think anon posters should be allowed...I think Anne Summers was saying she doesn't reply to anon posters who are rude and judgemental. There are not many sites you can post anon on without signing up, maybe for this very reason!
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
Well said Catch 22.
Well said Catch 22.
Good Gracious
Forgive me for stirring up the hornet's nest.
I didn't realize all this "bashing" (for lack of a better term) would take place when I asked a simple question. I only asked b/c I am a fairly new user. Most forums that I participate in, all people writing must be members. This site is a little different---hence the reasoning behind my question.
Even worse to me is the fact that the non-members posting here took my question as a personal attack on them for some reason. The only reason I state this is because of the way the non-members responded by personally attacking some members of this forum. These type of negative comments are the very cause of my original question.
I feel if the non-members would have taken the time to read my original question you would have read that I think some non-members post sincere questions and answers. I am thankful for those. I really wish you all would join.
However I mentioned that some non-members seem to be judgemental and rude. Some non-members that posted under this topic showed my very reason for making that statement. Thanks for proving my point.
I am sorry if this topic and my original question caused anyone hurt or pain---whether it be member or non-member. This was not my intent. It was also not my intent for this topic to turn out so angrily between non-members and members. It was not my intent to cause a break-up of friendships, if that happened here within this topic.
I'm sorry.
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
Don't feel too bad Anne.
Don't feel too bad Anne. You just happened to touch on a topic that has come up several times before and always ends up getting pretty heated before it dies down again.
StepTalk is different. It was meant to be. Too many sites lock their content behind memberships and therefore make it harder for people to search and find answers.
At the very least, we intend to keep StepTalk open to public view by default. We (Dawn and I) have been and continue to talk about ways to make the site better. Giving the users (members) more control of their content has always been an issue. We would like to make it easier. Unfortunately the software we are running limits us to what we can do.
We plan on updating it soon and then looking into new ways to allow members to control their content. Until then, we just have to deal with what we have. We're doing our best to limit flaming comments and spam without completely shutting down anonymous comments.
I have to pipe up that I
I have to pipe up that I posted anonymously in the past. I just checked out the site for the first time after registering for another site that seemed very judgmental to me. I didn't want to take even the few minutes it takes to register if I felt attacked like I had on the other site. Once I realized that this site was different, I didn't mind registering. I tend to ignore stupid/judgmental/inflammatory comments anyway, so the whole anon thing doesn't bother me too much. I have even begun ignoring certain blogs because I feel that some of them are complaining without seeking or taking any of the advice that it offered, so it isn't just some anons that get annoying to me.
I do think it is nice to have a name and some basic info on the people I am communicating with or reading about, just to keep things straight. But, the problem w/ anons is that you never know if you have already heard the person's story or not. Gets confusing to me, so I tend to ignore stuff posted by anon.
Maybe if the anons that want to post more regularly would put some type of username in the body of their comments it would be easier for everyone to know that it wasn't a BM coming here to stir up the pot with a step-mom, etc.
I agree 100% with Judy and Anon for a reason,
ESPECIALLY the parts about a lot of the ladies on this site forming a click and not telling one another the truth or what they need to hear because they don't want to hurt one another's feelings. Then when anyone else tells them like it is this big click bans together and attacks the poor new person, or person whos not in their little click and who did nothing more than tell it like it is.
A lot of this same click members admit to posting anonymously.
I don't get what the big deal is, you can post anonymously, you can have numerous different accts with different names, or whatever. This site IS anonymous because most of us are posting with a screen name and not our real names and the ones that do want to exchange personal information do!
I have to disagree, Conflicted
I am friends with many of the ladies on here, our friendships have been taken beyond StepTalk, but when they post, I reply honestly. Why? Well because this is why we became friends in the first place, so why would I change the very reason that I have these special people in my life?
My goodness things certainly
My goodness things certainly have been interesting here lately. I don't post too much just when I am stressed out and need someone to tell my story too who isn't going to look at me poorly. Things I can't tell my close friends or family because well they don't get it. I know that people get burned when they use a screen name and register and for some reason BM's find their postings. Things that someone could make me feel horrible about saying could be found. I don't think that the question of registering is an issue. People don't register for many reasons, as long as they aren't being disrespectful and rude in their comments then who cares. Many people who post who aren't members take the time to type a name into the poster's box instead of simply leaving it anonymous. Often times I don't realize that I have not logged into the site and post comments. And it isn't just anonymous posters and non-members who are giving judgemental points of views and leaving upsetting comments. I can't say that too many of you have ever left me much advice, mostly I read other blogs and comments and get my advice from there. This is a place for people to vent in regards to step parenting so maybe things that aren't related to step parenting should be sent to people through personal messages. I mean I think some of you are being overly harsh on people who haven't registered and maybe regardless of who is posting people should ignore the rude comments and harsh critism that sometimes finds its way onto this site. Someone will also try to make you feel worse than you already do, the best thing to do is ignore it and move on.
My last word on this...
We're all anonymous, except those of us who use our real names as our screen names. (Yes, my name really is Anne.) I should rephrase my gripe, because it's not really an issue about anonymous posters, it's really a gripe about unregistered posters. The reason I have a problem with this is because on more than one occasion, I have been personally attacked by a member posing as an unregistered anonymous guest. My fault, because I let this person into my personal life and trusted this person enough to give this person access to the "real" me. Okay, my knees got skinned, but the lesson was learned. I've asked that my account be closed and I'm sure it will be soon, once Admin gets around to my request. I will probably continue lurking here from time to time and maybe someday, after all the hoopla dies down, I will register again. I'm excited to hear that the Admin of this site is interested in someday putting in some new features to let individuals have more say and maybe moderate their own personal blogs. That may be the answer to everything. I dunno. The only real way I've found to protect myself, sadly, is to remove Anne 8102 from the playing field.