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Anne Summers's Blog

Terrible night last night...(long, sorry)

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Hi Ya'll,

Things had been looking up for a while here on the home front. I think that was in part to my disengaging for the most part from the sk dynamic. However, last night was kaboom and it all fell apart.

Yesterday started out fine. A nice morning, snuggles in bed with DH, pancakes for everyone. DH had made plans for us all to go to a friend's house at 1 PM.

Content (Long rant---It might come off harsh b/c of other things going on)

Anne Summers's picture

Ok, so lately I have realized that I am content and basically happy. Strange thing is I guess I finally had a little ephinany. I figured if DH (or BM for that matter) is not going to actually fight for (not just argue) the multitude of complaints that they throw back and forth at each other in the four year old like banter about SD----THEN, why should I care about their rants and raves?

Who Divorced Who???

Anne Summers's picture

I'm just curious about this. I am trying to figure out if the other parent's behavior is b/c they did not cause/want the divorce.


In your case, who divorced who? Was it your SO that requested/filed for the divorce from his/her EX. Or was it the EX?

Does it get easier?

Anne Summers's picture

As time passes, does it get easier---with DH, Skid(s), the BM, DH's family, etc?

My DH was married to the BM for only 6 years when they separated/divorced. DH & I have been married for 3 years come this March. Thus DH & I have been married (known each other longer) for half of the time that DH & BM were married. I wonder if things will get better once DH & I go past that 6 year mark of his last marriage.

Question about Visitation.

Anne Summers's picture

My DH is in the military. Thus there are times when he is gone on TDY, Deployment, etc. BM has refused me to pick up SD (even for a day) while DH is gone.

Do any of you have a similar situation (SM or SD)? Are you still able to pick up SKid(s)? Do you guys even tell BM when DH is out of town?

Plus do you know of anything legal that could back me up if I do decide to get SD?

Oh, I alsmost forgot to tell this...(A little long)

Anne Summers's picture

As some of you know the BM in our case refused to let us have SD on the day we were supposed to over Winter Vacation. We even went to BM's apartment to pick up SD the correct day, but only to find no one was home. Called police---they told DH to call BM. No answer. So the police (and us) left.
