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Hello, I'm New Here

lexi's picture

I just joined this community of fellow stepparents. I am 24 years old and I live with my fiance and his 4 year old son. It has been a constant struggle dealing with the BM since she is young, childish and immature. She recently told my SS that she was going to, "Whoop me!" I was livid!! Who in their right mind would say something like that to their kid. I do everything from cook, feed and care for her child that she does not see but every other weekend and once a week and this is how she repays me! I do more than she ever has in his four years put together. When he was younger she would forget to call on his birthdays or not come around and stay with all kinds of guys. She recently got in trouble with the law for hiding a child molester that was apprehended as well and just had a baby by him. My fiance was quick to take her to court and have in legal writing that his son was better off with him. She lives at home now with her mom, stepdad, and little brother along with her newborn. This home is a three bedroom home and is not in a hurry to get out and make it on her own. She works as a hostess making little or nothing at all. During court the judge made it clear that my SS was way better off with us because we have had no history with the law, consistant good jobs, and a good home. I know she is probably pissed off at the situation but she makes me want to pull my hair out because she talks as if she has so much right and as if she controls this situation. My SS goes to spend the weekend with her and he comes back with an awful attitude. We enrolled him in soccer this past season and when she had him that weekend she would bring him late and one time he nearly passed out at the game because she had not fed him, she just made him get out of bed and brought him straight to the game at 12NOON! There have been times where we pick him up so dirty and grungy and he tells me he has not taken a bath, or has eaten junk food all day! Its like he is taking 10 steps forward with us but 20 steps back with her. I am just so emotionally tired and stressed out! Need advice. He is getting to the point where is just hard to control, whines, talks back, fights with me, yells at me and I do so much! Does it ever stop???


1wits_end's picture

Sorry 2 doesn't get any better unless BM gets a life of her own or your fiance goes back 2 her like mine did....LOL....good luck!

Little Jo's picture

Take a deep breath, you are here now. We all feel your pain. Each of our situations vary, but we are who we are.

You are young and so it your BM. Hopefully with time you all can grow into a civil co-exsistance. ( Hey, I'm just trying to make her feel better ) But I do mean it. I wish that for all of us.

Take it day by day Lex.