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Case of the "oopsies"

young-sm-to-be's picture

BM left FDH a voicemail today about kindergarten screening for ss4. Said "whoops I totally forgot it was this week" blah blah blah and an she come pick him up tomorrow night and keep him for the rest of OUR time and we can "just pick him up early" next time. Um....NO. And eff you. You gripe and moan about how you're ontime but we never are (hahahahahahahahahaha no sorry sweetie, it's the opposite) and then try and play the overworked mother card and say it slipped your mind? F*ck no. And considering all the crap going on and how we're questioning not only your parental abilities but your general ability to be a decent human being, then no, sorry. You can reschedule for next week when it is YOUR scheduled time to have ss4 and not interfere with his time with his daddy thankyouverymuch.


Lalena75's picture

Let dad do it. I had to have my ex register both kids for school the first year after our separation, all the papers were filled out all he had to do really was turn them in. H had a 14 yr old register herself for high school (she did fine thank goodness) and called and text me a dozen times for our sons while I was 4 states away. I told him he could figure it out and he did. He had to do it again the next year as I again went on my own vacation and took our dd who I preregistered so he only had ds to take care of, he had to have his gf walk him through he but he got it done. So it's not like an adult can't handle it so really what would BM's excuse be to try and stop him doing it for his son? And yeah looks good in court. Wink

overworkedmom's picture

I agree. It with everyone else. It will look bad on your part to miss the screening but if you guys take him to it that will be awesome!

young-sm-to-be's picture

That was my first thought, and would work except FDH works 2nd shift, I had final exams and work, and kindergarten is 2 hours away. The custody is shifting (according to BM who drew up the papers our lawyer is looking at, BM lives 2 hrs from us) which is why it's not a local school. We called her today and said "You scheduled this, you fix it. We'd take him if you lived closer, but this is not our fault and we will not disrupt his schedule for your mistake." she bitched and moaned and we just told her TS.
If the biting stuff (see previous blog) continues we're filing for full custody ASAP and he'll be going to school here, but currently it's a legal mess bc she is the custodial parent (BM automatically is in our state, regardless of her ability or desire to parent)