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No phonecall at Christmas

Sootica's picture

This morning DH & I woke up to a message on DH's phone from SS wishing dad & Sootica a merry Christmas.Time of message received was 03:30am.DH said "SS must be so excited it's Christmas he couldn't sleep so he must have wanted to wish us early" to which I replied "SS probably knew BM would not allow him to ring you to wish you Merry Christmas so SS had to do it on the sly without her knowing." Now last Christmas when SS was with us after he opened his Christmas stocking and before opening the gifts under the tree at 09:30am DH gave him the phone and told him to ring BM to wish her Merry Christmas.SS did ring her and BM instructed him to keep the phone at hand as her mother would also be ringing SS to wish him in the next hour so DH let SS hold into his phone until BM's mother had rung & then the phone was put away.Well it is now almost 7pm in the UK and no phonecall from SS.What a surprise!Mind you this is the same BM who forbade SS to ring his father on fathers day 2 years on the trot (which DH has never done on Mother's Day).


Sootica's picture

I totally agree with you dtzyblnd,one would think that behaving sane for 1 day of the year would not be so much of a big ask but apparently it is.

cant win for losin's picture


Stuff like this makes me super sad. My exh would play these type of games when the kids were younger. I knew what he was doing when it was happening, and just could NEVER bring myself to do a tit for tat.

Sootica's picture

LOL!!!Yes aswang it was in the AM,thanks for giving me a good laugh though.BM doesn't do drugs so one can't even say her crazy behaviour is drug induced. Being a nutter comes au natural to her.