BM and forged passports
My husband has primary custody of his 2 girls (10 & 6)...I've blogged before about our situation. Well, we were on a weekend trip and instead of waiting for us she forged his name, got some dumb*ss to notorize the forgery and submitted paperwork to get passports for the kids. Anyone dealt with this type situation? She booked the 2 week out of town trip before asking permission, DH was just going to "let her" until he found out his kids are scared to travel with her to somewhere foreign. Also, on her weekends they never bathe, and we found out they are scared at her place because so many people "crash" at her apt. They don't have a bedroom anymore and both have to sleep in her bed. But our lawyer says it's hard to take away what little custody she has (EOW Thurs-Mon)...
I think we are going to prosecute on the forgery though. If she can do that, how do we know we aren't going to be victims of identity theft, charge cards in our name etc...
- Stepmom_C's blog
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OMG... Prosecute her ass! I can't believe she would so stupid to pull something like that! I too doubt that you could lessen her time with the kids... but you can go after her criminally.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat???? Girl, I am SO with you on the prosecution front. And honestly, that kind of charge and conviction could mean MAJOR problems. It's bad enough to forge a sig on a check or a form, but a US GOVERNMENT form is a TOTALLY different story, especially on travel documents in the post-9/11 world. Honestly, I'd file an emergency petition for temp custody over this if you are able to accomodate the kids right now. Not only did she fail to speak to DH about the kids leaving town, but she forged his signature to get the paperwork to do it and that, to me, would prove that she is a danger to those kids and will go to any length to disappear with them.
GOOD LUCK...I really hope that this goes your way.
Me too ...
I think if she was willing to go to that length, I'd wonder if she was going to come back with the kids.
That kind of forgery is a Federal offense too ... she won't get away with it. I'd file an emergency restraining Order preventing her from leaving town with the kids, let alone out of the country. Maybe an emergency petition for full-custody is in order also.
~ Katrina
OMG I can't believe the BM of your skid did that!!!!! No she is not supposed to do that. If she wanted passports all she needed to do is fill out a Notorized form from the State Dept giving her permission from BF to get the passports. That would in my opinion may be a FEDERAL offense with immigration being so tight after 911. Contact the State Dept and Report it they can probably give you the steps on what to do.
That was the form she forged! The notorized form from the state dept... and to make matters worse, she works for a "governmental agency" which is how she talked someone into notorizing the document.
Well I Would Call the Attorney
And sue her Ass. What is to say she doesn't get a huge loan in his name and leave the country with the children!!!!! I would get some type of something done to block this woman from leaving the country with her kids.
Call the State Dept and inform them it is a forged passport.
This is scary on the surface, but it could ultimately be your ace in the hole. How do you think it would look to a judge that she FORGED passports? It would make her look like a flight risk, like she has intentions of kidnapping the kids and fleeing the country with them. Definitely prosecute. This might be ammo for a modification to the custody/visitation order.
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm sorry, but what dumbass
I'm sorry, but what dumbass attorney do you have? SHE FORGED A PASSPORT! HELLO!
Let me tell you, my mother just spent a month trying to get a passport, and she didn't forge anything, but because the dumbass doctor that issued her birth certificate 50 some years ago, did it 12 years AFTER her birth... long story... because he was a dumbass, the gov won't issue her one because her birth certificate is 'not valid', yet they will allow her to get married, get divorced, get remarried, then serve jury duty, vote, you name it... but apparently, she's not a 'legal citizen'... whatever.
I say, find another lawyer and prosecute.
Janice, in your situation, I completely see where you are coming from and your ex was being an ass. But this woman has always "been above the law, above the divorce decree" and simply acted out of hate for years (The kids live with DH and me which makes her "demands" worse. I do HER job and she still, every few months, makes demands on DH for no other reason than to piss us off). She left DH a voicemail and demanded he come down to the post office right then, or else...well, um...we were out of town and he doesn't jump for her anymore. Yes he used to, but has changed quite a bit over the last few years. The problem is my DH knew she wanted to travel during her summer visitation (even though she booked the trip without permission, at that point there was "knowledge" and he didn't stop her)so we don't have much for a modification for custody because of that. What's sad (for her) is if she would have waited one more business day he would have signed but put a "condition" on the passport being only for the one trip. She just thinks she's above the law. Always has.... We filed a report with the county sheriff and they said it's a definite forgery with all the proof we need. From here, they decide if it's worth pursuing...So she's getting the passports, and her trip with the kids, but may have some serious questions to answer. I doubt much will come of it with overcrowding of jails and such but it may just scare her a little and make her stop trying to do these illegal things. Worse case it's a police file to use as proof once we have enough evidence to modify custody.
Thanks for all the comments and I'll keep you posted!
Good Thinking
Calling the Sheriff's Dept is good thinking.
But why go that route? So she wants to take the kids on a trip, and she used poor judgement but why do all that to her. How will the children react to all that, and will it be worth it in the long run. Obviously she should have had your husband ok it and didn't but do you think you over reacted somewhat?
Why NOT?
She committed a federal offense. What is to stop her from getting a loan out in BF's name. BF is not doing this to her. She did it to herself. Anybody who tries to steal my signature or identity I will make sure got prosecuted. The BM is not a victim in this case.
The Courts
are seeing all the ploys ex's are using to gain custody or get more favor in court. Of course what she did was stupid, but the court will also likely look at the other side as well. As usual the kids end up suffering even more.
It is cut and dry she signed a name that is not her own. The only person making the children suffer is BM herself. She did a criminal act in front of the children. I totally don't agree with you.
One thing
Stepmom_C--this is probably a dumb question, but is DH's name on the birth certificates? Because if not, she doesn't need his permission to get passports for the girls. The are two cases in which it is acceptable for only 1 parent to give consent--1. If one parent is dead, and, as Janice said, a death certificate must be provided, and 2. If no father is named on the birth certificate. I got my DD a passport last year on my own and didn't need BF to sign anything because he wasn't there when DD was born and in NY the father must be present to sign the BC. The idiot at the PO told me that I needed BF's sig regardless, and he even yelled at me when I questioned him. I called the gov number directly and we had a laugh, then they confirmed that no name on bc=no sig required. Just a thought!
Yep, Krissy
Yep, Krissy...his name is on both of them! She filled out the form that is supposed to be signed and notorized by the other parent, forged his name to it, looked up his social # and had a "buddy" notorize the document.
She did what!!!!!
Oh, am I glad to find you went to the sheriff with that...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Quick update...
The trip is supposed to be sometime this week. As of Monday, BM states she has not received the passports. She also said she got in trouble at work because the sheriff came there to question her! Yep, she won't give us her address so we gave the police her work address. We haven't heard from the detective in a couple of weeks (not sure why?) but DH left him a voicemail asking about the status of the case. So far, no callback...
So we don't know 1) if the kids are going with her for 2 weeks in June 2) if they are leaving the country during those 2 weeks 3) what the status of the investigation is and 4) who confiscated the passports?? May have been the police...not sure. I feel like I live in a soap opera. No, more like Jerry Springer. More updates later!
If you know the dates...
that they intend to travel (and you should be able to get them from the airline) you can have her met at the gate by the FBI and she would be arrested for international kidnapping. If that were to happen, the likely result would be a major change in custody.
They are not leaving the country...
BM is getting them for the 2 weeks visitation but the passports were confiscated and held because of the forgery. As far as ProudMom's comment of going too far with it and what will the kids think...I don't think DH went too far. We deal with a bipolar BM who doesn't follow any rules, never has. The kids were with her when she forged his name, crying and telling her it was wrong. She told them she didn't care. Also she physically and mentally abuses both her kids and abused my DH when they were married. Actually stabbed him with her keys in front of their daughter who was 3 at the time. So please don't judge me based on one decision to try and set boundaries. As for SDs - they are excited. Of course they want to see their mom, and they are...but they both told DH they were really scared to leave the country with her because they don't feel safe with her and they didn't know how to sneak and call him if they were in another country. All the actions taken here were for the best interests of the SDs, they were DH's decisions and I support him 100%.
Congrats on the resolution and for the safety of your SKids.
~ Katrina
To the Anonymous poster above...
This has nothing to do with custody or the children suffering. In this case the BM doesn't have custody so we aren't trying to get it, WE HAVE IT. She doesn't even want it. Yes, what she did was stupid. The kids aren't suffering, we have them in therapy and it's well documented that they were upset by their BM actions of forging DH name and how they didn't feel safe leaving the country with their own mother. She's got problems, major problems. They still love her and we never speak bad about her. However they ARE smart enough to know she's unstable. When they stay with her she has babysitters all the time and doesn't even spend time with them.... who's causing the suffering then??
My BD received a Cancun trip as a present from one of her uncles - luckily she is 18 and we didnt have to hunt down her dead beat dad - I can just see what a nightmare that would have been. But she got her passport with 7 days (expedited). Dont know if it was because she was 18 but she was still a sr in high school. I signed the forms and they didnt ask about the fathers permission.
The forms are downloadable from the USPS website. You print them out, complete them, bring the required documentation or can mail it in. Didnt have any problems and didnt require co-signatures. I live in CA but would assume the reqs are the same nationwide. Very easy process. I did sign her PP form and we did at the post office in front of a USPS employee who processes the PP and took the photo ID. Maybe it was because she was 18...dont know for sure but I did not have to do anything with BF.