Sorry excuse for a mother!
My fiance just gave me the rundown of his Family Based Therapy appointment tonight over at BM's. We would both like to thank her from the bottom of our hearts for doing all she can to hand over custody of SD. Gee, we don't need to do anything at all but sit back and watch her act like a complete lunatic in front of the therapists, thus proving herself an unfit mother. Keep in mind, these therapists will make a custody recommendation to the courts when all is said and done. You'd think she'd behave a little better, knowing all this!
The point of this 9-month program is to get BM and BF to successfully coparent, which basically means getting BM to cooperate because BF is already doing everything he damn well can. These poor therapists have made no progress whatsoever with this woman in the past month or 2. Their hour-long appointment tonight went for TWO AND A HALF HOURS of her throwing out accusations about everything BF has done to prove what a horrible father he is and the therapists just kept telling her that it is obvious she holds on to a lot of hurt over the past, but that she needs to move forward, she needs to let go, she needs to get past it, she needs to put all that aside and coparent with BF. Her response each time? "Yes, but HE needs to do this or that. Blah blah blah." And so it continued. They even went as far as to say "this isn't couples counseling (AS IF they're a couple!!) this is coparenting therapy. Let's move on, please!" When the therapists tried to ask her why she didn't or wouldn't communicate with BF about decisions for SD, she said "because there's no point" and wouldn't elaborate. I don't think any judge will like to hear that! It's all on record, sweetie! There's no denying that you refuse to include the father of your child in decisions on her welfare. A direct violation of the shared legal custody.
So, all she did the entire time was make up lies about poor BF. I'd like to share some of my favorites:
BM's lie: BF greatly upset SD at Christmas of 2004 when he didn't show up to get her because he was too busy with his new family to care about her. :jawdrop:
The truth: BF and I spent 5 hours of our first Christmas together on the road to go get SD. We drove 2 hours from my parents' and when we got to their place, low and behold, BM had disappeared with SD and was incommunicado for 27 hours because she didn't want us taking SD to my parents'. We stayed there for an hour, distraught, calling all contact numbers we had for her and her extended family, until we gave up and drove back to my parents, utterly defeated, depressed, worried. I urged BF to call the police, but he didn't want to cause distress for SD. Times have changed and we don't hesitate to call the police when she denies visitation now because as we can see here, WE NEED A POLICE RECORD FOR PROOF.
BM's lie: BF is severely mentally disabled by his bipolar disorder, but he went off his meds on his own, against medical advice. :barf:
The truth: Yes, BF was diagnosed and treated for bipolar years ago. His psychiatrist and therapist both agreed that he could discontinue his medication. In the 3 years I've known him, he has not had any episodes. If he starts to get a little manic, I remind him to take it easy and guess what? He DOES!
BM's lie: Everyone smokes around SD at my parents' house and it makes her uncomfortable that BF would place her daughter in an unsafe environment. :O
The truth: My mom and stepdad both smoke, yes. OUT ON THE PORCH.
BM's lie: BF and I both told SD that it's ok to try smoking, just once. :?
The truth: What? We said what? This one came out of thin air!
BM's lie: BF and I are morally reprehensible and put SD in bad situations in our home. :barf:
The truth: Do I even need to go there and explain myself on this one?
So, with these examples (and there are more, I'm just tired of typing!!) I think you can see where she's going with this. She wants to make him out to be a bad parent so that Family Based won't recommend a change in custody. She already knows that they see she's unfit, so she's out to "prove" that he's more unfit? Oh, and she said about 37 times "I'm a good mother." Riiiiight. We believe you, honey. When PIGS FLY!
One more interesting tidbit: remember when she threw a fit that the therapists wanted to meet me in our home? Well, she changed her tune last week and said that we should have a "girls night": the 2 female therapists, SD, BM and me - excluding BF of course. When she brought it up tonight, the therapists said that for right now they wanted to focus on getting BM and BF to communicate and since they weren't there yet, they didn't want to introduce me to the mix for the time being. One step at a time, so to speak. (They're still going to meet with me and BF from time to time, just not me and BM yet.) Anyway, she flipped out over this! Big surprise. These poor therapists must be so sick of her throwing temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. (sigh)
If you've hung on this long, I thank you for listening -er- reading. I will continue to update you on the saga as it unfolds. Maybe come September you'll see a blog entitled "Thanks to BM, we got custody!" or "SD is starting 7th grade at our local middle school today!"
- Caitlin's blog
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Just wondering....
How did the counseling arrangement begin? Was it court ordered?
Not court ordered
No, it's not court ordered but it was ordered by the psychiatric clinic that SD attended for 12 days after her suicide attempts. Her psychiatrists there saw very clearly what was making SD sick: her mother. They ordered Family Based Therapy to come into both homes 2-3 times per week for 9 months and evaluate SD's relationships with her family members and then work on making changes in any inappropriate behavior to help SD thrive. We were told point blank that the idea was to either get BM to change her ways and learn to coparent and not use her child as her only support system, or recommend to the courts that SD live in a more stable environment: with us. They commended us for dealing so well with BM, so I don't think they're trying to make any changes in our behavior if you catch my drift.
At our first (and only so far) appointment at our house, one of the therapists turned to me and said "in the event that something were to happen, how would you feel if SD were to come live here?" I told her I would welcome her with open arms. They asked me this after they told us a story of a Munchausen by proxy case where they worked for almost a year to get a little boy out of his mother's custody. Do you see where they're going with this?
BM is proving 2-3 times per week just how impossible she is to work with. She's not going to change. But they're going to try for 9 months to say that they gave it their all.
I was wondering about you guys...
Thanks for the update and keep 'em coming. I hope they get BM straightened out, but if not, I hope they can at least teach SD how to thrive in spite of her. You guys have given her another star to hitch her wagon to, so I know she'll be okay. It's just such a shame that she has to be dragged through all of this by a mother who can't put her child ahead of her own selfish need for dramatics.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
SD is actually doing surprisingly well through all this. I don't know how she copes with a mother like that, but I guess she has a good support system with her therapists and of course, her dad and me. Luckily, she didn't witness BM's dramatics at last night's appointment. She was next door with her grandfather so the therapists could just work with the parents.
What I'm baffled by is, here is an ivy-league educated woman, so she's obviously intelligent, but she CANNOT get it through her thick skull that the only way she is going to keep custody of her daughter is by cooperating with the therapists and learning to coparent. They do NOT want to hear any of her ugly mudslinging, whether it's true, false or anything in between! She thinks she's making a case for herself by sullying his name, yet all she's doing is making it very clear to them that she is incapable of changing for the good of her child. How stupid can Ms. Ivy League be?!
Remember the old GEICO
Remember the old GEICO commercials? WE ALL DO DUMB THINGS. Well, for most of us, we do something stupid, we learn from our mistakes, and we move on a little better and smarter for it. We try something different next time. We handle things in a new way. We look for a better choice. I don't think this BM's problem has anything to do with being stupid, I think this has to do with her being a sociopath. I think she is COMPELLED to act this way. She may intellectually know that she's shooting herself in the foot, but is totally helpless due to mental illness to keep herself from pulling the trigger. What do you think, Caitlin? Do you think she has the ability to control herself or do you think she's so far gone that she has no control anymore? If she can't, then how can you ever feel that SD is safe with her mother when the mother cannot control her compulsions and impulses? Scary stuff. I feel for you guys. I think about you often.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
You're right, I know she's not stupid
You're right, I know she's not stupid. It does have a lot (everything?) to do with her mental illness. Maybe she truly is incapable of controlling herself.
Sometimes, like once in a blue moon, she acts sensibly though. It's always short-lived and she always goes back to her irrational ways, but what is different in those tiny windows when she *is* reasonable and cooperates with the father of her child? It's a mystery to me.
It sure is scary that this out-of-control severely disturbed woman is solely responsible for a little girl 9/10 of the time. It's no wonder that SD just wanted to escape the insanity by jumping out the window or plunging a butcher knife into her chest. She must have felt so helpless and hopeless at those moments, like she had no choice but to just end her life so she wouldn't have to deal with her mental mother anymore. I'm glad SD doesn't feel so helpless now, with all the help she's getting from Family Based Therapy. I at least have hope for her now. I think she feels the same.
I hate to say it...
but your BF and SD are triggers for her mental psychosis. Anne has a point about not being able to control it... her psychosis controls her, and she may even have rational thinking behind it, however, this has gone on for so long that she can't control it. This is very much like a drug addict, and she's not ready to change. She has to be willing to acknowledge there is a problem, and it's pretty obvious that of course she doesn't... it's 'BF's fault' of course.
When you see those 'blue moons arising' can you tell if there is a pattern?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
You forgot to say
You forgot to say that *I* am also a trigger for her mental psychosis. She often fixates on me like I'm the cause of all that is miserable in her life.
As far as a pattern, she tends to really lash out whenever she doesn't get her way or hears of something she doesn't agree with. Both times we announced our pregnancies you would have thought that we had brutally assaulted her by the way she reacted. Every time we attend one of SD's public events, she acts like we are there to hurt her when we're there to support SD and really don't give a hoot about her. Any time we take SD to my parents' for a visit, she acts like it's a capital offense because she doesn't want SD to have a place in my family. Any time I've driven SD in the car without her dad present, she has a field day over it because I'm not SD's parent.
I guess if I have to put my finger on any one thing, it's when she doesn't have CONTROL over a situation that her psychosis really takes over. Maybe those moments of seeming rationality are actually her feeling like she's controlled us by making us ask permission and when she grants us that permission, she gets off on her control. That would make sense.
I liked your comment about the drug addict. It's true: you can't help a drug addict until they are willing to admit there's a problem and want to help themselves. It's the same thing with BM. The therapists can't help her until she admits that she needs help! According to her, she's the perfect mother and everyone is out to get her and she feels compelled to "prove" to the therapists that she is the victim instead of admitting that she is the CAUSE of all the problems.
Oh, yes...
but that I just figured was a given!
LOL... but you are absolutely right.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Hoor ray
I am glad this bm is making things easier for you and bf. It is a shame for your sd, but some how I know she will be better for it in the end! What terrific news Caitlyn, I am really happy for you!
Yeah, it's funny
Yeah, it's funny that her being her usual stubborn vindictive self is actually becoming helpful to us. I know it's hard on SD, but at least she didn't have to be around for it last night. And when BM badmouths us out the wazoo to SD, the therapists are teaching SD to say things like "do not say bad things about my father" and walk away, rather than sit there and listen to it and get ensconced in the nonsense.
You'd think that if two therapists were telling you 2-3 times per week to stop the parental alienation because it hurts your kid, that you'd at least try your best to stop, right? Not this woman, nooooo. Even when faced with losing custody because of it, she just makes excuses and blathers on and wriggles on the hook and says "yes, but..." to everything they say. She thinks EVERYONE ELSE is wrong!
What a poor little victim she is.
not just the therapy
You and your fiance should give yourselves a huge helping of credit here too Caitlyn. You have given this girl what she needs and deserves, a happy safe and secure place to be what she is a child. The things this girl has gone through are so rough for such a young age, she is lucky she has you guys there to catch her when she falls and protect her.
thanks for giving us credit!
My best friend of 20 years told me once that there would have been little hope for SD if it hadn't been for me. She said that without having me as a positive healthy female role model, SD would only have known BM's irrational irresponsible behaviors and would have either grown up to be just like her or just lost her own sanity trying to fight her mother's insanity on her own. Not that her dad hasn't always been there for her, but the poor guy was renting a room in a friend's apartment, penniless, unable to provide a stable living environment for her, and just stretched beyond the max. Plus, he's a guy and my best friend said although girls need their dads, they also need a woman to model themselves after and BM ain't it!
It really warmed my heart that my best friend said that to me. She and I met at the same age SD was when I met her (9). It brought back so many childhood memories just playing with her like I used to play with my best friend when I was 9 myself. SD just loves it that I "get" her. She says it's because we're so close in age (17 1/2 years apart) and her parents are just OLD (52 and 53). Yes, he's robbing the cradle, what can I say?
We're 23 years apart. I'm closer in age to his daughter! :O Luckily he looks young! 
no is well deserved!!
Age means nothing if everyone is happy I think Caitlyn. And considering the ages here, probably even better for your sd that you can throw in a younger generations perspective! It is too bad that you and yours have to go through 9whole months to get to the end of this tunnel. I am sure there is a few water tank conversations at the therapists offices on who is next to deal with this woman. No chance of them ending things earlier to declare the insanity there? Wishful thinking maybe. hmmm....nine months eh? like pregnancy almost, be patient and wait to bring home your sweet "baby" girl.
Love knows no age!
Love knows no age! It's funny because I was so attracted to my fiance when I met him but I was hung up on the fact that he was in his late 40's and I was 25. So it took a year before it became romantic and I think our relationship is so strong because it is built on a beautiful friendship.
As for the 9 months, I love your comparison to pregnancy! I think, like gestation, we need to ride it out the full 9 months because although it feels like a waste of time, they need to make sure everything is by the book for a healthy delivery. Who knows though, maybe we'll have a healthy little preemie? We may need an early emergency c-section because the womb (BM) is so toxic she shouldn't stay in there any longer! I love the idea of bringing home our sweet "baby" girl... who will be 12 by this time. What a lovely thought.
Hang in there Caitlin!
Two points I wanted to make...
1. Just b/c someone has a degree doesn't mean they are credible
2. You and dh are the rock for sd. You guys are role modeling for her, and yes, you deserve HUGE credit for why your sd is so loving. She is looking at YOU on how to conduct herself, and she is very lucky to have you in her life. Think of how bad things would be for her if you never entered the picture!
I'm just so sorry she even thought of killing's very tragic she is/was at that point. It breaks my heart!
I know first hand how frustrating bm's and their lies can be. As you know from my recent posts. Hopefully the therapists will see her and rule her out as having custody of sd.
Find some relaxing techniques to help you get this toxic stress out of your you can be totally focused on the wonderful pregnancy you have!
Thanks for the support!
Thanks for making those points, Candice. My response?
1. I never said she was credible, just that she was intelligent. I thought intelligence would be enough to figure out that she NEEDS to cooperate with the therapists, but when mental illness takes over, it doesn't matter how smart you are.
2. Thank you for your kind words. I am so blessed that SD looks to us for guidance despite all her mother's attempts to turn her against us. I think she clings to the stability and sanity we provide. I sure hope it stays that way!
My fiance and I were beside ourselves when we heard that SD was suicidal. We felt so helpless because of BM's power. Luckily, the psych clinic that BM chose to treat SD ended up really coming to bat for SD. Now we don't feel so helpless.
The therapists already see BM for what she is so her lies don't scare me anymore.
Fortunately, this toxic stress - which used to DESTROY me - has not had too much effect on me lately. Ever since things came to a head and SD ended up in the clinic where they are truly taking care of her, I feel very calm and at peace with all this. I'm just holding onto the hope that everything will be ok in the end. I really thought my pregnancy was ruined at first and I could feel my blood pressure rise and bile rise to my throat at the very thought of BM, but at this point I am feeling very positive and letting all the drama just roll off my back. I take comfort knowing that things are about to change. I don't feel hopeless anymore. I can just laugh at her antics and know that she's digging her own grave.
Ain't that the truth!
ditto from me! (Thanks for taking the time to write my thoughts! ;))
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Hey Caitlin
Just got home and caught up.
You talk so highly of your beautiful SD. I can picture in my head her squealing at the site of a strawberry. How sad is it that her Mother is a nut job.
You know what, BM wants to make an ASS out of herself in front of the therapist, fine. You two remain cool, calm and collected. Hopefully they will do the right thing and hand that God given angel over to you two.
Hugs. Jo
I remember when BM found out about me when BF left her. Mind you that marriage was in the toilet for many, many years before I came along.
The messages BM would leave me were horrible. All about how I stole HER husband when they where having a few problems, bitch, slut, ect... And she always ended it with, what goes around comes around, karma will get you for what you have done to me and MY family.
Let's hope Karma knows the good from the bad.