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"I just don't like her PERIOD (biomom)!"

happy mom's picture

I don't hate anyone but this ex-wife irritates the hell out of me. I get along w/everyone except this woman. So Yes is my answer when my husband says I know you hate her. I told him I would like to like her but she needs to stop this selfish actions and be fair towards us. We are not at her disposal! She can't always change schedule when she feels like it or when it is convenient for her! We need to stick to the court schedule, no changes PERIOD!

Sorry for venting but I'll go w/my gut feeling that I'll always hate this woman no matter what she says or do to act like she is being nice and yet be sneaky behind us and do the same shit over again. Does anyone else know what I'm saying?


MamaTracy's picture

The exwife I deal with is the same way..she will be all nice and then right before your eyes just up and always has to be her way or things to be done to make her happy..not her son or her boyfriend but her..well we have finally put our foot down to all of that..of course she always explodes about it but we just finally decided enough was enough..we are now finally on the court ordered schedule after it took me months of getting him to change things to the way they should be..I explained it to him as buttcovering and he we do everything by the book..tho I will admit I do take some joy in the little the fact that I threw away my SS underwear that was full of holes and this was the third time she has sent him in them..we went out and bought him a new package of underwear and sent him home in one pair and gave the others to her if she needed them..I'll take any victory we can get when it comes to her..I figure I just have to deal with her for 14 more years and then no more..SS will be 18 and she will be history in my eyes..finally no more lies and decieving..WooHoo!!!
Just hang tough and keep on your toes...also you must make sure to DOCUMENT everything..I keep a calender and make notes on absolutely everything..right down the time we pick up and the time they come pick him up from our it turned out we were actualy able to claim SS this year on taxes because I documented everything and after counting the calender we had him for more then half of the the documentation will always come in handy one way or another..
Good Luck!

jamiehouk's picture

I have been there. The ex wife I deal with is the same way one day she tried being nice to me and then the next I was a compulsive liar. I didn't do anything to her. When my husband and I started dating she broke into the house and started to through things at me. When my SS had holiday visitation she claimed that I had kidnapped her son. She sent the police to our house and I showed them the paper work and they said that we would have my SS back at 6 am the next morning to his BM. we have had problems ever since.