Is It Just Me?
I am wondering if I'm just cheap or something. Whenever we go out for dinner either with my husband and ss or if my parents take us out, ss wants to order these big expensive dinners. He is a thin 11 year old boy. Sometimes he eats a lot and sometimes he doesn't. I don't think that he should need to spend more than $10 on an average meal(not a special occasion). Am I way off base here? Somebody help!
When I say "no" that's too expensive, pick something else, I get the pouting, crabby boy who now isn't hungry and doesn't want anything. Last weekend the same thing happened when my parents took us out. My mom was begging stepson to eat some of the nacho chips and he refused! Then after we all had left the table, ss was trying to shoved chips in his mouth. He just didn't want to eat them when my mom asked him too. He was being stubborn because he didn't get the expensive dinner he wanted. Of course my husband would just shell out the extra money just so he wouldn't have to deal with all of the pouting and stuff.
Here's the other wrinkle. When stepson is out to eat with Bm, she let's him order steak and all kinds of expensive things that we as adults wouldn't even order on a regular basis and of course he loves that!
What should I do? Should I just shut up about it and let him order expensive items? What do other people's kids order when they go out? I need help!
- Dawn-Moderator's blog
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Hard to say...
on one hand you have every reason to not let him over order, it's a total waste b/c he doesn't eat the meal, and if other family members are paying, it's rude. But, when you reject his idea of what to order, order from the kids menu, then you ruin the atmosphere (i.e. the pouting) and he refuses to eat therefore the meal goes as a waste. For us, it isn't the meal that makes the outing, it's the people and the time...
Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles, and to me, this is one to lose out on. I know it's against your value to allow a child to make adult choices, but when you pull the strings on this one, the event of going out to dinner b/comes ruined b/c all he does is pout and fight with you at the table, and then the food that he does get is wasted in the long run.
My ss thinks ordering from the kids menu is beneath him as well, but we do let him order food that he will eat. With that said, we still have limitations on him, like if you want dessert, there is no pop with dinner, only water. That has been my rule since day one, and I don't care what kind of pouting he will give, I will win on that one. So he knows if he does order a pop, to not even dream of asking for dessert. We don't take him out to dinner very often, so when we do it is treated like a special event.
I hope this helps you.
P.S. your ss sounds like he is a well mannered child, and I wouldn't worry too much if you think letting him order his own meal is going to teach him to be rude. You just have made him sound like a really sweat kid, and I think in the long run, when he is out to dinner w/o you and dad, he will make the right choices.
My take on it
I wouldn't take him out to eat so much. And when I did, and he ordered something big, I'd explain to him before the food came that what he didn't finish would become dinner tommorow.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Yeah, same here...
we don't go out to dinner much, and we just take the rest home. He gets in for either lunch the next day or dinner. We just decided that it's easier to stay home, but we do try to go someplace where the prices aren't going to kill our bank either if we do go. We like to support the Mom and Pop restaurants around us, so we avoid the big expensive chains. We have found some really great hole-in-the-wall places that we would have never even known because of this. The only time we go to something more expensive is if it's a special occasion or birthday.
The kids know whose chain to yank
With our skids if my husband's parents (loaded) are paying they'll order whatever they want and grandma says it's ok, pisses me off but whatever, I've asked her to try to encourage them to make better choices in order to be consistent and she ignores me, so it's on her dime. When they're with us, SD14 chooses from the adult menu and it's an entree comparable to the price of ours and if she doesn't finish it (i.e. if she leaves a large portion of it she'll get a box and has to eat that before any snacks or other food at home is eaten.) I try to remember to remind her to have manners when we eat with company but a lot of the time she puts on this whiney show that my husband finds amusing - I think - ok - that's fine, enjoy the dinner but then when she asks me for extra money for shopping or movies - I tell her all the spending budget is used up because she over spent at the restaurant. My skids have no concept of where or how money is earned - they think they have a right to anything and everything. I like to do my bit to bring them back down to earth.
Same here...
Hello Dawn,
Well, I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to restaurants, clothing stores, needing new shoes, etc.....
When I was a single mother, my income did not allow me to buy my children clothes or shoes whenever, and when we went to a restaurant (which wasn't often) they were told by me what they could order. And it was definately off the childrens menu.
So, I met my now husband, and I started going to restaurants with him in his children, THEY told dad what they wanted and it definately would include a big, huge, juicy steak. The kind of steak that I would feel guilty asking for because of the price on the menu. Well, SD (9)...(7) at the time, would just order away......I kept my reaction inside for quite a while.
I blew up one day probably 3 months into our blended family, and told him that he was making a mistake with this. He said he never thought about it! I put my foot down. His children did not respect what they were eating, or the mere fact that they were in a restaurant....somthing that my children weren't used to. (We were broke!
So, I completely know were you are coming from, and my blood boils to this day when his kids sit down that the restaurant table and demand for mozarella sticks.....I grit my teeth and wait for his response. Oh...he wants to say yes so badly, but usually he says no.
These children also come home from mom's every other weekend with $50 dollar new shoes on.....and a new build-a-bear....and a new GAP outfit...etc. DRIVES ME NUTS!
I told my husband today (after SD finished all the know, huge glass of milk with her breakfast when 3 other people still needed it for cereal, and then when I told her that I was going to take her glass for the cereal bowls, she said "uh, just a little!". I poured all of it into the bowls and gave her orange juice...I got the famous "eye roll") that we as a family should work in a soup kitchen so the kids could learn what some peoples lives consist of.
Have a great day!
That's it exactly...
ss doesn't have any concept of the value of money. I know it's just not ss and that a lot of kids are like that. Ss will take extra long hot showers, leave the lights in the basement on all night, leave the light in his room and his tv on while we are gone, etc. Then, like I said, the restaurant thing. He justs expects to do what he wants and get what he wants. We make sure he gets what he needs and some wants.
Here's what I do if we are at a store and ss wants something. I'll tell him that, ok, he can get that if he pays me back for it when we get home. Then, bam, all of a sudden, he doesn't want that thing so much anymore. Funny!