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Nice Day

Dawn-Moderator's picture

We had a nice day yesterday, even though I caught my stepson's cold that both he and my husband swore was allergies. It was Grandparent's day and I wrote down all of stepson's grandparents' phone numbers on a piece of paper for him. I had him call each of them and wish them a happy Grandparent's Day. I even included biomom's mom, who lives out of state. She asked stepson whose idea it was for him to call her and he said Dawn. I just smiled!

Then last night, we went to a party at the nursing home where my Grandparent's live. My Grandpa was honored as the oldest Grandpa at the home.

I hope everybody had a good weekend!



Candice's picture

doesn't it feel good that someone is appreciative of you being a step-mom? These little moments go far...he will always remember that, and so will Grandma:)

Glad you had a great weekend, thanks for sharing your highlights!

happy mom's picture

That was nice Dawn... How old is your grandpa? When is grandparent's day? My daughter's school didn't have anything to do w/grandparents day.

-happy mom

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Grandparent's day is Sept. 10th. At least that is what is says on my calendar.
My Grandpa is 93. He will be 94 in Oct. of this year. He is still in pretty good health. My Grandma is 92. They share a room at the nursing home. They have been married for 74 years!
My stepson's school had Grandparent's breakfast at the end of last week for Grandparent's day. My Mother-in-law went with stepson this year.
