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sunnshine1723's picture

Today I got a call from school. The last few days SS has put his head on a teachers breast, which made her uncomfortable. He has been pulling at his privates and now 2 children have complained that he has rubbed up against them in an improper way and they feel uncomfortable.

I told husband to talk with him and see what's going on in his head. Husband says he don't beleive SS knows enough about sex to be doing these things intentionally.

I don't know what to think.


Nise's picture

I PRAY that I don’t offend you but this child sounds like he will grow up to be a sexual predator and dad is in COMPLETE DENIAL about the seriousness of his DEEP SEEDED issues! He doesn’t think he knows enough about sex to be doing it intentionally…is this the 10 year old...come on of course he knows enough about sex…might not know the in’s and out’s per say but obviously he has some things going on and is VERY sexually aware…he DEFINITELY needs residential treatment…before it is too late! I’m afraid for any younger children that are around him…

Make a GREAT Day!

sunnshine1723's picture

I know ss has a lot of issues and sex is one of them. His Doctor even says it could become a problem and does with some. This time I jumped to conclusions I think, except for the teacher thing. I can't explain that and I know he has come up behind me to hug me and instead of around my waist he hugged around my breast. I brushed it off thinking "I'm crazy". Apparently the humping or brushing against other children inappropriately was not true. In gym they were playing football when his team made a touch down. All the boys started jumping at each other (chest to chest) like they do on TV. SS did this to two boys because everyone else was doing it. All the kids at his school hate him so when he did that they said he was humping them and they went to tell. I guess I'll have to look more closely at the situation next time. I know you all listen and give me so much support. Without you I think I would blow up with all this stress. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I'll try to do better. Again thank you.

Nymh's picture

Come on, seriously. When I was 10 I already knew plenty about sex. If this kid rides the school bus or eats lunch in the cafeteria, he does too. Not to mention they have sex-ed classes pretty early nowadays.

This needs to be addressed, and pronto. Maybe you could have a parent-teacher conference so that dh can see that it really is a problem and something needs to be done about it!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

happy's picture

I think your husband needs to seriously think about getting this child some help. Its pretty obvious that this little boy knows way more then he is letting on to his dad. This could be so serious, as Nise said not to offend you in any way but he could seriously grow up to be a sexually disturbed individual on your hands..
HE definately has issues and may be crying out for help. I am not sure what I would do in your shoes.. I know for sure I would be sitting down and talking with him and if that did not work he would be going to see someone for help.