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Peace of Mind

sunnshine1723's picture

Today I'm feeling so much better. The last two days I thought I stepped right into the twilight zone. While leaving work I always call my husband to let him know I'm on my way home (he cooks dinner). He was also on his way home and he told me not to worry about picking up the boys, he would do it. He said just go home have some time to yourself. I was shocked, he hasn't acted like that for over a year now.


happy mom's picture

That's great of him to let you have a break. I too have to tell my husband that I need a break. Why the sudden change?

-happy mom

sunnshine1723's picture

I don't really know what the sudden change was in my husband. I know last week when we were at dinner I was totally frustrated with all of this. My husband must have noticed because he said "you look like your someplace you really don't want to be". I guess that was his clue.

happy mom's picture

That's good he noticed your frustration. Some guys never see what's wrong w/you even if it is staring in front of their face. Smart husband you have. Today I had to tell my husband to NOT call me on my cel phone when I'm at the doctor's appt. I said do not bother me unless it is an emergency! I was irritated when he called twice and at the second call I picked it up, he was just asking if he was going to pick up lunch or was I going to do it..... I was irritated because I was in the middle of my appt talking to the dr. when he called. I told him I can't do anything when you know I'm at the dr's, you could have just snacked on something or if you couldn't wait for me then go get your own lunch and just leave me a message on my phone. I can't be at your becking call! He said okay. But anyways, the little things you also need to communicate.

-happy mom