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For those families that didn't blend, how happy were you to say goodbye to SKIDS?

surfchica's picture

I can't wait until my spouse and SD12 move out. I am happy to say goodbye to my SD12. I am happy to say good bye to all of her crap too which includes:
Her disgustingly dirty and smelly room
Her greasy hair
Her lies and excuses
Her dirty clothes that she wears over and over
Her failure to do chores and pull her weight
Her entitled self
Her weirdness
Her baby talk
Her dirty teeth
Her bad bathroom habits
Her stupid questions
Her personality in general
Her slug like demeanor

I am happy to say goodbye to my spouse and happy to say goodbye to:
Being less than
Being humiliated
Talked over
Being Demeaned
Being Undervalued
Being Unappreciated
Being put last
Being taken advantage of
Being ripped off
A marriage where the kid is the boss.

Good riddance!!!!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Wait a cotton pickin' minute here. I thought you had a story to tell about your own life.

But you are clearly talking about MY stepdaughter!!!! What's going on here??????!!!!!
}:) }:) }:)

CANYOUHELP's picture

Oh my this should be interesting:

The lies, drama, the all about me, me, me and only me. me, me...
Side glances like they smell something.
Never thanking.
Never reciprocating.
Writing on FB.
Talking negatively to community members.
Leaving us out of public things on purpose.
Daddee is only daddee when they want dadddeee to be, no other time.
Playing innocent.
Faking to dadddeeeee.
Being used.
Being rude.
Talked over, completely excluded.
Disrespectful attitude.
Mean to others.
The Drugs.
The Criminals.
Spending money.
Wasting time and emotion.
Constantly talking about how many people think they are so beautifully wonderful and they are not even physically attractive.
Jealous of every woman almost who may get some of " their" attention from somebody.

That is not an all-inclusive listing, but I think you get the picture...

surfchica's picture

Lol chief and RIGHT on for the rest of you ! Let freedom RING. I am going on a ski trip to celebrate. I can hardly wait!

Acratopotes's picture

bursting bubbles - unless you end the marriage, relationship the skid will never leave...

I might be counting down the next 13 months, but I know she will be back.... now I'm planing how to make her life hell once she's back for holidays... }:)

hereiam's picture

Even though my SD was not that bad, when she stopped coming over for good when she was 16, I can't say that I was sad about it. Sad for DH, but I did not miss her one iota.

She had turned into BM's little minion and that was enough for me to be done with her.

thinkthrice's picture

When the last PASed out I didn't miss:

1. The phrase "Their juuuussssttt kiiiiiiiiids!" as a response to any request for respect, manners, etc

2. The snotty, conniving stares I would get from them (in particular SD and YSS, OSS wasn't that bad)
3. The shitting all over my house (yes literally)
4. The fake CPS reports
5. The constant anxiety over a tiny scratch on any one of the skids and being turned in for "abuse."

6. The constant anxiety over a tiny scratch on any one of the skids and possibly being sued

7. The spying and reporting back to the BM mothership

8. The phony aloofness required of the skids by the BM
9. The "missing" clothes, equipment [insert random object] that we'd have to make endless, unnecessary trips to the BM's for
10. My gas bill going through the roof (see #9; BM refused to do any transport)

11. The absolute mess from the candy wrapper trail leading into the house to the filth left behind

12. The bed wetting and constant laundry (Chef is bad enough with his dirty bulky work clothes)

13. The utility bills skyrocketing due to 30 minute soapless patented playing-in-the-shower showers (TM)

14. The worry over Chef not supervising them properly whilst they hammer a hole into the wall or try to spray paint my car/house

15. The walking on eggshells; couching my phrases in order not to offend Chef over his snowflakes

16. The left out large ass containers of beverages with one sip taken out of them

17. The lack of flushing in the bathroom

18. The lack of basic hygiene, then getting taken to task for saying something about it

19. The massive junk food and fast food bills

20. The constant planning of "fun" activities when they came over so the snowflakes wouldn't get bored.

21. The smell of soured chocolate milk, stale French fries and kid piss in my vehicle

22. The overspending on Chef's part trying to bribe them to continue visitation

23. The constant attempts to "get me in trouble" with both Chef and the BM on the part of the skids

24. The miniwife behavior by SD and YSS

25. The inability to plan anything ahead of time more than 24 hours worth because the "skids might need me." (TM)

26. The finding of empty wrappers of candy, junk food and/or another toy hidden behind a seat; a toy that would be abandoned in 10 minutes due to jaded, spoiled skids.

27. My good cutlery thrown in the garbage can

28. The inability/unwillingness to let Chef out of their site for an INSTANT

29. The sound of "DAAADDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then after that the referral to Chef by his first name (zero respect-PAS tactic by the BM clan)

30. The relentless cacophony of SpongeBob Squarepants blaring away

31. Not one moment of peace and quiet to myself

32. Never knowing when they would just show up at my house (no set schedule)

33. The dichotomy of not being able take my eye off of the brood for 3 seconds due to some property damage disaster or to put the bridle on Chef's inability to say "no" nor could I stand to watch the guilty/Disney crap.

I'm quite sure there's more so I'll add at will.

onmywayout's picture

I like the spirit of this thread! I will have to take some time and enjoy making this list. }:)

Rags's picture

I had a bit more of a transition when my XW ran off with her geriatric Fortune 500 Executive sugar/baby daddy. But, it was the best gift I got during that 2.5 years of utter hell and though I had some grieving to do I did recognize that it was a very good thing.

Congratulations on your new life adventure. Have fun and enjoy it as this shallow and polluted gene pool fades in your rear view mirror.

Have fun.

Take care of you.

mymantra's picture

Not missing SD, now 12.

-Kicking in the door for not getting her way
-Leaving wrappers on the floor and couch
-Coming into my bedroom up to 12 times per night
-Hitting my 4yo son
-Stealing my makeup, clothes, phone chargers
-Constantly lying
-Being an absolute slob
-Baby talk
-Ruining any event if it isn't centered around her.

The bliss of not being around that child is indescribable.

ChiefGrownup's picture

That's interesting. I've also had to rescue a very sweet stepson from his evil, tormenting sister. It was what my final confrontation with her was about and set a new course for our relationship.

I don't understand how these bio parents can stand to see one of their kids torture another of their kids. Incomprehensible.