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Hello again

goldieRet's picture

I have not blogged in a while because things have been mostly the same. SS has started not participating in any of our family activities. Even if we go anywhere, he will not talk and will walk off on his own. DH has been very upset by the behavior. SS refuses to answer texts when he is with BM. He also won’t inform DH of anything, even if it’s something important like a game being cancelled. DH has driven all the way there only to find out that the game was cancelled. I find that so unacceptable.

SS also refuses to talk to the therapist. Luckily DH’s insurance will start covering therapy soon. But it is frustrating that he is unwilling to let anyone help him. BM has stopped saying anymore lies about us to SS. We hope so anyway. But she was burned by the lies she told SS so she seems on board to fix it.

Meals at our house are still kind of tense. SS has a strange suspicion that the food DH is cooking is not as good as what we eat during the week, which is not true at all. DH has started not defending himself about what he cooks during the week. But it’s still a very negative atmosphere.

Ever since DD blocked him from instagram, he is convinced that DH is doing fun stuff with my kids during week, which is again not true. DH has not taken these accusations well but he is remaining firm with SS.

And don’t get me started on the dog. I never in my life thought that a fluffball could create so much drama and tension in the house. She passed obedience training and had a graduation ceremony last Sunday. It’s stupid I know. But DH wanted to make it a family thing. Of course SS did not want to come but DH had enough and said he didn’t get to choose. Then SS says he has a party to go to that same Sunday. But since he didn’t tell DH about it earlier, DH said no the party. Those were the rules.

So what does SS do? On Sunday morning he gets on the bus to BM’s town. He actually paid the 17 dollars from his savings to do that. And he did all of this without telling any of us. DH was sick with worry, especially since SS just replied with “I’m going to the party” and nothing else. Luckily SS called DH’s father to pick him up at BM’s town.

It was such a disaster of a Sunday. DH was so angry with SS. As punishment, he is not allowed his phone and is grounded for a long time. I have that to look forward to this weekend. Wish me luck.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What an exceptionally stubborn kid. I feel for you all, and hopefully therapy will help.

Fingers crossed for you, Goldie.

goldieRet's picture

Thank you Julie. He is incredibly stubborn. I cannot believe it has gone this far and for this long.

PokaDotty's picture

Good grief... and we wonder why kids are so entitled these days. That kid is a mess. I don't envy you. Good luck and congrats on your doggie grad!

goldieRet's picture

Hey Lucy!

The doggy can understand a lot of commands now. It makes life a lot easier.

DH was so angry about the bus ride. But then SS went back to BM's house where he gets no consequence. It's a frustrating way to discipline a child.

goldieRet's picture

Well, my FIL was willing to take SS to the party. But DH insisted on driving there and picking SS up.

He was not willing to reward SS for that.

Acratopotes's picture

yeah SS can take the bus from now on... he just proofed he's old enough to take the bus, guess DH does not have to do all the driving anymore }:) }:)

regarding DH and SS relationship - hehehehehe seems like DH is starting to see what an idiot brat his own kid is, you and yours should simply ignore it and go on with life as if nothing is wrong, congrats on the Lab's report card...
just love the furball and keep on going, ignore the brat, he's pulling away not really on his own, I'm sure BM is behind most of it... but stuff them...

Goldie you and your kids have to disengage, pretend SS is not even there and simply go on with life

goldieRet's picture

Hey you.

Taking the bus back and forth is not an option. It is not the safest bus system. Which is why DH is so angry.

DH is just feeling quite upset over the whole thing. He talked to SS's therapist about the bus incident and she just made it seem like he was doing it to exercise control. That made DH calm down. Although personally, I thought the therapist just excused some very unacceptable behavior.

This weekend was so unbelievably tense as well. At least DH was firm about no electronics. It's hard to disengage when the whole mood in the house is being affected by SS unfortunately.

Acratopotes's picture

I disagree with you Goldie - SS proved the bus is safe, I would simply use this example to tell DH.... SS can take the bus - this is for all those manipulation tack ticks he use....

I forgot this at home, lets get it - sorry SS we are not driving, you should've packed it... unless you want to use your savings, hop on the bus collect it and come back.... SS wanting to go to a party - take the bus young man...

see what I mean, SS will regret this for life, even if he goes off to college and wants a car... oh take the bus young man...

You simply disengage and you and your kids start enjoying life, DH needs to find a balanced life between you and SS, DH needs to start parenting his kid, and well the therapist is a looser, seems like she's not helping SS in any way only there for the money

Now_Voyager's picture

My SS turned 14 and the fun begins. Filthy moods, smart mouthing us etc. My DH has no control over his kids, never did have. I wont allow the smart mouth stuff in my home. This weekend he was at BM's and instead of coming home at 10pm he stayed out late, went off with friends to who-knows-where. BM lied to DH and said he came home but SD18 visited us to plead with her Dad to intervene as she lay awake worrying where he had gotten to. BM takes sleeping pills so was in la la land. Boys can be the worst at that age. Your SS sounds very determined to get his own way. Its all tactics to get what he wants, pure manipulation with the sulks, the not-talking etc. He knows exactly what he is doing. I hope your DH stands his grounds so the kid learns that these tactics don't work. I pushed my DH to text BM when SD18 called to say SS still hadn't come home. But BM was unconscious on her sleeping pills. I am surprised DH went to sleep, I would have been driving all over the county if that were me. But I have become an expert at detaching and I slept soundly Wink