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SD Pushing Back

jl_sad's picture

So to make a long story short, SD was supposed to be signing up for 1 summer activity. We would take her one night, her mom the other, meaning we would have a night during the week where she was just at our house. Her mom lets her sign up for two, meaning she has games/practice 4 nights a week. Her mother, who had agreed to switch nights with us initially so we could each have on night of driving, refuses to switch now and says we have to take her to town both nights she is with us. DH shocked me last week and said no, this is not what we agreed to. He said she can come here Tuesday night, but if she wants to go to town, she will be staying at her moms. (If this sounds unfair, trust me, it's not. We have had a long history of being used and screwed over). I was amazed he stood his ground, because he is normally the guilty dad who lets her do everything. SD was furious. Accused us of not wanting to spend time with her, said she was a teenager and was entitled to play whatever sports she wants (umm, excuse me??)....and so on and so forth.

So needless to say, she did not come last Tuesday. Didn't message us, nothing. Came Thursday, made no mention of what went down. So essentially she has been away for a week, with the exception of her being there briefly Thursday night (and had ball so I didn't really see her). It was like the tension was lifted from our house. We had a wonderful week, no fighting, no stress. I can't believe the difference when we've had such a break from SD.

I know it sounds horrible, but it's just been so nice. No idea what she will do tonight, if she will come or not. I'm secretly hoping that as she gets older she will choose to spend more time at her mothers and we can get rid of some of the stress that is in our household. I know I shouldn't live for the day when she moves away because that may not happen, but at times lke this I get a glimpse of how much easier things could be. Just wanted to vent a little and I know this is about the only place I can do this without sounding horrid!

TwoOfUs's picture

Not sounding horrid at all. My OSD19 (will be 20 in November) quit coming over the second she turned 18. It broke my DH's heart...but man it's been nice. Also, she did reach out to him again eventually, after about 8 months of no contact, and now they have a fairly decent, more adult relationship. She just hated being carted from place-to-place, and so she acted out. Now that she's more grown-up and more in control, she's not such a royal see you next tuesday...

jl_sad's picture

Now he just texted and said...should we pick her up from ball tonight? WTF?!?!? We just put our foot down last week and now he's wavering...ugh. I said, ummm, we just laid down the law last week and now we're going to change it. To which he said, no, I know we shouldn't cave, she needs to see someone being firm with her. I don't think he really believes it though. I'm so done fighting with him over her....

cm3missingit's picture

I get that bm and sd screwed up the plans and refuse to change things. However I also get a teenage girl starting high school, playing sports and being involved in the school. Is there any other compromise that would work for all parties involved so sd can be involved in school activities?

jl_sad's picture

Yes, we didn't mind her choosing a sport. She choose softball and said that she was not wrestling this summer. Then when we turn around we find out she's doing both, for four nights a week. Our wishes are always ignored. She is being taught that she can do whatever she wants to do...

Stepped in what momma's picture

I agree with Heavenlike- "it is truly better for SD to be involved in activities than not, especially if she going to be involved in high school activities. Reality is that high school is not a training/learning ground but is the culmination of years of youth activities like sports, music lessons, etc."

I also agree that when a child goes against something that you tell them no matter what the reason they should learn that there are consequences. What if you all couldn't afford the gas there, what if one of you had work that was going to be keeping you busy after work meaning you didn't actually have the time to do what is required to get her back and forth, what if one of you was sick and hadn't informed her yet OR what if the point is you told her ONE activity for no damn reason other then the fact you can? She went against your wishes and to me that means she obviously doesn't respect her DF.

jl_sad's picture

Reality is we can't afford the gas. Games are half an hour away. It's just not in the budget. We paid in full for the softball registration. Also most Tuesday nights games/practices start at 5:30, which we cannot do with our work schedule. We told her mother this from the start and this was why we switched Tuesday.

It angers me that there is so little respect on SD's behalf.

Rags's picture

Any time SD is a no show for visitation DH needs to file a contempt motion agains BM. EVERY TIME!!!!!! Kids, even teens, don't get to ignore a CO and since BM is withholding visitation by not giving clarity to this selfish little girl let BM be the one who bears the legal consequencts.

Rags's picture

No, even for kids in their later teens (younger than 18) they are subject to the CO and do not get to choose who they are with or when. A judge can choose to hear what a kid has to say but it is the judge and the judge alone that gets to decide, who, where, when, and for how long.

cm3missingit's picture

Your sd sounds a lot like mine. Mom lets her run the show, if she doesn't want to visit, she doesn't have to. Dh sees her once a week in sd's town and takes her to her sport or whatever. She doesn't come up during the week, it's not worth the driving.