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what happened to manners?

SugarSpice's picture

we had a potluck dinner at our house and sd and her gal pal were invited.

when the guests were around the pool side, sd and her friend left the company and headed to the dining room. one of the guests works at a five star restaurant and brought two European luxury cakes that were the stuff of magazines.

ad and her friend helped themselves to the cakes even cutting extra pieces and packing them to go. sd and her friend left the dinner early.

what ever happened to manners. i am sure the woman who brought the cakes wanted the company to be present to see the cakes and serve them.

what happened to manners? btw i did not raise them. that was bms fault.

lintini's picture

That is pretty darn rude, what did DH say?

I would be really embarrassed. DH should make sure to give SD an earful about how rude and tacky that was, and she should probably not receive and invite to another one of your potlucks with your friends for awhile. How old is SD again?

kathc's picture

Wow, entitled much? I'd never have dared to cut into anything first without asking if it was ok and I grew up in an intact home!

Disneyfan's picture

It was a pot luck.

Once the food is set up, people are free to dig in. What they did wasn't rude or wrong.

twoviewpoints's picture

While I can understand why it upsets you, I fail to understand why you would expect 'polite mannerly' behavior from SD. This is the SD who walked in at Valentines, found your tucked away box of candies, opened and started stuffing her face.

What did you do then? Not a thing. Not even a word. Did you expect different this time just because the were other guest in the home?

Potluck usually has the foods set out and once it's time to eat (shortly after arrival due to foods need of heat/refrigeration) everyone helps themselves. If the two cakes were meant to be the dessert and specially presented , cut and served to the guest in a more formal manner, I would think they wouldn't be sitting out on the potluck 'come and get it' table/s.

Should SD have helped herself early and left with take-outs? No. But than you knew this SD does what she pleases and without correction when you invited her.

SugarSpice's picture

yes, thats the one. just plain rude.

as I said earlier, the meal had not been presented and all of the guests were pool side. ad and pal took it upon herself to go help themselves to the cakes.

SugarSpice's picture

i just say the mantra well known on this site. not my monkey not my circus.

if sd wants to make a pig of herself, i just think to myself that she can take as many slices as she wants. she has a very hard time finding a man who is interested in dating her. shes ill mannered vulgar and i just let her keep on her merry ways.

"dad's wife?" are you complaining about your own stepmother and venting on me?

SugarSpice's picture

just because its a pot luck does not mean guests can start pigging out whenever they please by heading to the dining room. imagine if one of the older adult guests decided to do that?

as i stated earlier guests were still at the pool having appetizers, drinks and socializing. they all certainly understood the decorum. it was immature and rude of sd to just help herself and to dig in and cut an extra piece of cake for her and her friend.

everyone else understood this. seems sd was rude and also clueless.

i stand back and then hear sd whine about not having a boyfriend. boys dont tend to like selfish girls.

Disneyfan's picture

I agree with Danielle. If you were not ready for your guests to start eating, why didn't you speak up? :?

SugarSpice's picture

actually i did not know she helped herself to the desserts until i heard her giggling about it saying she was hungry and could not wait. please note she went straight for the desserts.

SugarSpice's picture

i mentioned earlier that i prefer to let sd blunder her way through manners and let others point and laugh at her.

iluvcheese's picture

I was under the impression that regardless of the format, you do not begin to eat at another persons home, or at their event, without the invitation to do so. Then the host waits while the guests begin to eat, to ensure all have food, unless at a table style dinner where food is served all together. In this case, once invited, guests begin, then host waits until everyone has had a bite. No? That's how I always thought it was? Regardless one does not simply begin to eat until others do, especially children, with the exception of a physical illness such as diabetes that requires one to do so, but it should be done in a private area unless one has brought enough to share with everyone. I could go on about my sd's manners for hours, days, weeks. I say something though, to my H usually, and have him deal with it.

SugarSpice's picture

precisely, iluvcheese. just because its a potluck does not mean its a free for all. my sd was a spoiled rude little snit. still i am happy to just let her blunder through life. he love life is a mess. i dont think young men take to her spoiled nature.