When to announce pregnancy
My SD17 lives 10 hours from us near DH family. She has her 18th birthday coming up and we are travelling down to celebrate with everyone. However, I may be pregnant by then if all goes to plan I'd be just under 12 weeks. We wouldn't be going back down to see everyone until Christmas so I'm wondering how we should handle it if I do get pregnant. Do we tell them before we drive down, the day after the party or wait until we are back home and at least 12 weeks have passed. I know I'm totally jumping the gun with planning for something that might not even happen but its really playing on my mind. Any thoughts would be great!
"However, I may be pregnant
"However, I may be pregnant by then if all goes to plan I'd be just under 12 weeks."
I know very few people who actually get pregnant when they plan on it. I wouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched. Honestly, it seems kind of odd to be wondering about how to announce a pregnancy that doesn't exist yet.
Thanks for all the comments
Thanks for all the comments even if some are a little harsh lol. My only consideration is that it is always nicer to get news in person rather than over the phone. DH family is lovely and close and have been asking when we will have kids. It's just a shame we don't have any other plans to travel down until the end of the year. I certainly don't want to take away from SD17 birthday, was just wondering if it would be worth telling Any of the family such as DH parents even the day before. Was also worried they may get suspicious if I don't drink so thought it may have been worth telling them before hand. Anyway, guess I'll see what happens and if we are in the position to have news to share see what happens when we are down there. Have to say some of the comments have made me feel a bit less excited about the whole thing...
Oh and the hosts are DH and
Oh and the hosts are DH and BM so not sure if I want to share the news with her first haha, but yes, I'm sure being pregnant and a 10 hour car trip won't be the most fun I've ever had, but its her 18th so very happy to go and celebrate
Thanks for the nice
Thanks for the nice suggestions such as leaving a secret box, she would probably really like that
I know its too early to consider all this too much but I was thinking about it so just put the question out there to get some thoughts...