when your 9 yr old sd calls you fat
I've tried venting to my family about this issue but I guess I'm not done venting yet. So a tad bit of backround. I'm 25 bio mother of 2 plus 3 fulltime sks for a whole year now. I'm 5'3 and weigh 165 which seems like a bit but I'm very proportionate have an hour glass shape even after 2 kids my goal is 145 I've been dieting and working out and the kids see that...my youngest is 7 months anyway. Flashback 2 weeks ago my oldest sd9 and ss 10 were outside they stood next to me and realized they were almost my height were saying they were gonna be taller than me. Then my sd adds. I don't want to be your size when I get older I'm gonna be much smaller. I proceed to tell her well that's fine but you already where my shorts and u just wore my dress to church this Sunday. (Her mom is very slim the youngest sd7 took after mom seems oldest ine is taking after dad) I said your sister seems like she's going to be very slim but you take after your dad. (Little nitwit) so anyway 2 weeks laterwe are in a store we see a woman working she says omg she's a french fry I say we'll you said you wanted to be that size she says no I don't want to be that size but "you,re the biggest woman I've ever seen!" With her eyes stretched. I said look around this store she said "well you're the biggest woman I've ever lived with." I go "well you wear my shorts and you just wore my dress to church you also wear my leggings to school so I don't know what your perception of size is like." So her dad calls I run it by him then she starts "I didn't mean it like that" can I still cook and bake with you (we have the best bond out of all my sks and do all kinds of things together cooking and baking is her favorite. I say I didn't say that but you did hurt my feelings so please just be quiet for now so we go home and she tells her dad She was saying I'm a great woman I cook and clean and I'm mature so I'm the biggest woman. Can you beleive that load of crap!!! Well j played word for word what happened and he realized she was lying. But geesh now I don't even want to be bothered with this little girl. That was hurtful and mean especially when I go out of my way for these kids. They're mom hasn't spoken to them in 3 yrs she's out in drugs so I am the only mother figure and I deserve alot more respect I'm trying not to disengage again but lord knows I'm contemplating it. Please advice, give me your opinion your take!
Honestly...she's a kid. She
Honestly...she's a kid. She didn't just come right out and say "Geee, you sure are fat", she said some other things that meant that size-wise she'd like to be smaller than you. I know I have said some things I wish I could take back because people took them in a way other than the one I meant them. I'd give the kid a break. Sounds like she feels bad for making you feel bad about your size and she doesn't want her dad to get mad at her about it. We all say stupid stuff at times. Maybe you or dad have a talk to her about being careful not to hurt other people's feelings, but sounds like she already knows that stuff and just had a moment of bad judgment.
Why did you have a
Why did you have a conversation with her like that? From the get-go, if someone, anyone, a kid or another adult, ever says something that sounds like being mean or making fun or you because they think you're overweight, you just tell them, "I'm happy with who I am and my body. This great body of mine has taken me on all kinds of adventures and I am so grateful to be happy and healthy. And of course you've got (are going to have) a different body, bigger, smaller, shorter, taller, who cares as long as you like yourself, right?"
Because you don't need to defend yourself (and definitely not to children), and you might as well pass along a healthy and happy attitude when you get the chance.
Both of you were out of
Both of you were out of line.
Your comment about one sister being very slim and the other taking after dad (fat)was just as bad as what she said to you. Not only was your comment rude and hurtful, but it has the potential to cause resentment between the sisters.
Yes I was not doing that
Yes I was not doing that dad's not fat he's solid and built not fat at all like myself. I could have handled it differently but I guess bad timing because I am in the process of losing 20 lbs after having a baby so it was kind of a jab
Yes I was not doing that
Yes I was not doing that dad's not fat he's solid and built not fat at all like myself. I could have handled it differently but I guess bad timing because I am in the process of losing 20 lbs after having a baby so it was kind of a jab
Yes I was not doing that
Yes I was not doing that dad's not fat he's solid and built not fat at all like myself. I could have handled it differently but I guess bad timing because I am in the process of losing 20 lbs after having a baby so it was kind of a jab
Okay all points well taken I
Okay all points well taken I have to say in hindsight I completely agree with moieliejik it could have been a moment to educate her individuality and confidence instead I acted her age. Is there a way to go back and fix that?
I agree good advice
I agree good advice
Yes he did have a long talk
Yes he did have a long talk with her and made her explain herself
Yes he did have a long talk
Yes he did have a long talk with her and made her explain herself
Personally, I always think
Personally, I always think there's another chance. You know this kid is going to make another comment in the future, so just be prepared for it and see how it goes. I'd be interested to see how the kid reacts once you respond differently - I bet she'll be gobsmacked!
If you feel strongly enough about it, I'd wait until the next time you see her (rather than right now) and sit her down to talk about it. You can tell her, "Look, the last time you were here, I got the feeling you were trying to make me feel bad because you think I'm overweight and that there's something wrong with people who weigh more. It really bothered me at the time, and I don't think I told you very clearly what I think about that. So I'm going to now.
"First of all, I think that when you try to make someone else feel bad, it's because you're already feeling bad yourself. It's much nicer when we can talk about how you feel right away, instead of having you be unkind first. Next time you feel bad, just say you're feeling unhappy or angry or whatever it is, and we'll try to talk about and try to understand. Maybe nothing will change, but I (we?) will like trying to help."
"Second, no two people are exactly alike. It doesn't matter what people look like or what they do, it just matters if they're a good person. And knowing that means you see their character. Things like, do they tell lies, do they gossip, do they say kind things or not. Those are the things that tell you whether you should try to be close to that person or not.
"And third, you hurt my feelings. I was sad and angry because you made that comment because you wanted to hurt me, and I expect better from you. I want you to apologize for being mean, and then we'll have a hug and start fresh. OK?"
Of course, depending on your relationship and the age of skid, that might be way OTT! lol.
I like this shes 10 in feb
I like this shes 10 in feb and we are fulltime parents, the other side of their family is non existent
My SD12 pulls this nonsense
My SD12 pulls this nonsense with me all the time. I don't put up with any of it.
If she mentions anything about anyone's size or weight, I tell her that making personal comments is the mark of someone who needs to think more and speak less. I'm not sure she has worked it out yet, but the end result is silence....until the next irritation she provides.
She is being more careful now.
I like this response!
I like this response!
WTF are you people talking
WTF are you people talking about how horribly immature OP was? I went back and read this 3 times. No where did I see where she said anything like "shut up you little fat f*cktard".
So she didn't sit SD and have an "Oprah" moment about how all bodies are great. It's not even her kid.
I was kind of Oprah-y, but I
I was kind of Oprah-y, but I don't think the OP handled it wrong. I just think the OP shouldn't have to feel like she has to defend herself to anyone, skid or anyone.
WTF are you people talking
WTF are you people talking about how horribly immature OP was? I went back and read this 3 times. No where did I see where she said anything like "shut up you little fat f*cktard".
So she didn't sit SD down and have an "Oprah" moment about how all bodies are great. It's not even her kid. Sure in retrospect lots of situations could spur a nice little educational speech. But that doesn't make the OP an immature brat.
She may be the only mother figure that the kid has but she still is NOT the mother. Most parents love their child unconditionally no matter how sh*tty they act. It's not reasonable to expect a non parent to give and give to a child and still love them unconditionally when they turn around and acts like aholes to them.
Give the OP credit - she said really doesn't want to disengage.
She didn't have to say it.
She didn't have to say it. Based on what she first posted, it's clear that mom's weight is ideal and dad's isn't. Saying one kid is built like mom is a positive. Saying other will take after dad is negative.
Reminding the kid that she wears the OP's clothes at times was also a low blow. Really, how many 9 year olds can fit adult clothing?
The OP posted something,we
The OP posted something,we both read the story and came away with different views on it. What's wrong with that? :? Why does it have to come down to someone thinking they are always right? I didn't read any of your posts and think she just HAS to be right.
Call me crazy, but I think it's a good thing that we don't all think the same or have the same reactions to everything we read here.
(No subject)
Ha lol if she was at least 16
Ha lol if she was at least 16 this would have been great
Ha lol if she was at least 16
Ha lol if she was at least 16 this would have been great
Thank you ladies I have grown
Thank you ladies I have grown soooooo mu h since Ive been in this relationship and since being a newbie on this site I was a 23 year old girl that had one child and wound up finding someone I loved that was thrown into being a fulltime dad because his ex-wife abandoned their kids and I stepped up to the plate with him....because of "love" Our relationship has been through the ringer but the older and more mature I get our relationship is growing. The most unappreciated role in the family is a stepmom. the hardest job is mom and I'm both Im 25 and the oldest stepkid is 11 I have a 10 year old sister lol. So yeabeing that I am the mother role in my sks life I should have used this remark as an opprutunity to teach her about individuality, confidence and self love. Instead I fed into what she said and having a baby 7 months ago with a little extra weight I'm uncomfortable with I let a 10 year olds opinion hurt me. This was a learning expierence. Tomorrow I will be having a talk with her on those things. There will be times someone will comment on her negativley and I would like to show her how to respond. I do know this is the 1st of many instances. These kids are all gonna resent me at some point in time then love me again because they were abandoned by their momand every kid goes through the "you're not my mom, or dont try to be my mom stage." I was once 10 with a fulltime stepmom and I HATED her she would buy me anything I wanted but she never tried to bond or have a relationship with me. She knew nothing about me she never even attempted even a car ride with her was awkward, and I was raised by my dad so she was the only mother figure I had at the time. so sd should be a little more appreciative but she will realize later on in life.
Thank you!
Thank you!
I think some women on this
I think some women on this site are unnecessarily harsh. Of course the ideal is to never snap or be mean to your skids...but that's not realistic. I can honestly say that in going on six years of marriage I've only snapped at OSD once, and it was sooooo called for. But I have sulked, been moody...hid in my room. I'm sure these things haven't been easy for my skids, though they don't seem to worry about me that much
I did these things for my own mental health. I have also done field trips, family vacations, cooked with them, shopped with them, driven with them, laughed with them...I've advocated for them to their dad when he's gotten fed up with them. No one snapshot, one moment, would adequately sum up my relationship with my skids...but there are plenty of posters on here who seem to have a zero tolerance policy for stepmom missteps lol.
Heck. I've been rude, mean, short-tempered with my own siblings (who I adore), my nieces and nephews (who I double-adore), my parents (who never deserved it). My parents weren't always paragons of patience with me, either...but I had a good childhood. I knew I was loved and cared for. A snarky aside or a mean comment won't kill a kid. It's about the cumulative effect of your choices and actions. Are you choosing more good and kindness than bad? Do the skids know they can come to you if they need to? Then you're set.
Maybe you were a little harsh...but 9-year-olds know better than to make rude comments like that. Skid needs to learn that when you're mean, there are consequences. People don't want to spend time with you. They're mean back. They stop talking to you. It's OK for her to learn that lesson from you.
@ ims0marilyn ((((HUGS))))
@ ims0marilyn ((((HUGS)))) Thanks for updating!
Funny thing is I am a size 9
Funny thing is I am a size 9 so her comment on me being the biggest person ever was not even a small exageration and her grandmother whom took them in the 1st yr her mother abandoned them is bigger than me making her 2nd statement of me being the biggest person she ever lived with a lie as well she said those comments to play on me trying to slim back down from the baby.
Just laugh it off. Why is
Just laugh it off. Why is being called fat such a big deal? If a kid called me an actual insult like stupid or something I would smack them across the face.
But fat? No biggie. That I just laugh off.
SD is walking around the
SD is walking around the house right now in my leggings lol
I'm so sorry you had to hear
I'm so sorry you had to hear that! It's so hard to be a woman and having a 9 yo tell you those things is hurtful, especially when you are such a big part of her life. I have not personally had to deal with this but I did have SKs that talked like that about people that were larger than they found acceptable. BM is 4'10" and weighs around 90# and runs marathons. Kids always made comments about weight and it took a lot of "we don't talk like that, it's mean. do you think your grandma, aunt, grandpa, etc. are fat?" so using examples like that helped A LOT.
Keep in mind that this SD is a girl and she's at an age where she's picking up on things like that, her self image. Show her the right way and encourage her to be active too.
Okay, I am going to add some
Okay, I am going to add some perspective. Most of you regulars know what I look like. I was carrying 15kgs too much after BabyD. I am now 6kgs too much ( thank you sunny xx). Polly (my BD) slapped my bum the other day and giggled. Then told me I am fat. She is 8. She was playing but it hurt. This is not a SK thing. It is a child thing. Especially when they think they can interact on an adult level.
Let it go or you will eat yourself up about a thoughtless comment not meant to be hurtful. Chunky has told me my hair is ugly, I left it curly that day. Again, so what. I am an attractive woman to my DH. Nothing else matters. Not a child's warped view nor societies.